Section 29: Cheating?

Returning from the restaurant, Chu Yun took a bath as usual… After waking up at night, I went to the Southern District again to participate in the test.

This is the sixth day of the Academy Assembly and the third day of the exchange.

According to the arrangement, the first session was a seal project.

The arrival of Chu Yun on time, the host of the college staff was surprised, the unparalleled players this time actually not late!

This time, his opponent, not someone else, is the proud boy Li Yiyi who met at the registration office.

Li Er is very nervous and very excited. Not because of Chu Yun, he still doesn’t know the details of Chu Yun, but he sees the master of the eyebrows and the master of sunflowers standing by the side of the training field.

“Scorpio! Two authoritative masters in the Indian world, I am fortunate enough to get their youth?” Li Erxin was in the tide.

“Today is unusual. There are many eyeliners lurking around the assembly…” The master of the eyebrows glanced around the circle without a trace, whispering to the sunflower master.

“That is inevitable. The performance of such a monster is unparalleled, and sooner or later it will attract the attention of the college assembly.” Master Sunflower did not care. “It is this time his opponent is very weak. If any master is there, it would be fine.” ”

“This child can also be regarded as a new star in the seal world. I hope that this time I will not be hit too hard and lose confidence.” The eyebrow knives looked at Li Eryi with concern.

Li Er was so excited that he was trembling, and happiness had to faint. He yelled in his heart: “The two masters looked at me. They looked at me with encouragement! Li Er, you must work hard to defeat the opposite clown and not let down the expectations of the two masters!”

He clenched his fist and cheered himself up.

“This time, the test questions were condensed on the blank scroll. The seals were fire, water and soil. The time was three hours, and the strength of the seal was the main reference standard. Start.” They were handed to Chu Yun and Li Er respectively, and one blank scroll.

Watching the two enter the left and right chambers separately, the sunflower master said: “You said that this time, will he not do it all at once, but what is the seal between them?”

“How do I know?” Master Brow Knife did not look at the sunflower master with a sigh of relief. Her mood was very complicated, she had both expectations and she didn’t want Chu Yun to really do it.

Of course, Chu Yun can’t complete this test in a moment, and the method of clarification can only be used to unblock the seal. However, in the construction of the seal, you have to rely on the celestial masters of the ship.

In the end, he spent half an hour, walked out of the secret room and handed in his work.

“Good means! Fire, water, and soil are printed on top of each other, and they are stacked together to form a system that triples the strength of the printing. But this is not a composite type of printing. It is not difficult, and the time consumption is very small… Although the sunflower master is very pregnant, but after all, it is a master, and the eyes are still there. Looking at it from a distance, it tastes the mystery.

“There is no doubt that this is indeed a master’s handwriting.” The eyebrow knives also lamented.

After two more hours, Li Erang walked out of the Chamber of Secrets and filled his heart with a desire for victory.

However, the reality is cruel.

“How, how can it be possible?” When he saw Chu Yun’s work, Li Er suddenly stunned.

He is incredulously looking at the boy in front of him. This is obviously a master’s handwriting. Is the other party a monster?

There is no suspense in this discussion, and Chu Yun defeated Li Er with great advantages.

“My debut show, my future.” When I thought of two masters watching, Li Er wanted to cry, how could he meet the abnormality of Chu Yun.

“No, it’s impossible! You are just about the same age as me, how can it be so powerful! You are cheating, you must be cheating!” Li Erda screamed, pointing to Chu Yun, his brows squatting, his eyes full of anger.

Chu Yun didn’t even look at him. This kind of person who couldn’t afford to lose, even if he didn’t admit defeat, he didn’t qualify to be his opponent. This is the case now, and so will the future.

“Yes, yes! You cheating, you still want to leave? You confess clearly, how to cheat yourself. Fight for the lenient treatment of the college assembly.” See Chu Yun left, Li two footsteps, shouted And stopped in front of Chu Yun.

Did Chu Yun cheat?

of course not!

The Monster Controlling Master is itself a profession that relies on the monsters in your hands. Whether it is refining, pill refining, etc., it is necessary to rely on the demon to carry out refining. .

It’s just that Chu Yun’s monster is a special one. It’s the price of Tang Jin’s lord’s sacrifice to destroy the country. The predecessors of the bliss fairy tales are mostly masters of the heavenly arrogant women, who paid the price of life and become the demon soldiers. The skill of one is also inherited.

Chu Yun relies directly on them for refining and pill refining, and its nature is the same as everyone else. They all rely on monsters. He can’t rely on himself to draw a seal. You must use the demon to apply the Tao.

Chu Yun didn’t cheat at all, but it was just too powerful and too unique. If you have them, you will have to have countless masters as your own logistics.

Who told other people that there is no help from the bliss?

Chu Yun has no cheating at all. If he is cheating, isn’t it fair to the owner of the boat? Even Tang Jinguo’s main spring knows that it is estimated that he will refute his grandmother’s. When Lao Tzu paid such a painful price, he created the blissful boat that had never come before.

What’s wrong, can’t you get used to it? Can’t understand you, but also build one!

The master of sunflowers and the master of the eyebrows frowned at the same time.

“This child, some unreasonable to take a small amount of tone, lost the grace of our singer. Seeing that the peers are stronger than themselves, the future achievements will be very limited.”

“The key is that he is empty-mouthed and there is no evidence. Obviously he can’t accept his own fiasco, but he has to find an excuse to comfort himself and find other reasons for his failure.” The master of the eyebrows shook his head slightly, and Li Er was quite Disappointed.

Just then, a group of people came out and came to Chu Yun.

“Do you have a pair of players? We are the staff of the College Assembly. You have participated in 18 projects in a row. The company has not lost a single battle. It is very amazing. It is simply a shock. We also know that this is very offensive, but by Imagine that you must be clear. Please forgive us for offense, because your performance is really amazing.” Come and be polite, the tone is very euphemistic and polite.

“I understand, how can I cooperate with you? I am blunt, it is absolutely impossible to show me the refining process.” Chu Yun smiled.

He is not surprised, and such a scenario has long been expected.

His performance is really too superhuman. Beyond the ordinary people, it often leads to embarrassment. The so-called wood show will be destroyed by the forest wind. Ten steps beyond ordinary people will lead to worship and become an idol in people’s hearts.

But the key is that Chu Yun is more than ordinary people. It is not a ten step, but a hundred steps.

Beyond one step, ten steps, or the scope of people, the stage that people can reach. The world will be envious.

But beyond a hundred steps, that is inhuman. The manpower can’t be reached, it is simply incredible. In this way, people’s first bond is doubt.

How can this be? People can’t do it. But he did it. What is the only solution for orange?


Li Er’s resentment and suspicion actually represent the voices of the vast majority of people.

“What! Eighteen projects win?” Hearing the words of the college staff, Li Er laughed. He had no heart at all, but now he is full of confidence. He held out his index finger and pointed at Chu Yun’s nose and shouted. “You are too arrogant, too mad. It’s not that you cheated. You are a naked provocation to the sacred academy conference! I am a A scholar, a member of the college family, must not be tolerated and cannot be tolerated!”

He was so excited that he trembled and his voice grew louder and even harsher. At the end of the day, it was almost a whistling sound, and the college staff around him frowned.

“You give me a quick and close routine is simply to lose the face of our sealer!” Master of eyebrows can no longer help, coldly snorted, like a basin of ice water, will be excited to be hot and dry Li Er poured all body and mind cool.

“Big, the master.” In an instant, the arrogant Li Er was caught in the throat, his face was full of fear and stutter.

“I and the master of the eyebrow knives, witnessed the unparalleled selection of manual hands, and unblocked the seal between the teachings. They all made a slap in the face of their shackles, and they were not good at it. We didn’t realize that he had cheated, young people, your vision is very unique, what have you found? Evidence? Say it and let me listen…” The master of the sunflower whispered softly, but when he heard Li Er’s ear, it was like a thunder. .

“The original two masters, is a special trip to see the unparalleled!” Li Er finally understood the truth, the whole body picked up, his face pale as paper, can not say a word.

evidence? He just can’t accept such a result. What is the evidence of where to take it with his mouth? !

“In fact, it is still very simple to prove this. In our college, we have already mobilized a group of masters. As long as there are no match players, we can exchange photos with these masters. The demonstration of refining techniques on the spot will greatly damage the unparalleled players. The vital interests of this, of course, we understand.” At this time, the leading staff of the college.

Chu Yun nodded, and this scene was also in his expectation. He and the bliss fairy have a spirit light contract, the communication of the heart is very secret and convenient, and communicate with other masters, naturally will not reveal any horse feet.

However, Chu Yun did not intend to agree easily, but said: “I can’t do it myself, I think others can’t.”

This is what kind of small belly chicken intestines, narrow volume. I am very angry, your doubts are an insult. ”

“Please, the unparalleled player Haihan!” The head of the college staff quickly yelled, “After proving the innocence of the unparalleled players, there will be significant compensation for the college.”

“Oh, what compensation?” Chu Yun’s eyes brightened and said so much, isn’t that waiting?

The other party immediately replied: “You can enter the world of the gods in advance and have three free exchanges.”

Chu Yun startled, immediately overjoyed. He never thought that the compensation of the college side was so sincere!

(To be continued) [Qingfeng offers, recruits new]


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