Supreme Lord

Chapter 1194

“I can roughly understand what you mean.”

Wuya’s voice fell, and Long Qi, Liu Guangbing and the others were silently waiting for the following.

“I don’t know what you need me to do?”

“Wuya Young Master, I don’t need you to do anything, I just want to ask what you mean, this enemy, we Can the streamer family report, in other words, can Gu Tianlang be killed.”

“Kill the Emperor Chixiao?”

hearing this, Wu Ya shook his head slightly, and laughed blankly. not at all Looking at Liu Guangbing, still looking at the chess game, indifferently asked: “Liu Guangbing, do you think you killed him?”

“Even if I can’t kill him by myself, there is still our entire streamer family “

Long Qi also echoed: “And our Long Family on the cloud, with the strength of our Two Great Families, I don’t believe I can’t kill him.”

“Since you Two Great Families are so confident, so you still come to ask me for advice on what to do.”

Wuya Young Master continued, no matter it was Liu Guangbing or Long Qi, he was silent.

Although they say they are confident, but they have no confidence in deep in one’s heart.

Because no one of them knows what the strength of the cultivation base of Emperor Chixiao today is.

This is not important.

The important thing is that they don’t know what kind of existence King Chixiao is.

After learning about Yanluo at first, both the Liuguang family and the Yunshang Long Family were furious. When they were about to go out into the country of Yanluo to find the King of Scarlet Clouds for revenge. I found that there was no movement at all in Xianchao.

In the beginning, they thought it was Su Huaxian who was the cause of the problem. Later, after inquiring about it, they realized that it was the cloud that had passed the will. Not only did they not let the Xian Chao pursue this matter, but also prohibited Xian Chao and Chi King Xiao has any conflicts.

After learning about this, Liu Guang and Long Family were very puzzled. They didn’t know why the cloud made such a decree. Not only did they not know, but many Elders in Xian Dynasty were also confused.


Liuguang and Long Family Two Great Families came to Shangqing Sect for the first time. They all know that Shangqing Sect has a strong background and is also a hidden dragons and crouching tigers. It can be said to be both in the fairy dynasty and in the cloud. Then, I want to come here to find out the news.

Liu Guang and Long Family Patriarch have come forward to find Shangqing Sect Elder, and although Liu Guangbing and Long Qi are both leaders in the younger generation of Two Great Families, they are only the younger generation. It’s impossible to talk to Shangqing Sect, who has a strong background, but they also have their own circle in Inner Sect. In many cases, Wuya’s contacts are even stronger than those of Shangqing Sect.

“You came to me today, I must have inquired about the news in Xianchao before.”

“Wuya Young Master, I was too reckless just now. You don’t have to take seriously, I just… just really can’t figure it out, then Gu Tianlang obviously overthrew the immortal dynasty and slaughtered many immortals in the ancient times. If he died back then, that’s all, but he is not dead now. Not only did he not die, but he also came back. Not only did Yun Yun not take this opportunity to obliterate him, but instead… he also made a decree to prohibit Xian Chao from conflicting with him. Why on earth is this!”

Both Bing and Longqi wanted to know the answer to this question.

Wang Ba, Xun Yi and and the others also want to know.

“This question is not only you want to know, I am afraid that many people want to know, including myself.”

Everyone was shocked, Liu Guangbing asked in amazement: “No Ya Young Master, it’s hard for you…don’t even know?”

Wu Ya shook his head, signalling that he didn’t know, and then said: “I heard that Su Huaxian has been doing this a few days ago. Running around, she has also been trying to reconcile the contradiction between King Chixiao and Xianchao.”

“Wuya Young Master, you mean Fairy Fairy convinced Xianchao and even the clouds?” Liu Guangbing Somewhat unbelievable, I asked: “Does Fairy Hua really have such a great face?”

” Fairy Hua’s face is much bigger than you think. If she comes forward to convince Xian Chao and even the clouds There is nothing impossible, but…”

Wuya Young Master pinched the white chess piece and landed it on the chessboard, and then picked it up again, seemingly hesitant, and continued softly: “It shouldn’t be like this. Simple, there must be a lot of unknown secrets in this.”

With Baizi down again, Wuya Young Master asked: “Old Ghost, what do you think.”

Old Ghost twisted the beard of his chin, first shook his head, and said solemnly: “The old man is not good. Let’s not talk about whether there is a fairy in this. Even if there are, more of them are the King Chixiao himself.” /p>

Old Ghost’s words made Liu Guangbing, Long Qi and the others a little confused, and asked: “I would like to ask Old Ghost for advice.”

“If the clouds drop the will of truth and grace It doesn’t matter if the fairy is related, but if the will of the cloud is not related to the fairy, there are only two possibilities.”

“Which two possibilities?”

“Or The existence of King Chixiao has a significant effect on the immortal dynasty, the clouds, and even the immortal dao of the Nine Heavens. You should be aware that the end of the ancients and the opening of the ancients, not only the Heaven and Earth Source is reorganizing, but also the three thousand Grand Dao Sources are all present. Reorganization and reorganization. In other words, the endless Great Thousand Worlds and the pattern of Heaven and Earth are still full of unknowns.”

“Since it is an unknown number, then ancient friends may become The enemies of the present and the ancients, and the enemies of the ancients, may also become the friends of the present and the ancients. The conforming with destiny it’s person of the ancients may also become the destiny it’s person of the present.”


Old Ghost sighed: “Cause and effect have reincarnation, and Three Thousand Great Daos will also change with it.”

At this moment, Liu Guangbing, Long Qi and the others understand. Now, Old Ghost means that the reason why the cloud gave its will is probably because the Emperor Chixiao of the ancient times has a great effect on the immortal dao, which is the so-called person who should be catered for. If that is the case, for The catastrophe of immortal dao, the fact that Emperor Chixiao overthrew the immortal dynasty back then is really nothing.

At this time, Xun Yihe, who has been silent, asked: “Old Ghost, you said there are two possibilities, what else is possible?”

“If the clouds descend The will, not because the existence of the king is for the sake of luck, then too terrifying.”

Everyone was stunned. The word terrifying came from Old Ghost and other profound mystery people. Speaking of it, even these Heaven’s Chosen Child Dragons Among Humans have the feeling of have one’s hair stand on end.

“Old Ghost, please give some pointers, what’s the meaning of terrifying?”

Old Ghost holds the black stone in his hand, looks at the chessboard, meditates for a moment, and drops a black stone on the board. Said: “That is the existence of King Chixiao, which makes Yun extremely jealous, and he is willing to give up the prestige of the immortal, and also fears that the immortal will offend King Chixiao and provoke him to anger, causing Yun Yun to get angry.” /p>

Old Ghost’s voice fell, not only the Dragons Among Humans such as Liu Guangbing, Long Qi, etc. had terrified look, but even the serene, calm and peaceful, could not help but wrinkle frowned, staring suspiciously at Old Ghost.

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