Supreme Lord

Chapter 1158

Thinking about going.

Gu Qingfeng thought that this place should be affected by some mysterious terrifying force, so everything will mutate. If it weren’t, the dark clouds covering the sky, the lightning bolts, the desert ruins, etc. would definitely not All the clubs contain a weird power.

As for what terrifying force is affected by it, Gu Qingfeng doesn’t know, he can’t imagine it.

Continue to explore forward.

This place is huge, as if it has no end.

There are floating mountain ranges everywhere, and ten thousand zhang abysses everywhere.

Apart from this, nothing.

There is a dead silence.

I don’t know how long it has been.

Gu Qingfeng has been wandering like this, and found nothing along the way, even without the outline of a ruin.

This place seems to have been burnt clean, except for ruins.

Continue to wander, continue to explore.

I don’t know how long it has been.

Gu Qingfeng stopped probing.

After investigating for so long, there is no bird’s feather, and it seems that there is no point in continuing the investigation.

However, just when he was about to go home, he suddenly noticed something was wrong. It seemed that something was galloping towards him. Gu Qingfeng immediately looked over and saw a ray in the distance. of magnificent light is sprinting at a very fast speed, like a meteor.

Is that a person?

That’s right!

It is a person.

And still a woman.

A woman with a beautiful face and capable of causing the downfall of a nation.

A clothes whiter than snow, like a woman in the smoke and mist.

A bright and holy woman who is like a goddess.

Good guy!

It turned out to be Su Wei.

Seeing Su Hua, Gu Qingfeng frowned. He didn’t expect to meet an acquaintance in this weird place, and this acquaintance is Su Hua.

“It’s you?”

When Su Wei appeared, she looked like Gu Qingfeng, 30% more shocked than Gu Qingfeng seeing her, and shouted in astonishment: “How could you Here?”

“I said Sister Su, you are really everywhere, how can you run into you everywhere.”

Think about it carefully, and feel free to be in this world After waking up, Gu Qingfeng no longer remembers how many times he had met with Su Wei. In his impression, this lady seemed to have no opportunity, and he could meet her no matter where he went.

“How did you get in?”

Su Wei continued to ask.

Gu Qingfeng also asked back: “How did you get in, how I got in.”

“You also have a fragmented crystal core in your hand?” Su Wei stared at Gu Qingfeng said: “I have seen your storage bag, there is only a fragmented crystal, not at all fragmented crystal nucleus, the stump has always been on you? But I have not seen you here before, which means You only recently got the fragmented crystal nucleus, and you have been in Yanluo country these days…”

Su Wei felt like he realized something, and asked: “The fragmented crystal nucleus in your hand is from Yanluo. Obtained from the Yanyue Ruins of the country? Perhaps I should ask, did you snatch the fragmented crystal nucleus from Chu Jiaohong?”

Su Wei is indeed Su Wei, really brilliant.

Not only everywhere, but also with no opportunity, it seems to know everything now.

Gu Qingfeng shook his head, denied it, and said: “Who is Chu Jiaohong? I don’t know. As for what fragment crystal nucleus, I don’t know what it is.”

Su Wei stared at her, and said unceremoniously: “You are really telling lies with your eyes open!”

“Sister, don’t spit someone, I really don’t know Chu Jiaohong, my lord.”

“The Yin-red Zhu Niao pull finger in your hand belongs to Chu Jiaohong, do you dare to say that you don’t know it?”

“You said this!”

Gu Qingfeng looked at the finger on his hand and realized that the matter was exposed, which was somewhat embarrassing, but still brace oneself and said: “So that woman is Chu Jiaohong, I thought you were talking about who.” “

“What’s wrong with Chu Jiaohong?”

“What? You are very familiar?”

“I’m not familiar, I have met several times. “

“Since I’m not familiar, then don’t ask that many.”

“Chu Jiaohong has been looking for you. She was there when Panlong Mountain, so she must know you The King of Scarlet Heaven that she has been looking for, shouldn’t she seek revenge from you? And you…Kill her by this opportunity? Take away her fragmented crystal core?”

“No , Lord, I have already corrected evil and returned to righteousness. I rarely kill.”

hearing this.

Su Hua didn’t say a word, just stared at Gu Qingfeng, after a long time, he opened the mouth and said: “Don’t you feel blushing when you say this?”

Gu Qingfeng didn’t want to talk too much on this topic, and asked: “Where is this place?”

“The lost relics of the era of no way.”

“Nonsense , How specific is it?”

“Where do I know what it is, it’s deserted and there is nothing here.”

“Listening to what you just said, it seems to come here often?”

“It’s not that often. I have been here on and off several times in these years.”

“In these years?” Gu Qingfeng asked: “Where did you get the fragmented crystal nucleus in your hand? Come?”

“I found it by chance nine years ago when the fate came.”

Su Wei gave Gu Qingfeng a white look and said: “When the fate came, even the era of no way The blood of the original sin has appeared, and you yourself are the person who has experienced it yourself. What is a small fragment of the era of no way.”

“Listening to you, it seems to be That’s it.” Gu Qingfeng rubbed his chin and said: “Are you too much?”

“Are there too many?”

“I said the fragmented nucleus of the era of no way.”

Su Wei asked cautiously: “What do you want to do?”

“Sister, don’t think about it, I just ask casually.”

” I don’t know how many, but I have seen many people here over the years.”

“How many are many?”

“There should be more than ten. “

“So many?” Gu Qingfeng frowned in thought, and continued to ask: “They are some who?”

“Some I know, and some I don’t know, neither I know they are all who.”

“Do you know who are all?”

“Why are you asking so carefully?”

“No Why, just ask casually.”

When the voice fell, Gu Qingfeng noticed the strangeness again, and looked up, good deed, another glorious brilliance that resembled a meteor came galloping.

“A few of them should also be aware of your existence.”

Su Wei’s voice came, and Gu Qingfeng was confused when he heard it, and asked: “They?”

“Besides me, there are still three people here now.”

The meteor appeared before Su Wei before he finished speaking.

I am also a woman.

A woman with a monstrous demonic energy.

The woman’s white hair dances freely in the gusty wind, her face is beautiful and alluring, she is very beautiful, she is very arrogant, as if she would dare to compete with the sun and the moon, her whole body shone with gray and white glory, Guanghua is like a cold flame, burning everything.

“Is it you?”

When the woman saw Gu Qingfeng, she was as surprised as Su Hua.

Similarly, Gu Qingfeng was quite surprised when he saw the woman.

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