However, those who are ten-star forces are learning, and once they know that Shi Hao has entered the Void Realm, they all retired.

Only in the two areas of Heavenly Foundation and the Heavenly Foundation Stairway, they are naturally not afraid of Shi Hao killing.

Shi Hao is free to do it. Even along the way, even those who have never met him are retreating from the house, fearing that he will murder.

He seems to be a lonely star, no one dares to be an enemy of him, but no one dares to walk side by side with him.

Going to the Spirit Mending Temple area again, the result is the same.

In the Casting King Hall area, the situation is different. He is surrounded by many people.

These people are not the seventy-three ten-star forces. Even Shi Hao does not know which forces they belong to. They have never seen them before, but they are filled with indignation.

“Asura, hand over the treasure!”

“That’s not be be mastered by anyone!”

“Yes, ruin it!”

“Otherwise, you are the enemy of the world!”

These people are screaming, as if Shi Hao is their father to kill the mother.

Shi Hao sneered, these idiots must be tempted to jump out.

“Roll, otherwise die!”

He warned that this time, he wants to kill Void Realm.

As Asura, why not kill a blood into a river?

“Asura, we have no resentment with you, but just say a few words of justice, you are going to kill?” These people are angry and shocked, and 100,000 do not believe.

The law does not blame the public, and they have no interests with Shi Hao, but they are only vocalizing for justice.

Shi Hao no longer speaks, everyone has to take responsibility for their choices.

You are not a child, you can be willful.

Shi Hao shot, and after a blow, these people are all destroyed.

“In the Great Heaven Offering and the Spirit Mending Temple area, no one stood up and talked, so you have to be spear!” Shi Hao sneered, “I only want to get through, is it an enemy against the world?” ”

This killing is to let people know that Shi Hao is impossible to be kidnapped by morality and influenced by public opinion.

The decisive decisiveness is for Asura.

Shi Hao went to the Lokeśvara area, the Paramita area, and the Nurturing Soul area. Whoever dissatisfied, dared to call him, he killed it directly.

In a few days, the name of Asura resounded through the stars.

Killing God !

Shi Hao doesn’t matter, take his own path and use what he cares about other people.

He only wants to shelter the people around him from the wind and rain. Does other people admire or hate him, and what does it have to do with him?

Killing Void Realm no one will dare to scream – there is only in the area of ​​Heaven, Foundation, and the Heavenly Foundation Stairway area, so people are, and they have all cultivated to such a high level, which is not self-respecting, so I am arrogant ?

Now, not only the seventy-three ten-star forces, but also more forces have joined the camp to hunt down Shi Hao.

– The treasure that can be murdered in Void Realm is too valuable, has amazing strategic significance, and must be handed.

And because Shi Hao killed many “innocent” people in Void Realm, it also aroused the indignation of many people. In the real world, there are also many people who have joined the team looking for Shi Hao.

As soon as you find out, you will immediately enter the Void Realm notification in order to bring Shi Hao to justice.

Shi Hao changed his appearance with mustard whiskers, and unless he had the ability to scan his Soul, no one could see that he was Asura.

However, he is already the strength of the Second Step and Third Step Ascending Saint Position. How many people can see his Soul under the sun?

Shi Hao walks with Weng Nanqing and is big and big, they can swim freely.

On this day, they came to a new star. There is a famous market here. People from all places in Xingyu will come here to sell some strange things.

Some are worthless, some are very precious, depending on who has the best eyesight or luck.

Since there is such a place, Shi Hao is also willing to go shopping.

He walked with Weng Nanqing in the market, where people are everywhere and they are crowded.

Weng Nanqing is beautiful, so many people are tempted, want to crowd more people, take advantage of the point, the result is naturally severely punished by Shi Hao, he hates this kind of person, and has the ability to pick up the girl.

After running a few, and even killing a cockroach, finally everyone knows that Shi Hao is untouchable.

It was quiet now. Not only did anyone deliberately squeeze in, but even Shi Hao and Weng Nanqing did not dare to approach within five feet, and consciously let them go.

Shi Hao swept through the booth one by one. With his eyesight, there are few treasures that can pass through his eyes, and few fakes can deceive him.

After a while, he stopped.

He looked at a stone, which had a very long vintage, and even cracked a slit, you can see that there is a touch of jade inside.

“This man, you really have a vision!” The stall owner saw that there might be business to do, and immediately introduced it. “This stone was found in an ancient tomb. I don’t know how many years ago it was!” ”

“Look, there is a piece of jade inside, I guess, this is a funerary, it may record an amazing Cultural Technique, but it is only a long time before it is stony.”

“The Ancient Culture Technique, this man, very likely is the Ancient Culture Technique!”

Let’s blow, where come so many ancient Cultivation Technique!

Shi Hao smiled, like this kind of street stall, bragging is the basic skill, very normal, he is too lazy to argue with each other, but stare at the stone.

Looking at it, he showed amazement, and it was a long time ago.

100,000 years? Millions of years? Millions of years?

He quickly made an inference, which really has a history of millions of years.

You must know that this era was only opened two million years ago. Before that, there was a fault in history. It was inferred that it was a ghost invasion, which caused a lot of souls to be burned, which caused a break in Martial Dao and civilization.

So, this is really the old thing of the last era!

Shi Hao looked at the stall owner and said: “Get a price.”

“One million spirits, no, 100,000 Spirit Stone!” The stall owner immediately opened his mouth.

In fact, there may be only one piece of jade in this stone. After all, after a long time, who can make it clear?

Otherwise, why does the stall owner not cut the stone outside?

Isn’t it just a matter of cutting out a piece of waste jade, is it worth it?

Besides, even if it is a complete jade stone, do you really have to record the Cultural Technique in ancient times? Even if it is really the Cultural Technique, is it of great value?

Too many uncertain factors.

– Otherwise, the stall owner has long kept his own use, why should I sell it?

Shi Hao didn’t care, just throwing out a Spatial Spirit Tool and saying, “Let’s click, it’s almost 100,000 Spirit Stone. If it’s not enough, the Spirit Tool itself is almost the same.”

The stall owner quickly checked with Soul into the Spatial Spirit Tool. After a while, he smiled and took the bag jade stone: “This man, this treasure is yours now!”

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