Supreme Lord

Chapter 1211

Gu Qingfeng doesn’t know what kind of existence Ye Tianlan is.

Why did I have to form an immortal fate Dao Companion with myself back then, Gu Qingfeng also didn’t know.

The only thing I know, this must be related to the so-called cause and effect.

The word causality is precisely what Gu Qingfeng has the most headache now.

Thinking of cause and effect, Gu Qingfeng couldn’t help sighing. He found more and more that the people and things he had encountered in the past two hundred years in this world seemed not as simple as the surface. From Yun Nishang, to Feng Zhuyue, to Tang Hengsuo, and Ye Tianlan, and even behind the mentor Zhenjue, there is a so-called causal chain involved.

Is all of this destined, or is it a so-called cause and effect, or is it really just a coincidence?

What makes Gu Qingfeng even more depressed is that he found himself unconsciously on the road of cause and effect getting deeper and deeper, and no matter how he circumvents it, he seems to be unable to circumvent the two words of cause and effect.

This thing can’t be thought about carefully, it is extremely scary.



Gu Qingfeng was cursed and continued to drink sullen wine.

“So, I hope that you can leave Shangqing Sect, it’s best…Don’t let my Master see you again.” Yun Wan frowned slightly, expressing the worry in her heart, and said: “I really feel that Elder unfathomable mystery entered the Shangqing Tower. Although I don’t know the reason, it should…should be related to my Master.”

paused, and said: “Between you and my Master Only you two know the matter. When my Master leaves the customs this time, it should be… for you. I may not know what Master she wants to do, but as the client, you should be able to guess one or two things. .”

“Little Sister, you look up to me, I can’t guess what your Master wants to do.”

“If you really can’t guess, Then leave, so it’s good for you, for my Master, and maybe for everyone…”

“Little Sister, I can understand your feelings. If possible, I would also like to leave. But the question is, where do you want me to go?” Gu Qingfeng said with a bitter smile: “Your Master made it clear that it was aimed at me this time. This reason?”

Yun Wan naturally knows that if the Master really wants to find Gu Qingfeng, even if Gu Qingfeng needs to hide in the horizon, the Master will find him.

But she really doesn’t want Master to meet Gu Qingfeng.

Deep in one’s heart always feel that something will worry her.

“Wan’er, don’t persuade him, I believe that if he can hide, he will never see your Master.”

A voice came and appeared in response It is a devastatingly beautiful and stunning woman who is like a mist in smoke.

It is Su Huaxian’s son.

“Elder sister.”

Seeing Su Wei, Yun Wan looked very happy and asked: “Where have you been, I have been looking for you.”

“Go to the Great Sect.”

“Did you persuade them again? What happened?”

Su Wei shook his head, very disappointed, Very helpless, but also very tired.


In the afternoon when the Sect Masters of all Great Sects went back to discuss matters, Su Wei took out more than a hundred incarnations and went to the Great Sects to explain what Gu Qingfeng said about drinking tomorrow. It’s really just drinking to relive the past. No other intentions, let alone looking for the old accounts of the Great Sects. Although the Great Sects said that they believed her, Su Wei knew that they only said that they believed it. Deep in one’s heart was still half-believing.

Tomorrow, I am afraid that there will not be fewer people from each Great Sect.

“What should I do?”

Su Wei didn’t know what to do either.

She doesn’t believe Gu Qingfeng’s words, but also believes that Gu Qingfeng really went to drink with them this time.

I’m afraid that when the time comes, something unexpected will happen. Fortunately, the big guys of Great Sect say that Xian Chao and Shangqing Sect are out of the matter, and they dare not act blindly without thinking, but those people What if the young Heaven’s Chosen Child wants to take this opportunity to act recklessly to trouble Gu Qingfeng?

Su Wei knows that with Gu Qingfeng’s temperament, if those people don’t challenge his bottom line, it’s okay. Once they challenge the bottom line, they will be killed on the spot, and he doesn’t care who you are.

Those Heaven’s Chosen Children are the baby bumps of the Great Sect and the Great Clans. If they are killed by Gu Qingfeng, the Great Sect will definitely find Gu Qingfeng desperately. When the time comes, it must be Blood flowing into a river, the events of ancient times may repeat themselves in the present and ancient times.

That would be really bad.

Su Hua is not the Holy Mother, to be honest, he doesn’t care about the lives of those people.

It is Gu Qingfeng who really cares about her. To be precise, she cares about the cause and effect of Gu Qingfeng.

She has been using incarnation to mediate the contradiction between Gu Qingfeng and Three Thousand Great Daos. Not to mention other avenues, at least immortal dao has already begun to compromise. She really does not want Gu Qingfeng to have another immortal dao. conflict.

“As you talk, I won’t bother you.”

Gu Qingfeng suddenly said something, and then disappear without a trace.

“Hey! Hey! Hey, the surname is ancient, I still have something to look for you!”

Su Wei didn’t expect Gu Qingfeng disappeared when she came. When the reaction came, it was too late.

“I’ll find him.”

“No need.” Su Wei shook his head in loss, and said, “If he disappears, no one will find it.”


Looking at the jug left by Gu Qingfeng, Su Wei said angrily: “This damn guy! It’s so annoying!”

As soon as he came, Gu Qingfeng left.

That feeling made Su Wei feel like she was annoying.

What makes Su Wei even more angry is that Gu Qingfeng didn’t make her feel this way for the first time, but it has been many times.

Yun Wan doesn’t seem to believe in evil. She took out Divine Consciousness to investigate and was surprised to find that Gu Qingfeng was not found on the 81 and 365 peaks of Shangqing Sect.

“Why is this?”

“Wan’er, you just talked to him for so long, but you didn’t find that there is a problem with him?”

“What’s the problem?”

“He is standing in front of you. You can see it and use Divine Consciousness to detect it. But if you close your eyes, you never You can’t detect his existence with Divine Consciousness. Even if he stands in front of you, you can’t detect it. If he disappears, no matter what method you use, you will never know his whereabouts. Believe me, I have tried a lot. This time.”

“Is there anything like this?”

Yun Wan not at all tried so much, exclaimed: “This is too unimaginable, right?”

“unimaginable?” Su Wei’s complicated said with a smile: “This is the first time you see him that you feel unimaginable. If you know him for a longer time, you will find this kind of thing on him There is nothing unimaginable at all.”


“Why?” Su Wei looked at the moonlight in the night sky and said: “Because he has too many There are so many unimaginable things, and you can’t even count them.”


Yun Wan was shocked, especially when he said that from Su Wei. Speaking out, she felt incredible.

“Wan’er, you will try to minimize contact with him in the future.” Su Wei closed her eyes, sighed, and murmured: “If you have more contact, no matter how tenacious your self-confidence, you will suffer ruthlessly. You will not only doubt yourself, but also doubt about life…that feeling is really shocking sometimes.”

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