Supreme Lord

Chapter 1195

“The immortal dynasty symbolizes the cloud, and the cloud symbolizes the nine days. The nine Celestial Phenomenon entitles the immortal dao. If the cloud fears the Gu Tianlang, it also means the nine-day immortal dao fear Gu Tianlang. How can this be possible!”


Liu Guangbing said, Long Qi also said: “Yes, absolutely impossible, he Gu Tianlang is nothing more than the achievement of the Demon King seat that’s all, and that’s all, as far as I know, today In ancient times, the fairy Demon King seat he had always been proud of was gone, dignified immortal dao absolutely impossible and jealous of him!”

Others also nodded agree, and they all think that nine days immortal dao is fundamentally impossible. Fear of King Chixiao.

Although he said that King Chixiao had overthrown the Xian Dynasty in this world, he only overthrew the Xian Dynasty. For Jiu Tian, ​​the existence of the Xian Dynasty is like this world attached to Great Sect. It’s just a gang, not worth mentioning at all, and even more impossible to threaten the immortal dao of nine days.

“The old man is just telling one of the probabilities. You can listen to that’s all. You don’t need to take it seriously.”

Old Ghost spoke slowly and said: “Also, no matter what kind of probability, one thing is very certain, that is, the cloud has already laid down its will, and King Chixiao cannot move.”

Liu Guangbing and Long Qi also know that since Yun Yun The will has been lowered, no matter what the reason, they have no hope of seeking revenge from King Chixiao, and now even Old Ghost and Wuya Young Master say so, there is no hope.

“The purpose of Yunyun is only to prohibit the conflict between Xianchao and Gu Tianlang, not at all, it is not allowed to try out.”

The leader of the Huwei family, Wang Ba, smiled. Yi said, everyone else looked at each other and understood what he meant, and then all looked towards Old Ghost, Old Ghost not at all responded, they looked towards Wuya again, as if they were asking for the meaning of Wuya.

Wu Ya took a cup of fragrant tea, took a sip, and pondered for a moment. After waiting for a long time, he said: “When the time comes depends on the situation.”

hearing this.

Everyone is happy. Since Wuya Young Master said so, at least it means that he has no objection. This is enough for Wang Ba and the others. He has some confidence in his heart, and he did not stay for long. , Have bid farewell.

After everyone leaves.

Old Ghost said meaningfully: “Young Master’s feel ill at ease in this round, but it is also for King Chixiao?”

“Gu Tianlang is a mountain , A mountain that rests on this world and on top of all of us.”

“Young Master also wants to try how high this mountain is?”

“Who doesn’t want?”

Old Ghost unfathomable mystery sighed.

“Why does Old Ghost lament?”

“Young Master, King Scarlet Heaven is indeed a mountain on top of you people in this world, but it’s just that That’s all, although it’s on top of your heads, it doesn’t mean it’s a mountain that cannot be bypassed.”

“Go around?”

Wuya Young Master shook his head and laughed, laughing There was some contempt and disdain. There seemed to be a hint of arrogance in Serene’s original expression, and said: “Old Ghost is stumped that I am the kind of person who would choose to bypass when encountering difficulties?”

“Young Master, King Scarlet Heaven is not your difficulty, let alone your enemy, at least, not now. You don’t need to treat him as an imaginary enemy, let alone erect a mysterious, unknown or even strange terrifying force for yourself. Enemy.”

“Mysterious unknown? Strange terrifying?”

Wuya Young Master lightly said with a smile: “Old Ghost, we have known each other for so long, and we have never heard of you Use these words to describe a person.”

“Although the old man’s speculation was a bit exaggerated, it was not entirely true. The old man has been idle for these years and has been studying King Chixiao. This person, discovering his existence, is really an incredible person. Everyone says that he can succeed by luck and luck, but the old man doesn’t think that way. He can succeed because of luck. It does depend on good fortune, but whether it is luck or good fortune, God did not give him, but he snatched it from God.”

Old Ghost exclaimed: “One can The person who grabs luck and good fortune in God’s hands is destined to not be a general generation.”

“Old Ghost is too worried, I have never underestimated Gu Tianlang, not only that, but also sincere to him. Because of admiration, I have always wanted to see how high his mountain standing in this world is!”

“Young Master, the existence of King Chixiao is in yours He may see a mountain that does not know how high, but in the eyes of the old man, his existence is a sea that does not know how deep. No one knows how deep the sea is. Many people want to know, so they went to the sea to explore. Then…no and then…the people who went to the sea to test, never came up again…”

After that, Old Ghost looked at Wuya and said solemnly, “Young Master, you should understand , Some people can test, and some These people are untestable. “


Looking at Old Ghost’s solemn expression, Wuya fell into contemplation.

“And the most important point, Young Master, don’t forget that the scattered ashes and dispersed smoke that King Scarlet Heaven was tried by immortal dao more than 300 years ago, he did not die. As for how he did it, the old man doesn’t know, but it’s not important, it’s important. Yes, where has he gone for more than three hundred years after he disappeared? What have you done? It remains a mystery to this day. “

“300 years, for ordinary people of cultivation, maybe 300 years is not a big deal, and it can’t even break through a realm, but for a person like King Chixiao, he can go in 300 years To achieve the Dao and become Immortal, there are so many things that he can do. Think about it, he has only been in this world cultivation for two hundred years, and the cultivation base alone has been abandoned and established nine times. To achieve the Dao and become Immortal, he fell into The demonic path is also nine times. In other words, it took him two hundred years to achieve True Immortal nine times and True Demon nine times. “

“The old man once calculated that, except for his youthful ignorance period, and for his fighting and killing period, Emperor Chixiao had very little time for real cultivation in the two hundred years of this world. Probably not more than ten years, but twelve years at most. “

“A person, in just twelve years, has asked the immortals nine times. Isn’t this enough to be awesome? “

Faced with Old Ghost’s words, Wuya chose to be silent.

Mei Ruolan next to him said, “Old Ghost, are you true?” As far as I know, King Chixiao has been cultivated in our Shangqing Sect for nine years, and in the end he only aspired to Earth Immortal. “

“The old man also deliberately investigated this matter carefully. He was not a cultivation at all during your nine years at Shangqing Sect, but he has been recuperating. Even more how he was completely a sinner at Shangqing Sect. For the body, if there is a little cultivation base, not to say that the immortal can not tolerate it, nor can the people of Shangqing Sect, as long as he dares to establish the Foundation, the people of Shangqing Sect will wipe it out on the spot. “

Mei Ruolan said in a puzzled way: “But how come the outside world keeps telling us that the emperor cultivated in our Shangqing Sect cultivated Earth Immortal in nine years.” “

“That’s because he knew his situation, so he hadn’t been cultivation at all for nine years and he had been recovering from his injuries. He spent nine years recovering from his injuries, and only spent nine days from Foundation Establishment. It became Earth Immortal, and finally soared into the sky, out of the control of Shangqing Sect! “

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