Section 28: The true face of the master, swapping the immortal sack

Remember this domain name..

“During the college assembly, there will be masters of all walks of life. For the teacher to bring you to come, it is to let you open your eyes.” A college teacher, with three of his proud students, warned repeatedly along the way .

“Teacher, what are the masters like?”

“Would the master be very fierce? I heard that the master’s love is very lonely.”

“Can we also be masters?”

All three students are curious babies.

The teacher gently reassured: “These are all rumors. But all the masters have reached the realm of skill and art, and they are very cultivated. They are very graceful. Oh, look at it, there are three masters in front! Wow Master Wei Luhui, master of eyebrow knives, and master of Kwai Hua.

Clothing, as I went to see the teacher. ”

The three students immediately became shocked, with awkwardness, jealousy and reverence, as their teachers stepped forward.

“Junior took three students in the morning and saw three masters.” The teacher walked behind the three masters and bowed.

The three masters did not realize it. Knowing that each other has the same purpose as their own, they are in a state of extreme nervousness.

The master of the eyebrow knives is cold: “This young man is mine!”

Wei Luhui master face se Tieqing: “Let your mother’s fart! Respect the teacher to understand? You don’t know how important the child is to the old man, how important are you! You guys also want to grab? Then you have to get from the old man The body is over the past!”

Master Kuihua glared at Lan Hezhi, and Qiao Xiaoqian said: “Hey, this can’t be said. For him, for the entire seal world, people will have to win their hands when they sacrifice their beauty.”

“Fast, he appeared again!!”

“He is coming out, we are going to keep up.”

“He is mys, you actually squeeze me, too shameless!”

From the beginning to the end, the three masters were unaware of someone behind them. Seeing that Chu Yun appeared again, they rushed to catch up.

Leaving a petrified teacher with his three students, all were full of horror and shock.

For a long time, a student carefully started talking: “This is the master.”

“Good terrifying look!” A student patted xiong脯, and he was worried.

“Good complex emotional entanglements. The masters are really what the high people think, the students are really difficult to understand.” The last female student held her face and sighed.

A gust of wind blew, their teachers are still in the petrochemical…

With the constant tracking, the more the three masters discovered, the more and more shocking. They finally knew Chu Yun, the reason why it was so hurried.

Is this brat still a human? It’s no wonder that it’s always late to participate in the 18 projects at the same time!

“I said, why are we so bad and xing competition? If we are involved in each other, no one has a chance.

If the outsiders succeed first, then it is a big regret. We may wish to cooperate. Master Wei Luhui proposed bitterly.

The other two were naturally suffering from mutual restraint and quickly nodded.

However, when they wanted to catch up with Chu Yun, Chu Yun disappeared.

The three masters are not combatants. They have been tracking for so long, but they have benefited from the fact that the traffic in the Southern District is very large and difficult to detect.

However, Chu Yun had been fighting for a long time, and after several discussions, he finally found out that it was not right. A little subtotal will smash the three-person group of the tail master behind him.

“This is the second day of the discussion. Has anyone tracked it? It seems that it can’t be stopped.” Chu Yun sighed in his heart and knew that he was too arrogant. But there is no way to force it.

“Once I am violent, I will be able to attract the mysterious and powerful enemy. For the sake of the present, I will try to hide it as much as possible. The longer the delay, the better.”

Chu Yun also knows his identity and will be violent in the near future. What he is worried about is the reaction of strong enemies. And by that time, his every move will be closely watched by the world. There will be great interference and obstacles to his plans and actions.

Another fifty-six sessions ended, Chu Yun had forty-eight celestial cheating, still a Lien Chan. It’s just that more and more time is spent on each session, and Chu Yun can clearly feel that competition is getting stronger and stronger.

“Hey, do you really reflect it? This kind of schedule is very unreasonable.” In the evening, Chu Yun came to the face of Wu Shuang’s girl again, complaining weakly.

“Your existence is unreasonable?!” 1 Pu girl looked at the 18 jade in front of her eyes.

The card is very crazy.

After Chu Yun left, she did her best and found the relevant personnel to confirm it in person. .

“Is there such a genius in this world?” Wu Shuang was shocked to numbness, and she decided to immediately report it to the seniors of the College Alliance.

“There is such a thing?! This is impossible.” The top is extremely attached, but the first reaction is to re-allocate the manpower and confirm it again and again.

Chu Yun walked on the East Street, did not know the high-level of the College Alliance, has completely moved dang because of himself, is taking an urgent investigation.

He continued to go shopping and wanted to find another one or two scorpions. But the results were not good and there was no gain. When I was about to go back to rest, there was a familiar voice behind me: … Chu Yun Xiaoyou, quite leisurely and elegant. Going to the restaurant in front, how about drinking a glass of wine? ”

Chu Yun was dismissed by a word, but it was not strange in my heart. Looking back, it really is the immortal sack king disguised as the real face.

Since staying in the West End, no matter whether it is the wine king or the immortal sack king, it is rarely seen. They also participated in exchanges and exchanges, and even if they are kings, they need to exchange. But their high-end demand is no longer satisfactory in the Eastern District. They have their own circles.

“It seems that the immortal sack King Senior, these days are not small. Should I change a lot of good things?” Chu Yun smiled.

“hehe, took three superior immortal sacks. The old man was abolished, and the saliva was dry.” The immortal sack Wang’s eyes were hidden in the depths. As he walked towards the restaurant, he asked Chu Yun: “How? Have you considered it yet?”

Chu Yun’s heart came, and the immortal sack king came to the door, and really still looked at the superior immortal sack in his hand.

He did not immediately refuse, and did not simply agree, but asked: “Senior is known as the immortal sack king, and he can make the immortal sack himself. If the world’s Monster Controlling Master is the most lacking immortal sack, then it must be It’s Senior, but why is Senior, so urgently needed for the finest immortal sack?”

This question has always been a doubtful huo in Chu Yun’s heart.

Immortal sack Wang smiled and looked at Chu Yun with deep thought: “Young people, knowing too many secrets is not good for you. The reason why so many immortal sacks are collected is old. The secret of man. It will not be open to you, nor will it be open to anyone. Come and sit.”

The two walked into the restaurant and found a corner table to sit down.

“Since it is a secret, it often represents a huge interest. Do not know the junior, can you share a piece of it?” Chu Yun chuckled and tried.

“Isn’t a friendship from the old man a huge interest?” The immortal sack said as he greeted the buddy and asked for two servings.

Chu Yun frowned slightly, and sighed in his heart: “What is the use of a friendship that will die? Even if he is the king, the emperor, there is no interest. Immortal sack, I was originally I want to help you get rid of the deaths of past lives when possible, but you are now keeping secrets, so I can’t start…”

Chu Yun did not know the immortal sack king of the previous life, why he died. But obviously can feel it,

It is related to the reason why the immortal sack king collects the superior immortal sack.

However, the immortal sack king does not want to reveal the secret to anyone. Chu Yun wants to help the immortal sack king, but also has no power, no way.

After all, it is a big taboo to spy on a person’s secrets. What about the king of immortal sack king? The key point is that the immortal sack king and Chu Yun’s friendship is not as deep as the wine king.

A lot of words can’t be said deep.

Immortal sack Wang sees Chu Yun silent, thinking that his own chips are too few, did not touch each other. After sinking for a moment, I took out an immortal sack: “This is the old immortal sack of the old man, and you can exchange it with your friends.”

Chu Yun is even more curious: “Senior you are not collecting the best immortal sacks everywhere, but now they are waiting for the immortal sack to exchange. What is the reason?”

“The immortal sack made by the old man is useless. What is really needed is the superior immortal sack made by others. The old man hand Central Plains has three fine immortal sacks made by himself. Now this one is already The last one. Also ask the little friend to give the old man some face.”

Immortal sack Wang’s words have already been said, and Chu Yun has no choice but to promise.

Stellar Sea Dragon Palace immortal sack has been with him for a long time, he does not intend to change. The swallowing bag is the immortal sack of the Wolf King. If it is taken out, the secret of killing the Wolf King will be violent, and naturally it cannot be used. The rest, only the extraterrestrial source from the passionate king immortal sack.

Anyway, the equivalent exchange, Chu Yun does not lose. In fact, the immortal sack of the blood plain is larger than the space of the immortal sack. The former is suitable for loading monster beast, the latter is suitable for planting demon plants.

“1 Buyou Sea Dragon Palace immortal sack, I don’t know if I can exchange it for the old man? The old man can buy it at a high price, and at the same time contribute to you, blocking the king of whales at the founding ceremony.” immortal sack Wang Deyi Wang, Pay attention to Chu Yun’s Stellar Sea Dragon Palace immortal sack.

Chu Yun smiled and shook his head: “To tell the truth, junior has invited the wine king to take the shot. And the king of poison is also old, blocking the king of whales should not be a problem. However, Senior’s request, junior does not want to immediately reject. If the situation changes, When you go down, you have to ask Senior to help.”

He said this very sincerely, and the immortal sack was indulged, and he had to agree.

The superior immortal sack is related to whether he can go further. If it is someone else, maybe he will not have a dough and go up and grab it.

But sitting opposite is Chu Yun, his potential is well-known, unfathomable, as long as no accidents must be the new king of the future. And behind his back, he still stood with the wine king and the poisonous king.

Therefore, Chu Yun did not agree, and the immortal sack king could only helplessly. @.


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