Section 66: The Secret of the Emperor

In an instant!

The boundless snow shines and fills the vision of the immortal sack king. He is like a fallen leaf, and is caught in an endless river.


Pā pā pā.

Jin Mang bursts, and the sound of explosions like fried beans is ringing around him.

Immortal sack The face of the king suddenly changed, and the numerous white gold symbols surrounded by him were smashed by the knife qi. With only three breaths of time, only a small amount left. And the golden light is dim, and the essence qi is badly hurt.

The immortal sack king quickly and distressedly, reinstated the remaining scorpion into the immortal sack.


Countless waves hit and slammed into the Three Great Aegis.

The three-sided giant shield burst out of the glory of the hustle and bustle, united in one, and did not move in the stormy waves.

Chu Yun sneered, wielding a sword and squatting in the sky. He is now a king-level powerhouse and is free to control this river.

The water level of the Tianhe River suddenly rose and it caused a huge wave. Chu Yun came from the waves, and banged, the glacial sword stabbed a shield.

Sudden immortal sack Wang face a white, feeling endless cold, surging. A sharp tremor of the Aegis made him shocked.

“Can’t stay in this river!” immortal sack Wang wants to get out, but greets a sharp knife.

The knife cuts the time and space, engulfs the boundless hegemony, destroys everything, terrifying the power of the earth, and blasts on the other side of the shield.

During the time, the loud noise exploded in the ear of the immortal sack king, which shocked his eardrum.

He stood up against the incandescent snow, opened his eyes, and found numerous trivial shield fragments.

He is proud of the Three Great Aegis, even the power to resist Chu Yun’s blow is not, just a confrontation, it was destroyed.

“How is this possible!?” The immortal sack yelled out in disarray. His eyes were rounded and almost fell off his eyes. His voice is full of incredible, how is Chu Yun’s attack power so terrifying?

Chu Yun is coming again.

This time is easier than the first time. The second side of the three Aegis was directly cut into two halves, and then was swept away by the surrounding Tianhe.


Another sound exploded, and the third knife went down.

Destroy the star sink!

On the last side, the Great Aegis was also crushed.

“It’s still innate Malty Snow Knife!” Chu Yun yelled in his heart. Although the three knives went down, his right arm trembled and swelled, but his heart was very cool.

Malty Snow Knife is his strongest single-armed force. The cultivation base is up to tens of millions of years. It is also the innate gold defensive soldier, who can directly open the defense of the three Aegis.

There is no doubt that this is the supreme attacking soldier!

“Immoral sack king, you will pick me up again!” Chu Yun laughed heartily, the voice is flying. He is like a flood dragon in the river, and like a big sky, the sword is out, and the immortal sack king can’t stand it!

There is only one leftover robes in his body, although he is a congenital demon. But the cultivation base itself is only in 110,000 years.

This is because the congenital demon has a heavy burden on the spirit light of the Monster Controlling Master. Immortal sack The king does not have the martial arts channel method, nor does it grasp the various spirit light contracts of the Beastmaster. It can only suppress the cultivation base of this robes before it can be used freely.

Huang Cancan’s spot was cut off by layers under Chu Yun’s knife shadow. At the same time, the surrounding swords of the Tianhe River, also rolled up thousands of heavy snow waves, encircling the immortal sack king.

Immortal sack The king released a monster, attempting to resist, and was handcuffed by Chu Yun, and was crippled.

“Chu Yun, you don’t want to bully too much. This is what you forced me!” The immortal sack was so embarrassing that it was hurt by Chu Yun and it was all blood.

When the dog is anxious, he will jump to the wall, let alone the king-level powerhouse?

He screamed aloud and pulled out a look from his arms that was unsightly and broke the gray immortal sack.

He was forced into a desperate situation by Chu Yun, had to take out the immortal sack and carefully opened a small hole.

Suddenly, the infinite suction came out of the mouth of the bag, and it swallowed the surrounding swords and rivers.

Chu Yun is amazed. In the world’s cognition, the immortal sack is used to assist the demon and load the demon. Never seen an immortal sack against the enemy.

But this immortal sack of the immortal sack king is extraordinary. It turned out to be like a bottomless pit, and it continually swallowed the knife qi, and there was no sign of it.

Chu Yun did not believe in evil and once again stormed.

The immortal sack king couldn’t stop Chu Yun’s fierce offensive, and he could only raise the immortal sack in his hand.

Immortal sack Exhausted all the attacking methods of Chu Yun, the mouth is expanding more and more.

Immortal sack Wang full of cold sweat, his face paler and paler, he suddenly asked for mercy, yelled: “Don’t fight again, this immortal sack I am going to be unable to control. If the mouth is completely opened, we can’t escape!”

At this time, the star girl who was hiding far away from the corner of the battle space also shouted: “It’s too dangerous, and I’m going to stop! The sac is open, it’s the primordial chaos sea! It’s not only to overwhelm this battle. The array space, even broke out directly in the city of Fire, swept the majority of the stars!”

“Islamic!” Chu Yun coldly snorted, holding up the sword and throwing it again.

Immortal sack The king almost cried, how can he be so bad luck, encounter such a bachelor, two nephews, a sly character!

“And slow hands!” Just then, the space broke open, and the wine king suddenly appeared in front of Chu Yun. After these days of recuperation, he has already recovered from psychological trauma and is able to mobilize the monsters in his hands.

Chu Yun is not at all surprised. He has already arranged for the fortune of the wine king. In case it really hits the real fire, the wine king is the childcare that makes him a good step.

Chu Yun made a hesitation, and finally put away the sword, expressionless: “Since the wine king opened his mouth, then I will sell you a face.”

He has achieved his goal, not only tested his combat effectiveness, but also successfully deterred the immortal sack king.

He immediately dispersed the sword and the river, and the immortal sack king tried his best and finally closed the immortal sack.

“Do you know how dangerous it was! I don’t know how terrifying!” He sighed in relief, and immediately shouted, the cold sweat on his forehead, falling down on his face, very crazy.

“Oh? Is it…immortal sack king, are you provoking me again?” Chu Yun took out the sword again.

“You.” immortal sack Wang’s face is condensed, his lips are moving, but he can’t speak, just take his eyes to Chu Yun.

Chu Yun’s cold flashes in his eyes, with a more fierce momentum, pressed against the immortal sack king.

“Two!” The wine king again made a sound.

“Oh, no, this time I will see you in the face of the wine lord…” The immortal sack king feels that the old face can’t be hanged, and he can only use the wine lord as a step.

His heart was filled with anger, shame, and hatred against Chu Yun. In addition, there was a hint of fear that he did not want to admit.

This brat really has the ability to kill myself!

After realizing the fighting power of Chu Yun, the immortal sack king thoroughly realized that this was a shocking and cruel reality for him.

“Now the two emperors are born, Stellar Province is turbulent. We all have common enemies, we need to rely on each other’s strength, why bother to fight. Come and come, I invite everyone to drink at my Longmen Inn, can’t help but come to give me the wine king A face, Hahaha…” The scene is getting cold, and the wine king is busy playing round.

“It’s still the king of the wine, you know the truth, the old man came here, but with considerable sincerity, it’s not here to fight and kill.” Immortal sack Wang quickly added a sentence, the tone is very angry, more mixed with sorrow and depression .

After half an hour, Longmen Inn.

The wine has passed thirty years.

Under the auspices of the wine king, the atmosphere has been mobilized, and the relationship with the swords drawn and bows bent has gradually eased.

Immortal sack The king frank his own intentions, he needs to seek some help.

“Building an absolute grade immortal sack?” Chu Yun and the wine king looked at each other and looked at the immortal sack king.

“Yes, everyone knows that the world’s immortal sack is divided into upper, middle, and lower. In fact, above the superior immortal sack, there is an absolute grade immortal sack. However, the absolute grade immortal sack is so rare that the world almost thinks The superior immortal sack is already the pinnacle of the immortal sack. It is not.”

The immortal sack paused and continued: “absolute grade immortal sack, there is in this world. It can only be cast by the emperor, so the number of absolute grade immortal sacks in history is very rare, less It is considered to be non-existent, and I just want to forge an absolute grade immortal sack.”

The immortal sack king is very contradictory. On the one hand, the absolute grade immortal sack needs the strength of the great emperor to be able to make it. On the other hand, he said that he had to make an absolute grade immortal sack and needed help.

“It seems that when I was fighting, the pocket used by the immortal sack king should be the 5% of the absolute grade immortal sack. The primordial chaos sea… looks very dangerous. So, the immortal sack king collects the finest immortal sack. It is to make the absolute grade immortal sack. It seems that the death of his previous life is due to the manufacture of this absolute grade immortal sack.” Chu Yun’s body light blooms, combining the memories of previous life, stringing all the clues There is a bottom in my heart.

Sure enough, the immortal sack king went on to say: “But my research has found that with a lot of superior immortal sacks, you can make an absolute grade immortal sack with the king’s cultivation base. I collect the finest immortal sack everywhere, because So. Now that the immortal sack is enough, it’s already in the last process, and you need your help. Of course, you won’t be working hard, and the old man has prepared a gift and paid two.”

“Hey! Why should I help you? What kind of remuneration to talk about first, I will consider it again.” Chu Yun deliberately coldly snorted.

Immortal sack Wang Hehe laughed, his eyes sparkling with endless confidence. He said slowly: “This reward, you must not refuse. Because it is – the secret of the emperor!”

The secret of the emperor?

In the meantime, Chu Yun and the wine king’s eyes are deep in the eyes, and they all shine a light.

The secret of the emperor!

The king wants to go further and the difficulty of being promoted to the emperor level is well known. It is harder than going to heaven. In the long history of the Stellar Province, beyond the level of the king, there are only the Stars, the Three Emperors and the Five Emperors.

This number does not add up to more than ten. It is obvious that the king is the difficulty of the emperor!

But no one wants to be the emperor of the Monster Controlling Master. Everyone wants to go further, but this day’s big trouble, stuck a lot of heroes.

Overlord Chu, the Nine Ghosts, the Sword King, the Beastmaster… How many amazing and colorful Seniors, countless romantic figures, are defeated in this level.

It’s now.

Immortal sack Wang suddenly told them that as long as he helped him make an absolute grade immortal sack, he exchanged it with the secret of the emperor!

(To be continued)

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