Supreme Lord

Chapter 1219

In any era, whether it is ancient or ancient, or ancient to the present, every era has a destiny that belongs to this era.

For example, the ancient emperor seal.

For example, the ancient throne.

Older stars than today.

The so-called destiny means to inherit the destiny and create a new era.

Throughout the past and present, all the destined people, without exception, are almost the pioneers of the new era, and some even the hegemon who dominates the new era.


The boundlessness of Shangqing Sect Inner Sect, the jade dragon flying star in the Purple Gold Hall of the Immortal Dynasty, and the Wanhuayu in the Purple Firmament Pavilion at the deficit head. Although the three of them have not had a long cultivation time, their seniority and seniority are not high. It is not deep, and its connections are not too wide, but its status and status are unmatched.

Don’t look at those big guys from Great Sect and Great Clans, or even some Old Ancestors. They are senior experts with cultivation success over 10,000 years. People have connections, and power is also powerful, but in front of the three Wuya who have inherited the destiny and the stars, they all have to smile and respectfully call the stars Young Master.

Because they all know that the sons of the stars who inherit the fate of the stars are destined to become the vanguard overlords of the modern and ancient times.

So below.

Who dares to provoke the son of the stars?

The answer is yes.

It is too late to fawn, who dares to provoke?

Unless you can’t live with the ancient times.

Shangqing Sect over there.

Zhenyang Jiu Xian raised his head to pour the wine, looked at Yulong Feixing and the others, then looked at Wanhuayu and the others, and sighed: “These bastards are all here today. It’s not good.”

“The tree wants to be quiet but the wind keeps on.”

The fairy master Zhenyuan shook his head slightly, and sighed: “After the news of Heavenly Wolf’s return The world immediately rises winds, scudding clouds, and people who had previously hibernated in the dark have begun to surface.”

True sun wine fairy nodded, he has been investigating carefully and found that today is Shangqing Sect. It’s not just the big brothers of Great Sect, apart from this, there are also many mysterious unknown abilities.

There are many of these great abilities, and there are more than a hundred. They are some who, and where they come from, Zhenyang Jiu Xian does not know, so does Zhen Ting Xian Master.

This is only detectable, whether it is the True Sun Wine Immortal or the True Court Immortal Master, it is clear that at this moment, Shangqing Sect must also hide many powerful people that they cannot detect.


Su Wei is also aware of this problem.

She knows that there are many mysterious and unknown powers dormant in this world.

I also know that these people may be curious about the existence of Gu Qingfeng.


She knows.

But when these mysterious and unknown powers appeared one after another, she couldn’t help feeling shocked, because there were too many mysterious powers, she might be able to guess each other She had never seen her before, and she didn’t even know where it came from.

What should I do?

Su Wei didn’t know what to do. She didn’t even think that Gu Qingfeng would just say a word and attract so many people.

As time passed bit by bit, more and more people gathered at the foot of Shangqing Sect Mountain.

The big guys of Great Sect couldn’t wait and asked Shangqing Sect to hand over Gu Qingfeng.

The fairy master of the true garden knows what happened today, and it doesn’t make any sense to persuade him again, but if he is asked to surrender Gu Qingfeng, he really doesn’t know where Gu Qingfeng is.

“Surely King Chixiao ran away yesterday? Or did he not expect that so many people would come to crusade him today, so I hid in Shangqing Sect and dare not come out?”

“It is impossible. What a hero is a king? How can he be afraid to escape? If he hides in Shangqing Sect and dare not come out, he is even more impossible.”

“There is nothing impossible. The ancient times are the ancient times. The ancient is the modern. Ancient Era, the King of Chixiao, dominates the world, but this and ancient times are different.”

“I said yes, don’t say other things, just Wuya, Yulongfei Xing, Wanhuayu, the three young masters who have inherited the fate of the stars, I am afraid that the emperor will drink a pot.”

“The rumor has it that this time the emperor returns, the immortal and demon Wushuang throne has long been gone. There is no cultivation base, only a powerful fleshy body is left. Although his fleshy body is said to be very powerful and can kill immortals with a single punch, the fleshy body is only a fleshy body in the final analysis, even a fleshy body. No matter how strong it is, where can it be?”

Everyone started talking about you one by one. At first everyone suspected that Gu Qingfeng was hiding in Shangqing Sect and refused to come out. However, it was quickly denied. , Because Liu Guangbing, Long Qi and the others each searched Shangqing Sect with a team of people, but none of Gu Qingfeng was found.

Everyone couldn’t find Gu Qingfeng, and finally pointed the finger at Su Hua.

When you think about it, this King Chixiao was personally confirmed by Su Huaxian, and many people saw her enter Shangqing Sect with King Chixiao yesterday. If anyone knows King Chixiao’s Whereabouts, then this person must be Su Hua.

“Fairy, dare to ask where Gu Tianlang is now?”

asked Patriarch of the streamer family.

Su Wei shook her head. If possible, she would also like to know where Gu Qingfeng is now. She has been looking for Gu Qingfeng since she left last night, but she has searched for Shangqing. Sect, also searched the entire Weiyang domain, but didn’t see Gu Qingfeng, as if disappeared from the face of the earth overnight.

“Xiao Xianzi, I have a question, I don’t know if I can advise one or two.” At this moment, Yulong Feixing suddenly asked, and before Su Wei responded, he said: “Nine years ago, Xianzi was in the northwest. I once announced the death of King Chixiao, why did he appear in Yanluo Nine years later?”

With a faint smile on his face, Yulong Feixing’s voice was gentle like a spring breeze, and continued: “A lot People say that Fairy Huan you deliberately sheltered King Chixiao, so you lied about his death, but I don’t think so. I can absolutely trust Fairy Huan as a person. If Fairy Huan said he died, then nine years ago At that time, he should have really died.”

“I just can’t figure out how a person who was determined to be dead by Fairy Huan, how did he survive?”

Su Wei glanced at him and responded: “You should not ask me this question, but you should ask him himself.”

“Unfortunately, he doesn’t seem to be in Shangqing Sect.”

“Since he said he would invite you all to drink to reminisce about the old days, I think he shouldn’t be broke his promise.”

The voice fell, and a group of people suddenly ran down from the Shangqing Sect mountain and shouted: “Found it! King Chixiao found it…”

As soon as he heard the news, the audience suddenly boiled.

“Where are the people?”

“It’s…in our Shangqing Sect.”

Shangqing Sect?

Everyone can’t believe it, especially Streaming Bing and Outer Elder and the others of Shangqing Sect, because before that, they almost searched Shangqing Sect and found no trace of Gu Qingfeng.

“Where did you find it in Shangqing Sect?”

“Mountainside…the yard for cultivation is the yard where the king lived when we were cultivated in Shangqing Sect.”

“I searched the yard more than a hundred times before and after, not at all I saw him.”

The speaker is not someone else, it is Su Wei.

Based on what she knows about Gu Qingfeng, if Gu Qingfeng stays in Shangqing Sect overnight, she will definitely rest in the courtyard that year. She knows that Gu Qingfeng cannot be detected with Divine Consciousness, so she I have been waiting for the rabbits in the yard, but she not at all found Gu Qingfeng’s silhouette in that yard.

“The king has been… always sleeping on the red leaf tree in the yard…”

The red leaf tree in the yard?


Su Wei slapped her forehead suddenly, scolding herself for being careless, only knowing that she was waiting for the rabbit in the yard, why didn’t she go up the tree to have a look, and she still I clearly remember that Gu Qingfeng said that when he was in Shangqing Sect cultivation, he was worried that other disciplines would make trouble at night, and he usually slept on that tree.

“Where is he now?”

“The king just woke up… is washing, he… let me come over to tell you, and come later…”

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