Supreme Lord

Chapter 1215

What’s the situation?

Looking at the dense smoke in the sky, the more than 30 experts in the venue felt very strange, and couldn’t help feeling nervous, especially when the dense smoke became stronger and almost filled the entire void. Make them feel uneasy.

Just when everyone was in doubt, suddenly, a violent might suddenly burst out, the mighty power, vast and boundless, when it broke out, it was as if the entire nature void was twisted for it, and The 30-odd experts were blown out of the mouth and nose in an instant. The violent power seemed to be endless, and it was even more supreme. The sweep of hiding the sky and covering the earth crushed them to reveal their true shape and pressure. As a result, their fleshy body trembled violently, as if they would be crushed at any time.

“Ah!-Junior! You were playing yin with Laozi!”

The old senior, who was so muddy, didn’t care about screaming frantically and didn’t dare to have any reservations. All the forces of good fortune burst out.

Unfortunately, it was useless at all. As soon as the power of good fortune took out, it was crushed and scattered between the fingers!


Old Senior was bleeding on the spot.

At the same time, the other thirty-odd experts did not dare to have any reservations, and took out the power of their trump card.


Like Old Senior, no matter how powerful they took out, they were crushed and crushed as soon as they took out!

Took out again!

Crush it again!

Took out again, then crush!

Just like this cycle, they dare not stop, because once it stops, the fleshy body will be crushed and crushed in an instant.

At this moment, they seem to have fallen into a terrifying Chaos World.

Chaos World bizarre and motley, endless changes, like the sky collapsing, like the earth cracking, like the gods and Buddhas in the sky, and the fairies and demons in the sky, the demons and ghosts in the sky, everywhere Yes, I can’t tell whether it’s a god or a Buddha, a fairy or a devil, darkness or light, yin or yang, or right or evil, everything, everything, chaos, endless Chaos.

What’s the situation?

I don’t know.

No one knows.

More than 30 experts are life hanging by a thread at this moment, crazy took out power guarding their fleshy body, time and time again, I don’t know how many times they took out, they are almost exhausted , People are also close to collapse.

hong long long! ——

Like a god, like a devil howling, like a Buddha sound, and like a fairy music… like gods and Buddhas chanting, like immortals and demons fighting, like Asura drinking blood, like ghosts roaring , As if the entire void is.

I looked up and looked over.

They saw the most frightening scene of their lives.

I saw that Gu Qingfeng stood in the void, his eyes closed slightly, his expression was flat, his long hair was flying freely, and his clothes were rattling wildly.

The gods and Buddhas, the immortals and the ghosts all worshipped him.



This scene is crazy and breathtaking!

It makes people feel the silence and fear from in the depth of one’s soul.

Although everyone knew that the bauble in Gu Qingfeng’s mouth would not be so simple, they never thought that the so-called bauble would be terrifying to the extreme. They and the others tried their best. It is life hanging by a thread.


Gu Qingfeng said if you can’t hold it, don’t force it.

They also thought that Gu Qingfeng was playing tricks on Profound Void and exaggerating.

Until now I know that it is neither a trick of Profound Void nor an exaggeration, but it is true.

Previously, Gu Qingfeng also said that if you can’t handle it, you should flee as soon as possible.


They didn’t want to, but they couldn’t escape at all.

They didn’t even dare to move, they could only take out the power to guard the fleshy body, and if they moved, the fleshy body would be turned into ashes.

In the void, light and dark are intertwined, like a chaos. In the chaos, there are the gods and Buddhas, the immortals, and the ghosts worshiping Gu Qingfeng.

What is this fortune!

What good fortune can be so terrifying!

I don’t know.

Even though they were experts of the Heaven Realm in their previous lives, they couldn’t imagine the scene of worshipping the Buddhas in Vientiane at this moment.

“The old man can’t do it…Hurry…I can’t hold on…”

The power of the muddy Old Senior has been exhausted, and the whole person is in a state of collapse. He was covered in blood and looked extremely embarrassed. He was scared, completely scared, scared in the bones and scared into the soul. Fleshy body began to be distorted and blurred, and so was his consciousness. He didn’t want to die, so he shouted desperately: “Ancestor, My ancestor, the little one knows that he is wrong and shouldn’t offend you. Please show mercy for your ancestor and spare the little one…”

Old Senior even took out the magic fire of the trump card, but unfortunately Still useless, after took out, it was dying like a candle in the wind.

At the moment.

Gu Qingfeng opened his eyes, took a look at Old Senior and the others, thoughts move, and took back the pilgrimage of the Buddha Buddha.

The sky full of gods, buddhas, immortals, ghosts, Asura gradually disappeared.

The sound of the gods, the howling of the devil, and the sound of the Buddha also stopped.

Everything disappeared and stopped in a few breaths.

The void is still the void,

The cloud is still the cloud.

Gu Qingfeng is also Gu Qingfeng.


More than thirty experts are no longer the previous ones.


They are all like one after another phantom, now, all of them have appeared their original form, paralyzed in the void, with bleeding from the seven orifices, their faces as gray and weak, especially the previous challenger with Gu Qingfeng The Old Senior is no longer human, with all his facial features distorted and paralyzed there, his fleshy body can’t stop shaking.

“It’s really sorry, because I took out this thing for the first time, I don’t have a bottom line in my heart. I can’t figure it out, don’t you care?”

Gu Qingfeng feels a little sorry .

I’m really sorry.

Just as he said, he didn’t have a solid foundation in his own mind for the various living Buddhas in the Vientiane Dynasty. After taking out, he couldn’t make sense of it. Because of this, he wanted to take this opportunity to experiment. a bit.


This thing is more terrifying than he thought. After taking it out, it was still a little out of control. Fortunately, I took it back in time. Otherwise, once I got out of control, I really don’t know what to do. do.

“Old Senior, how are you?”

Gu Qingfeng walked over and helped Old Senior up. I don’t know if it is terrified, completely collapsed, or injured too badly. Old Senior was as soft as a puddle of mud. When supported by Gu Qingfeng, Old Senior begged for mercy in horror: “Ancestor, the little one knew that he was wrong, he knew that he was wrong…”

” It’s just a joke, don’t take it seriously.”

Gu Qingfeng took a look at Old Senior’s injury, it was more serious than he thought, the immortal spirit was severely damaged, and the muscles and bones of the fleshy body meridian were almost all It broke, and looked at other people. They were all seriously injured. They didn’t dare to stay at all. Regardless of their own serious injuries, they immediately disappeared.

Soon, only Old Senior was left. Gu Qingfeng looked at him and said, “This Old Senior…I don’t have any cultivation base now, and I can’t help or heal my injuries. Or, I’ll give it to you. Find someone to get a doctor first?”

“Don’t dare to bother your ancestors, don’t dare…”

Old Senior’s head crooked and passed out.

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