Section 67: Words confrontation, absolutely strong!

Immortal sack Wang, more than a decade ago, was greeted by the emperor’s grievances and knew the mystery of the emperor.

The immortal sack king chose to make the absolute grade immortal sack because of this secret. He has been fully prepared for more than ten years.

In the banquet a few months ago, the Emperor of the Night wrote a letter, which is to be embarrassed by this person. I hope that the immortal sack king will leave here and not hinder his plan.

One is the mysterious night emperor, and the other is Hou Yun’s junior Chu Yun. The immortal sack king made a comparison and chose to leave.

But he did not expect that the next development of the matter is beyond the imagination of all.

Chu Yun unexpectedly released the Dragon Emperor by chance. The next step is the struggle between the two emperors. Chu Yun was blessed in disguise, and was promoted to a king-level powerhouse in this battle.

Another thing that surprised him was that he found that the last step in refining the immortal sack had to be helped by others.

He used to consult the overnight emperor because of the refined grade immortal sack. But the difficulty of this last step, the night emperor never mentioned it to him.

Immortal sack Wang is a king-level powerhouse with unfathomable wisdom. Of course he is not an idiot.

There has always been a doubt in his heart. Why did the night emperor tell himself, for no reason, the secret of such a precious emperor?

He thought of a great possibility – the night emperor would use his own hands to forge the absolute grade immortal sack. Then at the most critical moment, grab the fruits of your labor.

This may have a very large surname, and he ruled out the plan to find the night emperor to help.

Of course he can’t find the Dragon Emperor.

The dragon emperor’s surname is arrogant, and once he takes the initiative to find the door, he is bound to surrender himself to him. The absolute grade immortal sack, the Dragon Emperor is not available at the moment, maybe you have to contribute.

The immortal sack king ruled out the two emperors, and the rest can help themselves, only the king of wine, the king of falling cherry, and so on.

However, through the calculation of the star girl, the Sakura King, the merpeople king, and the poisonous king have all been the poisoned hands of the night emperor. Therefore, the only remaining goal of the immortal sack king is Chu Yun and the wine king.

At this time, the star girl also offered, may wish to exchange the fairy squad in the world of the gods, and then give it to Chu Yun as a gift, as a sly gift and apologize.

Immortal sack Wang was not willing, but he was helpless and had to do so.

As a result, when facing Chu Yun, he was beaten by the newly-elected unparalleled king.

Immortal sack The heart of the king is full of anger, but in order to build the absolute grade immortal sack, the last step, he can only swallow the sound, using the secret of the emperor in exchange for the Chu Yun and the wine king’s shot.

“You are waiting! Whether it is your unparalleled king, the wine king, or the night emperor, the dragon emperor, as long as I immortal sack king refining the absolute grade immortal sack. I have the strength of the pseudo-emperor, when the time is Stellar Province, Who can get the king?” immortal sack The king smiled hehe, but his heart was roaring in anger.

As he expected, the temptation of the secret of the emperor could not be stopped. Especially the king-level powerhouse, especially so.

The talent is as beautiful as the falling cherry king, and the vertical and horizontal like the Whale King are all fascinated by the secret of this emperor.

After hearing these four words, both Chu Yun and the King of Wines showed a very interesting look.

“Wait a minute, you said that you have the secret of becoming an emperor. If this is the night emperor or the dragon emperor, I can believe it. You immortal sack king said, reliable surname is not big. How do you let us believe in you? “Chu Yun’s eyes are flickering, the tone is sharp, very rude.

Of course, there is no need to be polite with people like immortal sack king.

Immortal sack The heart of the king snorted, and a smile appeared on the surface, explaining the passage of the year to Chu Yun and the wine king.

Hearing this secret was obtained from the night emperor, and the immortal sack king also forged the absolute grade immortal sack because of this secret, and therefore, after more than ten years of preparation, both Chu Yun and the wine king have already believed in the majority.

However, Chu Yun is still not very satisfied: “This is your side, unless you say a secret of 5% Emperor, let us refer to the authenticity. Otherwise we can’t promise.”

“You!” immortal sack Wang stunned, his face suddenly appeared an angry expression, he cried to Chu Yun, “You are heartily embarrassing me! Are you a fool? This secret says 10% With the spirit light of our king, it is not difficult to push all the performances. In fact, you have already believed, but you don’t want to pay anything, you want to get the reward. You are so deceiving, I will never say it. !”

“haha!” Chu Yun laughed and looked up at the immortal sack king with a compelling gaze. “Yes. I am embarrassing me, it is difficult for you. If you have the ability to find someone to help, why do you come to find it?” We? You can’t say it, don’t say everything is free!”

“Unparalleled King! You really want the king to have you help?” immortal sack Wang slammed, stood up, sternly shouted, “Do you believe that this king will leave?”

Chu Yun sneered, he has seen the guilty conscience of the immortal sack king. He also stood up straight, and the tiger eyes released a fierce light, pressing the eyes of the immortal sack king, and sighed. “You still want to go? Hey! Don’t tell the secret today, you will die in the stars. !”

“You, you!” For a time, the immortal sack king fingered Chu Yun, stuttering, unable to say a complete sentence.

The star girl stared at Chu Yun in a stunned look. She didn’t expect the appearance of such a gentle, delicate and pretty Chu Yun, which was so unreasonable, it was a robber!

Immortal sack The king is angry and mad.

How long has this not happened?

His imperial immortal sack king was actually threatened!

This person is still a younger generation with only a dozen years of debut. This is a shameful shame for him.

But the truth is that he still can’t beat this afterlife junior!

So he was threatened and he could do nothing. Even consider the consequences of the next terrifying if you don’t follow Chu Yun.

“Immortal sack king, you have to figure it out. You come to ask us for help. What is your attitude? Well? Want to use the secret of the emperor, do you want us to sell for you? Know the affairs, you tell me now. Secret. Otherwise I have to use it!” In the eyes of Chu Yun, the sustained light flashed, and there was a very dangerous atmosphere in the body.

This can not help but let the immortal sack king trembling in fear, he quickly turned to the sitting wine king to go for help. However, the wine king has turned a deaf ear and sat down in his position to drink.

Immortal sack The heart of the king could not help but burst into a strong sadness and indignation. He finally understood thoroughly that the wine king was wearing a pair of pants with Chu Yun! In order to become the secret of the emperor, they unite and deal with themselves. If you don’t agree, not only Chu Yun, but also the great wine kings must shoot!

“No, I can’t say this secret! Even if it’s dead, I won’t say it.” The immortal sack king is not stupid. Once he tells the secret, he makes Chu Yun and the wine king unscrupulous. Die faster.

Then he said in a slow tone: “I can swear to the Supreme Dafa network in Stellar Province. As long as you helped me and successfully forged the absolute grade immortal sack, I will tell you this secret. Believe me?”

“This is a method. Swear to the French website, it is the most important oath of the Monster Controlling Master, it must be implemented. Otherwise, the world is not allowed, it is rejected by the French Open, even the king’s peak can not be promoted. There are even endless days of robbery, torment And destroy the person who violated the oath.” The wine king touched his chin and nodded. He is quite satisfied with this proposal.

Chu Yun is not satisfied.

He is coldly snorted, and his eyes are slamming: “That’s good. You tell us the secret of emperor. We swear to the French Open. Once we get the real message, we will do everything we can to help you forge the absolute grade immortal sack.”

See immortal sack Wang mouth open, want to talk, Chu Yun immediately called: “You shut me up, you promised, do not agree, this is your only chance.”

Once again a naked threat.

Actually threatened by a younger generation!

Immortal sack The king’s fists are pinched, and the arms are covered with blue veins. This is the face of the public, regardless of his face, but his strength is not as strong as Chu Yun. There is no way to be threatened like this!

“As long as I am making an absolute grade immortal sack, as long as I am successful in refining! I will kill you Chu Yun in the first time! I must kill you this little bastard, something that is lawless and uninhabited!” immortal sack The heart roared wildly.

His excitement, all Chu Yun through the six desire Heart Demon 蝎, feel clearly.

Chu Yun sneered in the heart, this kind of person should be treated like this. He has quietly made up his mind, even if he has made an absolute grade immortal sack, he has to grab a hand and grab it.

What about the oath? It’s a big deal to go to Danzhou. In Danzhou, Stellar Province Dafa has a fart!

As for the Star Kingdom, is there not a congenital land whale? It’s a big deal to study the king of the whales and hide in the deep ocean. Anyway, there are sleeping old people covering the sky, and the Stellar Province is so extensive. To find a land whale, it is simply a needle in a haystack. In this respect, the emperor is also incompetent.

Of course, this is just a last resort.

“Well, I will give up one step at the end.” Silence for a long while, the immortal sack king finally said, “I can tell you this secret first, but before that, you must swear to the Stellar Province legal network, do not help me, help I made this absolute grade immortal sack.”

Chu Yun exchanged a glance with the wine king, and immediately swore on the spot.

The immortal sack nodded, and the vows of both did not have any loopholes. Of course, even if there are loopholes, the wisdom of the king can be found.

“Well, then I will tell you now. The secret of the emperor is to build an absolute grade immortal sack.”


“Immoral sack king, what do you mean!”

At this moment, not only Chu Yun, but even the wine king is furious.

Everyone knows that the immortal sack king created the absolute grade immortal sack, which is related to the secret of the emperor. What did you say when you said this?

“Wait, slow! You listen to me and finish the conversation.” Seeing the wine king also stood up, with an angry color, immortal sack Wang also panic.

“Then you will say.” The wine king is said solemnly.

“Don’t play any more tricks.” Chu Yun chilledly added a sentence.

(To be continued)

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