Supreme Lord

Chapter 1157

After a while.

Gu Qingfeng took out a full eighteen fragment crystals from Chu Jiaohong’s storage finger, and then tried them one by one, and it was nothing like the fragment crystal in his hand. The difference is that after using Divine Consciousness to explore, there is still no Heaven and Earth, no light, nothing but endless darkness and nothingness, the lost place of the era of no way.

These fragmented crystals all contain mysterious and powerful power. If you refining them, the benefit is absolutely unimaginable.

However, no one should want to refining it.

Leave aside refining.

Even if you can refining, you will definitely not be able to hold the mysterious power inside. Forcibly refining will only lead to death.

This is not important.

The important thing is that this thing belongs to the fragments of the era of innocence.

The era of no way.

That was the most mysterious era between Heaven and Earth. It is rumored that this era not only hides the secret of becoming a god, but also hides the biggest secret between Heaven and Earth.

It is no exaggeration to say that even a piece of shit, as long as it is in the era of innocence, is absolutely priceless.

Not to mention it is still a fragmented crystal of the era of innocence.

Chu Jiaohong has so many fragmented crystals in her hand, but she only used one to conceive Avatar, perhaps because of her ability, she can only conceive one, and more importantly, it is also Don’t want to reckless waste of natural resources.

Gu Qingfeng studied the eighteen fragment crystals from the era of no way, and put them away again, thinking about when they might come in handy.

After the eighteen fragment crystals were collected, only one fragment crystal core was picked up and studied.

Just one glance at this thing feels extraordinary.

The crystals of the eighteen fragments seem to be chaotic, but they are still chaos.

Although this fragmented nucleus is also chaotic, it is chaos of change.

In other words.

The crystals of fragments look like dead things.

And this fragmented crystal nucleus is like a living thing.

Gu Qingfeng had seen the Great Thousand Worlds explosion more than once when he was fighting in Heaven Realm, and he also experienced it once. He knew very well that once the space of Great Thousand Worlds exploded, it would Will split countless crystals of fragments, most of which are space fragments.

The crystals of these fragments will gradually become nuclei after many years, called the acquired nuclei.

And if it is the fragment nucleus that split directly when the world exploded, it is the innate nucleus.

Although both are fragmented nuclei, they have the difference between Heaven and Earth. The acquired nucleus is formed by countless fragmented crystals, which may contain unimaginable power, but apart from this , Not at all what research value.


The innate nucleus is different.

Because the innate crystal nucleus splits directly from the world space, its inherent power is not only innately pure, but its research value is also much greater.

It’s not accidental that the world space exploded and split the crystal nuclei. At the time of the explosion, the sect Secret Realm in Great Thousand Worlds, the powerful Cave Mansion, and even Smaller Thousand Worlds might be in Fragment nuclei are formed when space explodes.

But this is just the case of the Great Thousand Worlds space explosion.

This crystal nucleus in Gu Qingfeng’s hand is not a crystal nucleus split by the explosion of Great Thousand Worlds, but an era of innocence.

In that era, there were no Great Thousand Worlds and Smaller Thousand Worlds, only Heaven and Earth.

The explosion in the era of no way is almost equal to the explosion of Heaven and Earth.

The Great Thousand Worlds space exploded, and the split crystal nucleus may be Smaller Thousand Worlds or sect Secret Realm or the Great Cave Mansion.

As for the fragmented nuclei of the era of innocence, Gu Qingfeng really does not know how this thing was formed.


He couldn’t even judge whether this fragmented crystal nucleus was congenitally split or acquired.

The era of no way is too mysterious, and the mysterious makes Gu Qingfeng dare not pretend to be suspicious, and dare not enter the investigation rashly.

Not afraid.

It is a very complicated feeling.

I want to go in and explore.

But I was scared.

Afraid of danger? Still afraid of death?


Not all.

Gu Qingfeng is neither afraid of danger nor death.

What are you afraid of?

He doesn’t know.

I just feel that there is an inexplicable fear deep in one’s heart, a fear of hesitation, and a fear of loss.

That’s it.

Gu Qingfeng closed his eyes and lay on his back in the big lion. He closed his eyes and pondered for a moment. I don’t know how long it took. He sat up, shook his head, raised his head and took a few sips of wine, and finally decided to go in Check it out.

After the decision, without hesitation, Gu Qingfeng directly took out Divine Consciousness and entered it quietly.

Previously, after entering through the Shard Crystal, it was a place without the sun and the moon, nor the Heaven and Earth world.

At this moment, after Gu Qingfeng entered through this fragmented crystal nucleus, it is also a world without sun and moon, nor Heaven and Earth world.

The only difference is.

There is not only no sun and moon light Heaven and Earth world in the fragment crystal, but there is nothing, nothingness, only darkness, endless darkness.

Not in this fragmented crystal core.

Although there is no sun and moon, it is covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder, dim and dark, just like the end of the world.

There is no Heaven and Earth world, but pieces of Desert ruins. There are floating mountain ranges in the sky, and below are the ten thousand zhang abyss.

The wind swept through the sand, rolling in, sweeping everything here.

Countless lightning, thunder, and crazy thunderbolts, like trials and tribulations, ruling everything.

Where is this motherfucker?

Not sure.

Gu Qingfeng cautiously explored.

There is dead silence.

Except for Desert, there are ruins.

Nothing else.

Moreover, this place is extremely weird, the environment is very bad, the dark clouds are definitely not ordinary dark clouds, thunder and lightning are not ordinary thunder and lightning, and gale is not ordinary gale, what is it, Gu Qingfeng has never met However, I just felt that any existence in it, even a grain of sand, seemed to contain terrifying power, which made Gu Qingfeng Divine Consciousness quite uncomfortable.

Exploring this place for a while, it feels like being in a smoke-filled room for a while, a little panicked.

Since Gu Qingfeng was killed and reborn in the Northwest nine years ago, the mental condition has not been very good. Although it is not weak, it is almost the same. Essence, Qi, and Spirit have recovered fairly Slow, Gu Qingfeng does not have other methods.

Continuing to probe for a while, feeling more and more panicked, Gu Qingfeng yelled, and took the Divine Consciousness back, and directly used the fleshy body to enter it.

He didn’t expect that after Fleshy body entered, it was even more uncomfortable than before.

The uncomfortable feeling just now seemed to be in a smoke-filled room, panicking, but now it was burning panic like in a stove.

“This place is really wicked!”

Gu Qingfeng looked and looked, looked and looked, but couldn’t find the reason.

He stopped and took a pile of deserted sand. There seemed to be nothing unusual. He looked at the thunderbolt above, and he felt nothing unusual, but it seemed ordinary. The ruins of the deserted sand, the thunderbolt and the thunderbolt all seemed to contain a mysterious and weird power, even when the motherfucker was blown by a gust of wind, all of them seemed to have been burned by fire, and seemed to carry a kind of heat.

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