Supreme Lord

Chapter 1209

Gu Qingfeng not at all I thought that a word of my own would cause such a big misunderstanding among Great Sects.

Listening to Su Wei that the Great Sect Masters have all gone back to discuss the matter, and that they are planning to bring a team of people over tomorrow, Gu Qingfeng did not take it seriously.

If you misunderstand, just misunderstand.

I’ll talk about it tomorrow.

Afterwards, Gu Qingfeng and Zhen Ting and Zhen Yang were walking towards the mountainside while chatting, and they were mostly talking about things that the teacher really felt.

“Guy boy, let him pass the past. Don’t blame yourself too much for the things of the past. What did the person at First Senior Brother say? I have been pursuing the study of Buddhism all my life. Almost all of them are demonized. They pay too much attention to cause and effect, good and evil, compassionate, and always worry about the world. They say good, selfless and fearless. If they don’t listen, he is just eating carrots and worrying.”

Zhenyang Jiuxian knows that Gu Qingfeng has always been worried about what happened in the past, and has been earnest and well-meant advised along the way.

“In the ancient times, it was not easy for everyone to live. How can there be good and evil, even more how good and evil, who can distinguish clearly? Even the Buddha, the Senior, may not be able to distinguish what is true Good, what is the real evil, my First Senior Brother is nothing but trouble.”

Looking at Gu Qingfeng who was silent, Zhenyang Jiu Xian continued: “Tell you the truth, kid, there is something I’m afraid you still don’t know about it.”

“What’s the matter?”

“Back then, you brat was surrounded by Great Sects. My First Senior Brother rescued you, one of them Perhaps it is really my First Senior Brother who has compassion. Secondly, he also sees that you brat is not bad in nature, and it is a manufacturable material. Thirdly, it is the most important thing. My First Senior Brother has already deduced that you Brat’s life should not be extinct.”

“So, I didn’t save you brat from the opposition of Gu Tianxia people. The reason why I took you as a discipline is that I really want to teach you brat, but I am First Senior Brother is not without selfishness. In addition to wanting to enlighten you brat, he also wants to trap you brat in Shangqing Sect. In this way, even if you brat cannot be enlightened, at least he will not go out to harm the world.”

Gu Qingfeng is just laughed, not at all.

At this time.

The immortal Master Zhentian said: “Heavenly Wolf, don’t listen to my Junior Brother nonsense.”

“Why am I talking nonsense?”

The Immortal Master Zhen Ting ignored Zhen Yang Jiu Xian, but said to Gu Qingfeng: “Your Master’s realm has long been understood by mystery, which is not what I can understand. He has always done something profound mystery, and what he did is nothing like it. The surface is so simple, what we think is the present, but First Senior Brother thinks is the future, and it is also cause and effect.”

Gu Qingfeng nodded, agreed.

To tell the truth, Gu Qingfeng originally thought that as Zhenyang Jiuxian said, the teacher really wanted to teach himself, but with the more experience in these years, the more Gu Qingfeng discovered that the teacher really Feeling not at all means to educate yourself, and I have never even said good and evil.

In the nine years of Shangqing Sect, the teacher Zhenjue only explained to him the true meaning of two words, which is humanity.

It is the true meaning of the two words humanity, which has always benefited Gu Qingfeng infinitely, whether it is awakening from madness, or coming and going freely among immortals, and even later aspiring to Nine Nether incarnation Asura, It’s all thanks to the true meaning of humanity to find yourself back.

Not only that.

Gu Qingfeng knows that the previous condensed Tai Chi Golden Pill in the Northwest, and the later birth of the Vientiane Buddha Statue, also benefited from the influence of the truth of humanity.

Gu Qingfeng still can’t understand why my teacher Zhenjue wants to explain the true meaning of humanity for himself.

Perhaps as the true garden fairy said, we think about the present, while the teacher really thinks about the future, which is also the so-called cause and effect.

If it is cause and effect.

What is the cause and effect.

This is also the real purpose of Gu Qingfeng’s coming this time.

“Heavenly Wolf, the doubts in your heart cannot be answered by the old man, nor by the true sun. Only your Master can answer the questions in the world.”

“My Master, he …Really enter the Shangqing Tower?”

The true garden fairy master is nodded solemnly.

“Is he Senior who went in voluntarily, or is it related to Ye Tianlan?”

The fairy master Zhenting shook his head and sighed. I don’t know if he doesn’t know, or there is something unspeakable.

And Gu Qingfeng didn’t ask much.

The three of them walked and talked until late at night, leaving this time.

It’s night.

The starlight is bright and the moonlight is bright.

Gu Qingfeng alone wandering in the mountainside.

Compared with the foot of the Shangqing Sect mountain, the mountainside looks much deserted, even in ordinary times, there is no who comes.

Because of mountainside, it is either a place of graves, a place of retirement, or a place of punishment…it is relatively unlucky.

The reason why Gu Qingfeng wandered around the mountainside was because when he was in Shangqing Sect cultivation, he lived in the mountainside for the elderly.

The so-called old-age place, as the name suggests, is a place for old-age care.

If the discipline of Shangqing Sect is setback in the cultivation, or the cultivation base is lost due to a fight, whether it’s the collapse of the Primordial Spirit or the failure of the Transcending Tribulation, as long as the cultivation base is missing, it will generally be placed here Pension.

Gu Qingfeng was a guilty person back then, so he was also placed in a retirement home.

Generally speaking, no matter which sect, there are almost all places for old-age care, but those places for old-age care, without exception, are relatively difficult. After all, if the cultivation base is lost, it will become a waste for the sect. , It’s not bad that sect can support you, so you don’t expect Spirit Gathering Array to cover it.


Shangqing Sect is different. Shangqing Sect mountainside is a good place for the elderly. Almost every yard and every house is covered by Spirit Gathering Array. Not only is Spiritual Qi abundant, but the climate is also suitable, even though Without cultivation, it can also ensure good health and worry-free food and clothing.

People who care for the elderly here, he he he tea every day, play chess, have nothing to do with the world, and feel very comfortable.

Gu Qingfeng found the yard where he lived back then, looked up, the yard seemed to be sealed up, Gu Qingfeng walked over, cut open the seal with his hand, walked directly in, and opened the door. In an instant, the memory of that year burst out in the depths of my mind like a flood that burst a bank.

This is an ordinary yard, three houses, and there is a red leaf tree he planted in the yard.

The red-leaf tree has grown into a fiery-red tree more than ten meters high with lush foliage. I don’t know if it is a coincidence or what, the red-leaf tree is full of red fruits. It’s nothing but Gu Qingfeng. When he was young, he loved to eat the red leaf demon fruit when he was wandering in the Chiyanling area of ​​the Northwest.

He is an orphan. He was born without father and mother. He wandered in Chiyan Ridge since he was a child, and filled his hunger with Red Leaf Demon Guoer. Even if he later left the Northwest, he would carry Red Leaf Demon Guoer with him. Seed.

When I planted this red-leaf tree here, Gu Qingfeng wanted to always remind himself that when he was young, he could survive in the Chiyan Ridge where the mountains were full of tigers and wolves, and now he can also live in This is comparable to survival in the Shangqing Sect of dragon’s pool and tiger’s den.

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