Now Han Yuwei is extremely strong, and the arm of the sword can be seen in the sky.

boom! boom! boom!

Under a sword, the sky is falling apart.

This is not an exaggeration, but it is really tearing open, and the sky is tumbling, as if it has come to the end of the world.

The strength of Jianwei is actually like this!

Shi Hao runs the source and checks the secret of Physique of Han Yuwei.

Incomparably complicated rules interweaving!

Even if Shi Hao masters the source, he can’t analyze these rules in an instant, which is complicated and indescribable. Moreover, these rules have a strong ability to evolve, and her realm will be further enhanced.

This is almost as good as the Taiji Eucharist, but it is still inferior.

If Sacred Nine Yang Physique, Taiyin and the like can be said to be the world’s first-class Physique, and the Shiyang Eucharist and Taiji Eucharist are superb, then her Physique is sandwiched between first-class and super-class.

Shi Hao can resolve the weaknesses in her Physique and crack it, but it takes time.

With Shi Hao’s overbearing strength, he can completely kill each other, and it doesn’t matter if he does not analyze the secret of Physique.

However, Shi Hao is very interested in this, it just runs the source, penetrates the weaknesses in the opponent’s attack, and then confronts.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

The battle between the two is extremely fierce, so that everyone underneath can see the fangs.

Terrible, it’s terrible, how can there be such amazing power?

Is that Asura so strong?

Han Yuwei was a little anxious. She was running out of Physique, but she couldn’t get the upper hand.

how can that be possible?

Moreover, her Physique is too strong, so running such a Physique also comes at a great price, and she can’t stay in that state all the time.

From this point of view, her Physique is a bit like a defective product. Unlike Shi Hao or Shi Zhong, it is very easy to keep Physique running.

Be sure to resolve your opponent as soon as possible!

Han Yuwei was stunned and smashed, and the big moves were frequent, and Shi Hao was defeated by the thunder.

Her big move and the Physique’s prestige, suddenly broke out of infinite power, completely occupied the upper hand on the scene, under the cutting of a sword, Shi Hao’s clothes are broken a few.

However, it can only be so, Shi Hao’s body has not left a little scar.

Nine Death Heavenly Art is the fourth!

How amazing is this hammered body?

“You pay for my clothes!” Shi Hao screamed and launched a fierce counterattack.

Han Yuwei is speechless. You are such a powerhouse. Will you care about one or two pieces of clothing?

Shi Hao’s body is too strong, it is comparable to the eight-star gold – no, nine-star gold, because even if it is an eight-star gold, she can at least leave a shallow trace of a sword, unlike Shi Hao, I can’t see the traces.

This is too abnormal, how can people fight?

She is not afraid of Shi Hao’s elementalization, the same level of engagement, elementalization is not very useful, the other party can simply break the elementalization by entanglement in the fist or weapon.

This is very useful for playing low rank Martial Artist, but it is almost a chicken rib, so, until now, almost none of them have used elementalization, because they all know that it is useless.

How did your body be refined?

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Shi Hao Tekken and even wave, every note is a terrible force, to promote the world.

Han Yuwei was picked up by the sword, but it was slammed back and forth. Shi Hao could have horrible brute force. The power of this superposition was naturally terrible.

“Heaven!” She finally used the strongest move.

The nine-character warfare method, the day word 诀.

Shi Hao had expected that the opponents had already used five war words, plus he and Jiulong Shenzun, and there was no “Ha” word circulated in the world. I am.

In the face of such a big move, Shi Hao did not dare to care, especially Han Yuwei also blasted this record with the nearest strongest Physique.

Boom, the world is eclipsed, the sun and the moon are dull, everything is covered by the word.

Shi Hao sighs, Ding Lingfeng is really arrogant, nine-word tactics, every move is different, but they are all amazing. If you let this guy live out of the 10th and 11th, will you also participate in the source? Got it out?

It is really possible that Lao Ting’s nine-character tactics are very close to the source.

In the last generation, there was the power to create the original source. It was the old Ding 150,000 years ago. Will this world turn to him?

Shi Hao is full of confidence immediately. He owns the Small Universe. It is more than creating the source and even rewriting the source!

Because, in his world he is the master.

Oh, I think more.

The word is near, with endless oppression, you can crush everything.

Shi Hao smiled a little, and the stone ball method worked, rushing toward the sky.

Ok, let him and Lao Ding compare it in this way.


The word of the sky slammed into the stone ball. Under the attack, the word of the sky immediately collapsed, but the impulse of the stone ball also came to an abrupt end.

Not inferior.

Because the stone ball method is also broken, it means that Shi Hao has suffered a big loss, and now this is a reasonable result.

However, it is a big move for Han Yuwei, but it is impossible to keep running. But the stone ball method is not the same. Shi Hao wants to use it, there is no burden at all.

Shi Hao nodded, Small Universe began to evolve towards the real world, and the stone ball method finally played an amazing power.

Before, he had been somewhat unconvinced and couldn’t figure out why the Small Universe he created wanted him to sacrifice. The power was not as good as Overturning Heaven Seal and the nine-character warfare. But now, this kind of depression is swept away.

He Shi Hao, the same level is not weaker than any enchanting in history.

He is satisfied, but Han Yuwei is shocked.

Such a big move was actually solved so easily by Shi Hao?

How can it be?

She couldn’t believe it, she had a big eye, and she was skeptical about life.

But after all, she was the genius of the world, and she quickly returned to God and continued to attack Shi Hao.

After a few more moves, Shi Hao’s mouth twitched with a faint smile.

He has completed the analysis of Han Yuwei Physique.

This source is so powerful, as long as you are a creature in this world, you can’t escape the scope of the source, because this is the origin of heaven and earth, and all creatures in this world are among them.


Shi Hao’s punching, seemingly relaxed and casual, but Han Yuwei is losing.


He once again slammed, Han Yuwei’s arm sword was actually a broken.

“Ah!” Han Yuwei screamed and immediately stopped the operation of Physique. She quickly regained her broken arm and was connected to the broken bone.

With her strength, and then use the spirit medicine, it is not a problem to continue the broken arm.

Shi Hao did not win the battle, but only held his hand.

Even the strongest Physique of the other side was analyzed by him. Han Yuwei could no longer be his opponent, at least he had to raise three small realms.

“I admit defeat.” Han Yuwei’s face is bitter.

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