What is the qualification to be able to set foot on Dengtian Road before the age of 100?

Absolutely amazing!

Di Cedar had the power to sweep one step at a time, but the old cow can become a bull king. Naturally, it is not a common product. The fighting power is far superior to that of the same family. Plus the thick skin and thick brute force, the cedar can not fight.

However, Di Cedar is now in awe.

As the mystery unfolded, his combat power soared, breaking through the critical point of one step and becoming the Second Step level.

Although the Niu Wang is powerful, but it has not reached the Second Step, it is naturally frightened.

The opponent… is so strong.

The old cow is a little empty.

The cow king stepped back step by step. Although it was Vicious Beast, it was not savage. Otherwise, it would not ask Shi Hao for mercy.

– You are not my Master, now your cow is being beaten, you are still not in the first place?

It is going to hide behind Shi Hao, this is awesome, but even if it is desperate, beating will destroy its king.

Shi Hao looked at it, not twitching at the corner of his mouth. What a fear of death?

But at this time, the rumble, only to hear the roar of the earth, in the distant jungle, a black shadow rushed out.

They are all huge rhinoceros.

When Niu Wang saw it, he couldn’t help but be overjoyed.

Its majesty finally came over, hahaha, stinky boy, now you dare to cross the old cow?

The cow king does not retreat. In front of his men, of course, it must maintain its own image, and the brilliance cannot be discredited!

“Huh-ha!” The cow king stood up and made a starter.


Shi Hao raised his hand by hand and really wanted to kill this old cow.

Tetemade is bullied and afraid of hard.

Rumble, the cattle are instantly there, surrounded by the king of cattle.

The cow king is ashamed and high-spirited. On the other hand, he is suspiciously watching the adult bull in the family. During this time, has he sneaked the flowers of his old cow?

Should be not, you see, it hasn’t been long before, this time should be less than once.

Shi Hao knows that this seemingly honest old cow is so unbearable in his mind that it is estimated that he will pull the knife and eat roast beef at night.

Di Cedar stopped, and did not start on the plain before, is it because of the number of cattle?

Now, Niu Wang can almost fight him, plus thousands of Great Heaven Offering class, so that he is moving, and raises taboos.

When the cow king saw it, it was naturally more arrogant.

It maintains a human posture and keeps pointing at Di Xuesong, meaning that you are crazy, you continue to be mad.

Di Cedar is furious, but he is the ten-star force of Dao Child. In the future, he will have the opportunity to step into the Heavenly Foundation Stairway. Do you dare to dare to sway him?

However, he alone did not dare to challenge this herd.

The cow king pointed to the ground again, meaning, hurry up Kneel down for mercy.

Di Cedar did not know the cow language, and the body language of the Niu Wang was weak and explosive. He could not understand it at all, and his face was full of ecstasy.

What do you want to do?

Niu Wang suddenly feels uncomfortable, even this should teach it?

It pointed at a cow, and the cow ran straight away. When he came to it, he lowered the front leg Kneel and then tilted his butt up.

Dawang is really, how come this time is interested?


The bulls are all staying, hey, what are you doing?

Is this a cow like this?

It is called “hurry” in a hurry, meaning to hurry up and not to destroy the image of Wang Yingwu Shenjun.

This cow only understood that the original king did not mean this.

It turned around and squatted in front of the ox king, constantly hoeing, a look of begging.

Now, everyone understands what this old cow wants to express, but the picture of the cow’s buttocks before is lingering, so that everyone is taking a sip in the heart.

Contaminated cattle!

Di Cedar was furious, of course, he was better than before.

– At the beginning, he thought that the cow king would give his own chrysanthemum, so that he couldn’t help but desperately desperately.

Can kill, can not be humiliated!

Besides, with his fighting power, killing the herd is not a problem at all.

Fortunately, he misunderstood, the cow king does not mean this.

However, you must beg for mercy?

It is ridiculous, Dao Child, who is a ten-star force, if he is begging for mercy now, will he still have a face to inherit the Tao in the future?

Just kidding, it is a stain that can’t be washed away.

“Han Ming brother, Long Daoyou, also help me one arm force, kill this group of bulls!” Di Xuesong said.

Li Hanming and Long Zhenfei are the other two Ascending Saint Position genius, but also the ten-star Dao Child, but they are older than him. They are over a hundred years old, but the Martial Dao talent is still amazing.

Moreover, Li Hanming is also the Second Step Ascending Saint Position, only from the realm, should be the highest in this place.

However, Li Hanming and Long Zhen are just smiling, not to be convinced.

They have no need to shoot, why should they take risks and work with such a herd?

“I owe two people a favor!” Di Xuesong said again.

His genius is incomparable, and the impact of the Heavenly Foundation Stairway is a matter of course. It is even possible to achieve perfection. Therefore, his human feelings still make sense.

“Good.” Li Hanming nodded immediately.

“Oh, help the power of Brother Di one arm!” Long Zhenfei said.

Both of them are taking a step forward, and they are standing side by side with Di Xuesong. Hey, they all release their own breath, they are moving, and the horror cannot be described.

The cow king couldn’t help but smash.

It adds thousands of Great Heaven Offerings, and should be able to pile up three Ascending Saint Positions – if the other side is dead, the other three can take the tactics of playing, but they can Its herd is slowly exhausted.

This is something that it can’t bear. It’s so beautiful and beautiful. It hasn’t been riding enough yet.

Oh no, it is a cow king, responsible for your own people!

“Hey?” It turned and looked at Shi Hao.

You are the master of the cow, do you want to watch your cows being beaten and hurt?

Big bulls eye, watery eyes, people… can’t bear to die!


Shi Hao is speechless, whether you are a cow or a dog.

However, he is so short-guarded, of course, he can’t be bullied by anyone around him, even a cow.

“Don’t hit my cow!” Shi Hao yelled and rushed toward Di Xuesong.

Niu Wang is taking the opportunity to step back. Since Shi Hao is on, it is certainly fun to watch.

Every cow is precious, no, every cow is precious.


Shi Hao passed by and slammed on his ass, letting the king screamed and slammed into the Dixon three.

Shameless Master, the old cow doesn’t want to do it at all!

The bull king cried in his heart, but he couldn’t stop the speed of the collision. The huge body was already directed at the three people.

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