When Di Xuesong saw the three, they immediately shot and rushed toward the Niu Wang.

The thief first smashed the king. If the ox king can be taken down or killed, the cattle will not be afraid.

Three dozens, they are full of confidence.

However, although Shi Hao is unhappy with the bull king, how can he watch it?

He was quiet, but the Small Universe was already open, and the strange gravity rules immediately applied to the three.

“Hey?” “Hmm?” “Yeah?”

Di Xuesong did not exclaim, because suddenly they found it difficult to stabilize their body shape.

what happened?

Gravity seems to have suddenly changed a lot, so their strength is uncontrollable, and their body shape is like a drunk.

Of course they are shocked. They are the horrible gravity of the dwarfs. They can also compete. Unless it is the black hole level, they will be difficult to resist. So, what is going on now?

But the cow king is unaffected. Of course, it knows that this is Shi Hao’s ability, and his daring has increased, hitting the three people.

However, the three people of Di Xuesong were only affected by gravity, and they did not lose their combat power. They were naturally not afraid of seeing them, and they shot at the bulls.

Shi Hao slammed into the body and stumbled, but every fall was just right, and the three people of Di Xuesong slammed into the air, not at all.

As a result, Niu Wang immediately gained the upper hand.

Everyone is shocked and funny. When it comes to individual combat power, Niu Wang is actually not as good as Di Cedar. But because of that strange change, it has become the strongest force.

The combination of Di Xuesong and the three men was destroyed by Shi Hao. This silly boy was obviously smashed in Hu Chong, but the combination of the three people of Di Xuesong was destroyed, and it was too speechless.

“Don’t bully my cow!” Shi Hao yelled again and made a fist.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Although he only played the power of Great Heaven Offering, the Ascending Saint Position can not be taken lightly. It must be guarded against confrontation, otherwise it will be bombarded.

This made Di Xuesong three more uncomfortable, and wanted to kick Shi Hao out of the battle, but the gravity rules here are fickle, so that they can’t lock Shi Hao at all, and they are deadly.

The Vietnam War, the more passive the three are.

Niu Wang took on most of the firepower output, and it was not cool enough.

One-on-one, it is at best a tie, but now a dozen three are taking the absolute advantage, let it cool.

It turns out that the old cow I am so bullish.

Yes, I am a cow, of course, a fork.

Niu Wang feels so good that he almost wants to smash Shi Hao and let the other party call himself Master.

Fortunately, it was learned by Shi Hao, and immediately realized that the main factor that made Di Xuesong three people unable to break into the army was Shi Hao, not that it was really invincible.

This made it a cliff, and did not make a big mistake.

boom! boom! boom!

The battle is still going on, and the three people of Dexon are already defeated, and they are on the verge of defeat.

After a few rounds, Di Xuesong was shouting and turned and ran.

If you fight again, they will have to be here.

The cow king was too sinister and always kicked their next three roads, as if several of them had worn a green hat.

Want to run?

Shi Hao smiles and the gravity rules in the Small Universe change again.


The three people of Di Xuesong felt that their bodies were heavy and terrible, and they all fell to the ground. It was impossible to hold up the body.

– The strength is not as good as that of Shi Hao. It is simply fish in the Small Universe, and he can only be slaughtered.

This is the horror of the Small Universe, a world, of course, I am a word.

Niu Wang took the opportunity to shoot, hey, the hooves mad on the three people.

Let you be mad, let you dare to bully the old cow!

Dixon’s three people couldn’t resist at all, they could only defend themselves, lest the eggs be smashed – yes, the old cows still stared at their next three ways.

This makes everyone see that they are fangs, too embarrassed, specializing in stepping on the eggs, if you really want to step on the bad, this life is over.

Who said that Dao Child must be pure and unwilling, not female?

Shi Hao smiles, let you marry my mount, is it cool now?

He coughed, and the bull king immediately stopped his foot and ran to his side, his face looking flattering.

This… it’s confusing.

But Niu Wang is totally unconcerned. Anyway, Shi Hao’s time here is limited. It’s now mad, but naturally you can eat less. After all these people have gone, it can still traverse the plains, nothing to ride the mother. Cow, don’t be too cool.


It doesn’t help, why does it know that these people will leave after all?

It seems that this is in the depths of its memory, and now it is triggered, and naturally it is known.

Shi Hao rode on the bull king and gently patted the head of the bull king. The cow king went forward and went forward. As for the doubts, the doubts were naturally thrown aside.

Brains are not the strengths of it, or it is simple to do it.

Seeing Shi Hao riding the Niu Wang, the Di Xuesong three people slowly climbed up.

The three men looked at each other and their eyes were extremely cold.

Actually let them out so ugly!

“The cow king is only a slave here, and he can never leave.”

“However, the fool actually dared to provoke me!”

“I must kill him!”

All three said, they are all Dao Child of the ten-star force, actually suffered such a shameful shame, how can they endure?

Waiting, Shi Hao will definitely drop the order, and it will be his death.

Shi Hao rode the bull king and came to the huge stone gate.

There is a word on the stone gate. The general idea is that from here on, it is the official test of Shenglongtai. If you want to start this test, you need to fill up about 10,000 people, and only one hundred people can go out.

Of course, if you don’t go out, it’s not the same. You may be trapped inside – and of course you may be hanging.

The people who came in before were waiting at Shimen, but now they can’t get in.

Shi Hao tried it. Sure enough, although Shimen was open, there was an invisible force blocking it, making it impossible for people to pass through.

Look, there are only five or six thousand people, so I have to wait for a while.

“Idle and idle, go and pick up the three guys.” Shi Hao patted the head of the bull.

Of course, the Niu Wang nodded happily. This kind of prestige has always been a pleasure.

The Di Xuesong trio are still imagining how to kill the idiot when Shi Hao is on the order, but it is unexpected that Shi Hao suddenly rides the cow king to return, and it is a slap in the face.

They are all aggressive, just kept low-key, how do you annoy Shi Hao?

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