Supreme Lord

Chapter 1208

Although Shangqing Sect in this and ancient era is quite different from Ancient Era’s Shangqing Sect, after entering Shangqing Sect, Gu Qingfeng still feels a little bit emotional. The nine years of Shangqing Sect cultivation back then are still vivid. , As if the same happened yesterday.

“Gu boy, it’s been so many years, how can you brat still refuse to let others go, and it’s not easy for them. Although they say they want you to be fair, they don’t have the courage to do so. Let them go.”

Gu Qingfeng was a little puzzled by the words of Zhenyang Jiu Xian, and asked: “Old Drunkard, what do you mean? Who did I offend?”

“What are you brat and the old man pretending to be? When you were outside, you said that you were drinking with someone to renew the old. Didn’t you make it clear that you are going to calculate the old bill.”

Gu Qingfeng shook his head and smiled bitterly.” You have misunderstood.”

“What’s wrong?”

“I didn’t plan to ask them to settle the old bills.”

“Then talk to others about drinking What?”

“I really want to ask them to relive the old days, there is no other meaning.”


Zhenyang Jiu Xian looked at Gu Qingfeng suspiciously, and said: “You brat would be so kind? This is not like you brat’s style of doing things.”

“I’m not too young, how can I be like It’s not easy for everyone to live in this world as before, so why don’t you stay together for some messy things that year.”

After Gu Qingfeng said this sentence Jiu Xian Zhenyang was there for a moment, staring at Gu Qingfeng as if looking at a monster. Next to him, Master Zhen Ting also looked at him in shock. After a long time, Jiu Xian Zhenyang said: “motherfucker , This is not like what the old man said in the old man’s impression of the rebellious, jealous and vengeful old boy. I said you brat is another impersonator, right?”

“What do you think.”

“you brat impossible is an impersonation. When I see you from the first sight, the old man knows that you are the old man. The inexplicable evil spirit on you brat can’t be faked by others. But…this is…this is how many years I have not seen, how can you brat like a person changed, become an old man and motherfucker dare not recognize it.”

“I have experienced a lot, people It will change, didn’t you come here too.”

“But the changes in your brat are also a bit bigger, wait, you said you have experienced a lot, but the old man has always wanted to know What happened to you brat, where did you brat go in the past three hundred years.”

Gu Qingfeng is just half True half false said that he went to the Great Wilderness Heaven Realm to stroll around, what other people said not at all, and Zhenyang Jiuxian seemed to be very interested in this question. Gu Qingfeng was also ambiguous and even coaxed if he wanted to break the casserole to the end. The deceitful fooled the past.

Zhenyang Jiuxian is not a fool, and he naturally knew that Gu Qingfeng didn’t want to talk about this topic, so he didn’t continue to ask, he was going to find a place to have a good drink with Gu Qingfeng.

At this time.

Su Huaxian ran over in a hurry, the expression on his face seemed very anxious, when he saw Gu Qingfeng, he asked seriously: “Can you tell me seriously!”

“What’s the matter?”

“Are you really going to find them to drink and reminisce about the old days, or do you want them to count the old accounts back then!”

“I didn’t tell you Well, he he wine, reminisce about the past, and apologize by the way, and put the matter of the year to a close.”


Su Huan was anxious and helpless, and said, “But they all thought you were looking for them to calculate the old accounts of the year.”

“Go and explain to them and say I didn’t mean that.”

Su Wei weakly sighed then said, and responded: “I tried it, but it didn’t work.”

When I thought about it, Su Wei had a headache. Just now she wanted to follow Gu Qingfeng. I came back together, but worried that these people would misunderstand Gu Qingfeng’s meaning, so she stayed here to explain, but what she didn’t expect was that she didn’t explain it, but it became worse if she explained things. The more you explain, the more you can’t explain. Qing, the more you explain, the more those people think that Gu Qingfeng is going to ask them to settle old accounts tomorrow.

“No way, they don’t even believe what you say?” Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “In my impression, what do you say, the big guy will not doubt it, in Yanluo When I said I was Gu Tianlang, no one believed it, but when you said that, hey, everyone believed it.”

It’s okay for Gu Qingfeng not to say this. When I say this, Su Huan was so angry that she stared at Gu Qingfeng, gnashing teeth and said: “It’s not because of you!”

“Sister Su, speak with conscience, what am I doing with you.”

“Nine years ago, when I was in the Northwest, I declared that you were dead, but… As a result, you were not at all dead… Now many people say that I deliberately sheltered you nine years ago. Some people even say that I…that you…oh! It’s…too irritating!”

“Sister, you can’t rely on me for this. I never said that I was dead. It’s because you have nothing to look for and say that I am dead, and no one believes you now. Does it have anything to do with me? Why? It’s because you said I am dead, so I must die?”


Su Hua was furious with gnashing teeth, staring at Gu Qingfeng, but he wanted to cry without tears.

She is very wronged.

Until now, thinking of things nine years ago, I regret it.

Nine years ago, she witnessed Gu Qingfeng’s scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

That’s why she announced the death of Gu Qingfeng.

In any case, I never thought that Gu Qingfeng would survive nine years later…

It was also this incident that caused her reputation to plummet.

To be honest.

Su Wei doesn’t care about his reputation or what other people say.

It can’t hold back people talking and talking, and things are getting more and more outrageous, and there are all kinds of things. Some people not only said that she deliberately sheltered Gu Qingfeng, but also said that she had known that Gu Qingfeng was Chi Xiao. The king, Chi Young Master Yan, who deliberately lied to the outside world, concealed Gu Qingfeng’s identity. What made Su Wei unacceptable was that some people even said that she had long been infatuated with Gu Qingfeng, and they even forgot her identity as the nine angels. , Desperately want to be with Gu Qingfeng.

When she was outside just now, when she explained to Gu Qingfeng, some people doubted it.

And many people question her.

Su Wei explained this, the more the explanation, the worse, the more the explanation, the more suspicious, until later, she herself couldn’t explain it clearly.

Su Wei felt that he was wronged, he was so wronged, and he even had the heart to kill Gu Qingfeng.

“Why don’t I explain in the past?”

Gu Qingfeng’s words came, and Su Hua said angrily: “Why didn’t you explain clearly just now? What’s the use of explaining now? , It’s already late.”

“Why is it late?”

“Now they have gone back separately.”

“What are you going back for?”

“What are you talking about? People think you need them to settle the old account. They go back to discuss the matter. When they come back tomorrow, it will not only be themselves, but the major sect and family Elder. And Old Ancestor may come…”

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