But what does this ten-star Killing God mean?

Shi Hao is not already 100,000 people. Why, after 100,000, you have to return to zero, do you calculate it from scratch?

Only Shi Hao knows that this ten-star Killing God means that he really killed ten people in his Void Realm.

“Not good!” A new Ascending Saint Position powerhouse swiftly swept over. “Quickly withdraw! Quickly withdraw! Several people who were previously killed by Asura, in reality, died and became a meat shell without Soul!”


When I heard this, everyone was full of cold.

How can it be!

However, this person will lie about the military situation and deliberately lie?

No, everyone knows that this person is under the door of the Siberian Silkworm, and it is impossible to bias Shi Hao.

So, this is true.

God, Shi Hao can actually kill people in Void Realm.


Here are the existence of wisdom, and they immediately reacted.

“It must be the treasure that Asura just got!”

“Ten star Killing God means that he really killed ten people!”

“Wo, fuck, this Asura is going to be against the sky and become Killing God.”


Suddenly, these powerhouses have lost their enthusiasm and rushed to turn around. They killed Shi Hao. How much is the loss of some mental power, but if it is killed by Shi Hao?

That’s really dead!

Shi Hao shouted and chased the few powerhouses.

Here, he can take the road to the tyranny, but once he let the other party escape into the area of ​​the road, or come to the real world, he can only turn and flee.

See if you can take advantage of this opportunity to kill one or two, kill such a powerhouse, even if the ten-star forces have to be very painful.

Let you chase me, rely on!

I thought that Xiaoye has no temper?

Shi Hao chasing, this is the Ascending Saint Position area, and the sky can not play full speed, so he is likely to catch up with the people and give a fatal blow.

Sure enough, he is faster.

This made those powerhouses shocked, but they did not panic at this time, but turned around and bowed to Shi Hao.

Lip cold, tooth decay.

Besides, they are now an alliance and need to work together. Moreover, they are not necessarily weaker than Shi Hao.

Sure enough, they played back and back, although without the help of other Ascending Saint Position, some small downwinds, but they can fully support them to return to the area.

At that time, if Shi Hao dared to chase, then he was looking for a dead end.

– Take the glove in his hand and kill it.

After a while, they are getting closer and closer to the area.

“Asura, how long can you stay in the wind?”

Too much to lose, actually being chased by a person who has two low realms, how can it be?

If you dare to chase it, let you die!

Shi Hao’s eyes are all killing, and he points to one of the powerhouse points.

Ice is very light!

This is the foreign object that he refines into the body. I don’t know if it can be used in Void Realm.

Hey, a light hits like a meteor.


When the powerhouses saw them, they quickly joined forces and rushed to the past. This ice god was so terrible that they all felt that they were all over the body, as if the gods had set their sickles around their necks.

Shi Hao snorted and showed the nine-character tactics.

No words, go!

The ice god is too fast, and it is almost time for the powerhouses to stop and parry. Otherwise, they will not run out of light and will be killed.

But when they stopped, they gave Shi Hao a chance to break out.

Although there is no word, the speed is a little slower, but since you have stopped, you can naturally hit it.

Shi Hao rushed over and used a big move, a starry storm.


The ice god light was the first to explode, giving the huge pressures of the roads, and no words, starry storms came in one after another, just staring at one person to start.

An ice-cold god light makes those who are connected to the sky suffocating, and the momentum of joining forces is also ruined. The next two big moves, the name of the road must be blocked.

How to block?

Take your life!

boom! boom! boom!

The power of terror was boiling and exploding, and then I saw that the powerhouse was smashed and turned into shattered light.

Dead, really dead!

The rest of the road was scared to death, and quickly turned around and ran.

Shi Hao didn’t chase, he blew three big shots in one breath, and he also needed to take a breather.

However, this should be to kill those ten-star forces to drop blood!

How big is the loss of the 10 Ascending Saint Position and one picking up the road?

After entering the big sky, which one is not a precious resource? The loss of one represents the huge investment in the previous period.

Therefore, the ten-star forces this time are really big losses.

Shi Hao also withdrew from Void Realm and he needed a good rest.

However, after withdrawing, he found that the finger of killing was not brought out by him.

Also, killing people in reality, this is completely dead, do you still need to kill the fingers?

He began to digest the sentiment of this battle, which is of great benefit to his breakthrough of the Tenth Festival.

In the Void Realm, there was a big storm.

For a long time, Void Realm is absolutely complete, at most, people who have not yet repaired Great Heaven Offering, offended the powerhouse, trapped in it, consumed the body and died, Soul naturally followed.

However, this can only be regarded as indirect killing, and direct killing is impossible.

Until this time, Shi Hao opened the ring in Void Realm, but it shocked everyone. It turned out that Void Realm can also kill!

This caused an uproar.

Will you enter Void Realm in the future, isn’t it that everyone is at risk?

Is this still a happy land, can you let everyone let go of the discussion?

Soon there will be a kind of argument formation, let Shi Hao surrender the horrible treasure, and the powers will join hands to deal with it, whether it is destroyed or sealed forever.

Such a thing, not should be appearing in Void Realm.

If Shi Hao refuses to agree, then he must become a public enemy of the whole world. Whoever discovers him in reality has an obligation to report and the arrested and killed by the mighty.

Under the impetus of a caring person, such an argument is very marketable.

Can I kill in Void Realm?

This is terrible. No one wants to enter Void Realm. Someone can threaten their lives.

Ten days later, Shi Hao re-entered Void Realm and immediately received countless news. Many of them were not even sent by the seventy-three ten-star forces. They were just bewildered and asked him to surrender the treasure.

Shi Hao sneered at it.

Can’t kill a murder in Void Realm?

What are the Martial Dao circles that are afraid of death?

Besides, is he the kind of innocent person?

A group of Lokeśvara, Casting King Hall’s lowly person, what are you worried about, will Shi Hao be with them?


He entered the Great Heaven Offering area and was looking for someone with a ten-star force to work.

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