Supreme Lord

Chapter 1214

Although no one took out all their strength when they besieged Gu Qingfeng, all kinds of big methods have always been emerging.

It’s a pity.

It’s useless at all.

Under Gu Qingfeng’s ordinary fist, their big means of taking out is like a bubble in the sun.

Magical Powers cannot shake Gu Qingfeng.

Gu Qingfeng cannot be prevented from being prohibited.

Gu Qingfeng cannot be sealed by the seal.

Formation can’t cover Gu Qingfeng either.

Any means to hit Gu Qingfeng’s body, like clay ox entering the sea, disappear without a trace, there hasn’t been a wave of waves, even without a trace.

Maybe it was shocked by Gu Qingfeng’s frightening fleshy body. Someone started to stop, followed by the second and third. Not long after, more than 30 people stopped, no one. Dare to continue fighting.


Don’t dare.

I’m afraid.

I’m scared.

The feeling is like stroking a stone with an egg, which makes them unbelievable, but also shocked. Of course, it is more panic and shock.

“I haven’t had a lot of fun yet, why have you all stopped.”

Since waking up in this world, Gu Qingfeng has not fought happily, exactly He said that he didn’t meet a suitable opponent. Today, I have finally met more than 30 suitable opponents. Naturally, he has thought about hand addiction. What makes him depressed is that these guys were too cautious when they started, and they couldn’t let go. All hide at least half of their strength.

He thinks so.

And there are more than 30 experts in the field.

Gu Qingfeng can see that the other people are not doing all the best, and more than 30 experts can also see that he is not doing all the best.

But even so, the strength of Gu Qingfeng’s performance made them feel frightened.

“Who the hell are you!”

Someone asked in amazement.

“It’s not difficult to know that I am who, if the big guys let go, I’ll tell you, how?”

Let go of a fight?

Who dares?

No one dares.

These people are experts who don’t know how many years are cultivated. If they don’t have a critical moment, they will never expose their true strength, because once they expose their true strength, they will expose their cards. , The hole cards are exposed, and if you have no support, the opponent will no longer be afraid. This is especially fatal for an expert.

“It seems that it’s really impossible not to play with you really.”

Gu Qingfeng looked at everyone, turned over the palm, took out a pot of wine, and poured his head up I took a few mouthfuls and said: “It just so happened that I made a weird bauble a few years ago. I have never had a chance to try the formidable power. Today, while you are all here, please help me try that thing. It’s formidable power.”

As soon as I heard this, the more than 30 people in the venue couldn’t help but back off.

It seems to be very afraid of the so-called weird bauble in Gu Qingfeng’s mouth.

None of them knows what the bauble was made by Gu Qingfeng, but all of them know that it must not be as simple as bauble.

The bauble that Gu Qingfeng said is nothing else. It is the pilgrimage to the Buddha statue in Vientiane, which was conceived in the Northwest nine years ago. Since it was conceived, this thing has never taken out, let alone Formidable power Geometry, I was about to take out to try the formidable power, but suddenly felt wrong, and said, “You guys, don’t hide and tuck it anymore. You must be careful. Spare no effort will work. The bauble that came out, to be honest, how powerful is it, I myself am not quite clear, you weigh it yourself, carry it if you can, and don’t force it if you can’t. If you can’t hold it, I’ll be in time Stopped.”

Gu Qingfeng’s words made more than 30 experts feel a little confused.

I don’t understand what Gu Qingfeng is playing at all.

Just now you suddenly started to provoke everyone, but now you have to let yourself and the others help him test a bauble’s formidable power? What’s more shameful is that just experiment, what else did he say to make everyone be careful, spare no effort, just carry it? Don’t force it if you can’t hold it?

How do these words sound harsh?

The tone is too arrogant.

I don’t put everyone in the eyes.

Although more than 30 experts were upset about something in their hearts, but no one said it. After a fight just now, they all knew that the existence of Gu Qingfeng is definitely not simple, it can be described as mysterious and weird. How mysterious and strange, none of them can tell.

One more thing, they all want to see what the so-called bauble is in Gu Qingfeng’s mouth.

Good luck?


This guy doesn’t even have a trace of good fortune in his body, it should not be good fortune.

But what if it is not good fortune?

What is the magic weapon to stump?

Thinking about it, when they want to come, Gu Qingfeng wants a cultivation base without a cultivation base, and no good fortune. Although the fleshy body is a mess, what can the powerful fleshy body give birth to? Come? It seems that in addition to magic weapons, there are no other things.

“Are you all ready?”

Gu Qingfeng thought for a while, still feeling a little worried, and continued: “I repeat, if you can’t hold it, you can Don’t force it, just run if you can…”


The Old Senior who was previously slapped by Gu Qingfeng three times slapped his life and couldn’t help it. Gu Qingfeng shouted: “Junior, don’t use the Profound Void to scare people, even if you let the horse come here, if the old man escapes today, he will call your ancestor!”

“hahaha! Old Senior is really true Outstanding people, we must drink two glasses later.”

Gu Qingfeng jumped and jumped to the sky, said with a big smile: “Thank you all, get ready, I want to start That’s it!”

The voice fell, Gu Qingfeng stood in the air, stretched out his arms, hands ten fingers together, and suddenly made a fist.


There is no more.

Neither the brilliance flickered nor any power burst, nothing happened.

More than 30 experts looked at each other and felt a little unfathomable mystery. The muddy Old Senior laughed heartily and said: “Junior, what about your bauble? Why don’t you even have a fart? Do you dare to lie to the old man? Let the old man be careful, spare no effort? hahaha!”

“Sorry, I haven’t taken out before, I have some talents, some thoughts are not clear, wait a moment “

Gu Qingfeng responded with an apologetic laughed, and continued to use his heart to summon the Buddhas of the Buddhas. When he thought of summon, he could clearly feel that the Buddhas of the Buddhas were slowly awakening. Shengfutu regained consciousness, and smoke began to appear all over his body.

Looking at such a weird scene.

More than thirty experts were taken aback, no one knew what the smoke from Gu Qingfeng was.

And soon, the smoke grew bigger and bigger, the fire beacon rolled, and in the blink of an eye, the whole void was filled.

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