Shi Hao did not wait for Long Chenhao to make a move, and his backhand slammed into Longchenhao.

Even the nine-character tactics have been used. Even if there is still a big trick that is useless, I believe that it is impossible to exceed the T-word.

Boom, this punch he used the power of gold, coupled with the essence of the original source of the investigation, seemingly ordinary, but the power is the overbearing.

Hey, under the punch of a fist, Long Chenhao has only frequently retired.

Without a big move, I can’t compete with Shi Hao.

The problem is that the big move is both a big move and can be used as an ordinary move. Has it been running?


Therefore, Long Chenhao is getting more and more difficult. Although there is an occasional big move, the situation can be slightly reversed. In the big picture, it is not helpful.

After a hundred rounds of battle, Long Chenhao had to admit defeat.

Can’t beat it, it’s really hard to beat.

How did this guy practice, and it was too abnormal.

However, Long Chenhao did not lose confidence. He did not play because it was not enough in the mastery of Ting Yu. Otherwise, he could eat all over the world with this trick.

The ninth singularity of Laoding, which style has invincible power.

In the other three battles, only Wen Xuan’s victory against Nie Shining was early.

Although Nie Shining ranked eighth, but his eighth distance Wen Xuan is not a star and a half, it is just a distant star.

Wen Xuan did not use any big tricks at all. It was just a very ordinary move, and Nie Shining was beaten and fell, and it was a victory.

The remaining two battles will be entangled. Until the end of the day, there will be no victory. Instead, the puppets will intervene and act as referees. Throughout the day’s battles, the four will be defeated by weak advantages and disadvantages. negative.

In the end, both Pan Wenxing and Han Yuwei achieved victory.

However, in order not to affect everyone’s fighting spirit, the outcome is not open, and under the mask, Shi Hao can’t see other people’s battles – the people underneath can see clearly, but they can’t Notify Shi Hao of theirs.

Therefore, Shi Hao eight people are not aware of the strength of other people, and therefore, they are all full of confidence in themselves, a failure does not mean they can not compete first.

– How do you have two defeats and three defeats?

The next day, there were four matchups.

Shi Hao’s opponent is Liu Dingjun.

This person’s strength is not weaker than Long Chenhao, but it is not enough to see Shi Hao. After a long time without success, he finally offered the strongest trick.

The nine-character tactics, the word “I”.

However, in front of Shi Hao, the nine-character tactics were useless, and Liu Dingjun soon lost the second defeat.

At the end of the day’s battle, there are only three people who can still win.

Shi Hao, Pan Wenxing and Han Yuwei.

On the third day, Shi Hao’s opponent was Wen Xuan.

Sure enough, at the end of the battle, Wen Xuan also sacrificed a nine-character tactic.

“Ling” word 诀.

Lao Ding, Lao Ding, how busy are you at Immortal World, and you often reach out to the realm?

At the end of the third day, only Shi Hao, Pan Wenxing, and Han Yuwei remained the winner.

At this time, the basic name of this time can only be born in three people.

On the fourth day, Shi Hao’s opponent was replaced by Nie Shining.

This guy has won a three-game losing streak and is already skeptical about life.

Is he really a number of genius under the sun?

Why is it being defeated in succession, and there is almost no defeat in the fight?

However, it was time to transfer.

Can he still beat this parallel?

So far he has firmly believed that Shi Hao was promoted by cheating.

This kind of slag, of course, he can easily get it.

“You can also come here with this kind of goods, it is an insult to me!” Nie Shining said proudly, full of disdain.

Shi Hao is hehe, since you say so, then I will defeat you in the strongest position.

However, there are too many big moves. What is better?


Shi Hao pointed out, and the ice god light immediately rushed out, and turned to Nie Shining.


Nie Shining wants to block, but how to block?


Under one blow, Nie Shining was blasted out. If there is an inexplicable force protecting him, this blow is enough to make him die dozens of times.

Hey, Nie Shining fell to the ground, and his mouth was squirting blood.

Shi Hao didn’t even look at him and even turned and left.

This kind of contempt makes Nie Shining vomited again, and it is unbearable to describe.

The fourth defeat, and this defeat is too shameful, obviously a person who was despised by him, but he defeated him easily, even without even a disdain.

This is the biggest contempt for him.

On the fifth day, Shi Hao met Pan Wenxing, who got Ding Lingfeng’s eighth sacred gods and made the word “enemy”, but still only the one that was easily defeated by Shi Hao.

At this point, only two people still maintain unbeaten record, Shi Hao and Han Yuwei, but now everyone is not clear, only know their own record.

On the sixth day, Shi Hao battled Zhou Xiaofeng, this person got the Ding Lingfeng sixth world god, “down” word 诀.

Of course, Shi Hao gave the other party a defeat.

Finally, it is the seventh day and the last day.

Shi Hao’s opponent is naturally Han Yuwei, and there is no doubt that the other party has Ding Lingfeng’s fifth god, possessing the word “天”.

If it is not too long for the Longtan station to exist, it will be farther away than the time when Ding Lingfeng was born. Shi Hao must suspect that this Longtai was also created by Ding Lingfeng.

Han Yuwei showed a confident smile. Before the Sixth World War, she was all winning.

Even the people who also got the Ding Lingfeng gods were defeated by her. What is Shi Hao?

She is very clear, Ding Lingfeng’s VIII gods, the fourth world is the Jiulong gods, the seventh world is Asura’s income, the rest is Pan Wenxing and others, there is no such “Weng Yu”.

Therefore, the person who can be called her opponent has already fought all over again. This person… is totally unpredictable.

“Get it!” Han Yuwei said faintly, and then win a victory, she will become a real dragon, not a dragon.

“Okay.” Shi Hao was welcome, and punched Han Yuwei with a punch.


Rao is Han Yuwei’s light and light, and at this time he couldn’t help but burst into a thick mouth, because the power of this punch is terrible.

Avalanche, ground crack, star crush!

She screamed and ran hard to fight.

Hey, she was beaten by Shi Hao and she didn’t have the power to fight back.

If she is in a dream, she won six games in a row, actually even in front of Shi Hao can not even do it?

Do not!

She forcibly increased her combat power, and the cock was instantly turned into a golden color. She shot again and her arm was turned into a long sword, and she smashed toward Shi Hao.

She used the Physique.

Hey, what is this Physique, I can’t recognize it.

Shi Hao didn’t recognize Han Yuwei’s Physique. This is normal. After all, Yuan Chengmie is limited to Apex Cloud Star.

However, the power of this Physique is amazing.

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