Supreme Lord

Chapter 1212

Late night.

Gu Qingfeng wandered freely on the 81 mountains and more than 300 peaks of Shangqing Sect alone.

Before I came, I had heard about Shangqing Sect hidden dragons and crouching tigers. There are a lot of mysterious and unknown powers dormant. Until today, Gu Qingfeng can be regarded as a real master. Since he entered Shangqing Sect, there have been hundreds Thousands of Divine Consciousness locked it, only then Gu Qingfeng deliberately disappeared, and got rid of the Divine Consciousness that enveloped him.

Perhaps because Divine Consciousness can no longer detect Gu Qingfeng, the owners of Divine Consciousness sprang out from the dark one by one, looking around Shangqing Sect, in the dark night like one after another phantom Shuttle.

Gu Qingfeng thought for a while, jumped up and rushed directly to the cloud, and then one after another strange phantom followed him to the cloud.

On the cloud.

The wind roars like a blade.

Gu Qingfeng stood in the void, his black hair was dancing wildly, and his white clothed was screaming in the wind. He carried a pot of wine and drank without a mouthful.

In his vicinity, there are phantoms swaying in the wind like candles in the wind, misty phantoms like clouds, and illusion-like phantoms, there are more than 30 ways.

Obviously, none of these people want to reveal their identity.

“A small Shangqing Sect of Great Thousand Worlds really opened my eyes.”

Gu Qingfeng picked up a glass of wine, drank it gently, and glanced at it. Even if it was him, he couldn’t help feeling a little astonished.

These people are not annoying masters.

It’s not that these people have a high cultivation base and a lot of good fortune, but their temperament, power and even Essence, Qi, and Spirit are all profound mystery.

Gu Qingfeng has a pair of eyes, called Golden Fire Eyes, swept across the past, and found that most of these people are people of samsara reincarnation, some of them are bright and holy, and they are sacred. This damn looks like Heaven Realm immortal dao expert.

There are still muddy breaths, and they are also burdened with trials, and even more than one. This motherfucker should be the old Demon samsara reincarnation of Heaven Realm.

More than that, there is also a Buddhist and Taoist expert of Heaven Realm.

Among them, there is the kind of spiritual aura on the three phantoms, which is so thick and complicated that Gu Qingfeng is a bit staggering. What’s more terrifying is that one of them is motherfucker and is not a samsara reincarnation person.

There is also a spiritual breath on the phantom, misty, faintly discernible, clearly visible, but impossible to detect.

This kind of person makes Gu Qingfeng couldn’t help thinking of the so-called innocent person.

Could it be said that Shangqing Sect still hides an innocent person?

Not sure.

Gu Qingfeng was even more amazed that in addition to the more than 30 phantoms that appeared, there were more than a dozen Divine Consciousness that had been locked in to him.

No wonder Su Wei said that the water in Shangqing Sect is very deep.

This damn is not so deep.

“Are you an innocent person?”

One of the phantoms asked.

The voice is also like his phantom, as if coming out of all directions.

After this person asked, Gu Qingfeng did not speak, but someone said: “He is not a man of innocence.”

The speaker is the faintly discernible. Gu Qingfeng asked: “Are you an innocent person?”

The other party not at all responded.

However, the phantom who asked Gu Qingfeng earlier said: “He is not a man of innocence.”

Immediately afterwards, another phantom said: “You How can I know that he is not? I said he is a man of no way.”

“Heaven and Earth is so big, you know geometry!”

“The mystery of no way, you Know Geometry?”

“Junior! Old man has been holding you back for a long time, don’t think that old man dare not move you.”

“Oh? Old fogey, the deity doesn’t care about you , Do you think you are not the deity?”

Although these people seem to know the existence of each other, it seems that no one knows who is, and they all seem very jealous of each other.

Not far away, Gu Qingfeng looked at the two arguing and couldn’t help but stir up the Fire Dao: “Both of them are expert at any rate, and there is a hairy meaning of mouth shots. Go straight up and get them. Kill one and one less.”


The murky phantom stared at Gu Qingfeng and yelled: “How can you be qualified to speak here!”

“Old Senior.” Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “Speaking of which are we still in the same way.”


The phantom of breath gave a light sigh, looked up and down Gu Qingfeng, said with a smile: “Why can’t the old man see that you are a fellow man?”

“If you can’t see it, it doesn’t mean I am not Ah, I, maybe not Demon, but it’s also immortal dao sinner, if that’s the case, it’s hard to be counted as a fellow?”

“ha ha ha ha! Well said! Everyone is. immortal dao sinner, of course he is a fellow of the same way!” The murky phantom laughed heartily, smiling, and as if realizing something, he said: “No, you brat, if you have been tried by immortal dao, you will definitely be left for trial. But you brat’s body is not at all any judgment.”

There was more than one person who was puzzled. Then someone said: “In the rumor, 300 years ago, he was in this world. He has been tried by immortal dao, and it is still the great purification trial of immortal dao.”

“He is not a samsara reincarnation.”

“Even if he is a samsara reincarnation, he cannot eliminate it. The breath of judgment on the body, Dadao tried the fleshy body, but the soul was sentenced!”

“Not only did he have no breath of judgment, he didn’t even have a touch of muddy breath.”

“Don’t talk about muddy breath, he has no breath except the human breath he was born with.”

“I have never seen such a weird person.”

“Neither did the old man.”

More than 30 phantoms surrounded Gu Qingfeng, and you guessed and talked about it.

“Junior, the old man asks you, how did you escape the immortal dao sanction of the Great Bright Purification Judgment in this world? What happened to you after more than 300 years of disappearance?”


Gu Qingfeng smiled slightly and responded: “Sorry, Old Senior, this is personal privacy.”

“If the old man insists on you today.”


Gu Qingfeng was happy, said with a smile: “Look at this posture, I want to play hard.” After all, he put the flask away, looked at everyone, and said : “Anyway, I’m idle, or else, are we big guys making gestures?”

“Junior, you have a big tone.”

Gu Qingfeng went on. The frightened Old Senior was taken aback and suddenly became cautious.

“I can’t help it, I’m used to it, I’ve been here since I was a kid.” Gu Qingfeng unbuttoned the collar of the collar, rolled up his sleeves, and said: “You are coming one by one, or plan to Come together?”

More than thirty phantoms in the void looked at each other. No one thought that Gu Qingfeng would be so arrogant. The implication was that they didn’t seem to be paying attention to them at all. in.

“Come on, don’t be stunned.” Gu Qingfeng rolled up his sleeves, twisted his neck, looked at the crowd, and found that these people did not at all mean to do something, he looked towards the muddy person again Old Senior, said with a smile: “Old Senior, or, let’s play two games first? Warm up? Make a look?”

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