what’s the situation?

The four Ascending Saint Position women also followed in, seeing this, not showing the color of anger.

“What did you do to your majesty?”

“Great courage!”

“Protect your majesty!”

They yelled and called more people, while the Queen was surrounded and the stone father and son were isolated.

In fact, Shi Feng and his son are also very embarrassed. What happened?

“Interesting, interesting.” The Purple Rat is constantly nodding.


Suddenly, the light radiated from the Queen and Baihua was a hundred times or even a thousand times stronger, so that everyone could not look directly and had to turn around.

However, for a moment, the light faded.

Shi Hao and others looked at the past, but they saw that Baihua had disappeared, leaving only the Queen.

Hey, what about people?

They all think that it is strange to use the Queen’s ability to kill Baihua. It is really effortless, but it is impossible to let her disappear without even knowing it.

——Shi Hao People are only one or two big realms. This movement is absolutely checked out.

So, what about Baihua?

Does the Queen also have an immortal mansion, and will it be taken in?

“Don’t look for her again.” The Queen spoke, his voice was deserted. “After that, the man will disappear forever and will not come out again.”

What does this mean?

“Your Majesty, Baihua is brought by us, and it is also our friend. Please tell her about her situation!” Shi Feng emphasized.

The Queen indulged for a moment and said: “Baihua has been integrated with me. Since then, she is me, and I am her, so don’t bother looking for her.”

Can it still be like this?

Can two people merge?

Feeding and feeding, what is this?


At this moment, the breath that the Queen exudes is actually a huge spurt.

She has already reached the peak of the sky, and now goes further, naturally going straight to the Heavenly Foundation Stairway.

However, the impact of Heavenly Foundation Stairway is not a be be a long-term accumulation process?

How did it happen suddenly?

Does it have anything to do with her integration with Baihua?

Why are the Soul fluctuations of the two people exactly the same?

For a time, Shi Hao and Shi Feng’s hearts were full of doubts.

“That’s the next wife… Is there any connection with His Majesty?” Shi Feng asked, of course he had 10,000 hopes that his wife could die and resurrect.

The Queen sank again, as if thinking about the wording, after a while: “For me, death is not the end of life, just a return.”

This sentence is simply in the fog.

However, the queen has no intention to explain again. With a wave of hands and strong power, the stone and fathers and the purple rats are pushed out until they stop outside the border.

This is the strength of this queen, and the second is also too small.

Three of the four Ascending Saint Position powerhouses rushed out and stared at the Shifeng three on the border. Obviously they were watching them, they would not let them cross the thunder pool, and one should be guarding the Queen. After all, people are about to hit the Heavenly Foundation Stairway, and naturally they need to be guarded.

Both Shi Feng and his son did not mean to be strong, and their hearts were full of doubts.

This whole thing is too ridiculous.

“The mouse, you have a lot of knowledge, what can you think?” Shi Hao moved his eyes to the purple golden rat.

“Small stone, you really asked the right person!” Purple Golden Mouse suddenly looked proud, a pair of you quickly come to me.

“Are you not a mouse?” Shi Hao pretended to be awkward.

“Hey, this wants to fight against the Lord?” The purple-golden mouse’s face is very thick, and the mind is naturally powerful.

Shi Hao laughed and didn’t talk about the topic again. “Let’s go, you can talk about it.”

He is also very curious, and Shi Feng is who be more concerned.

In the end, the Queen’s sentence is too easy to reminiscent. What is death is not the end, just return?

not dead?

Where did the man go?

The purple golden rat coughed and said: “Before you start to speculate, you must first popularize a Culture Technique, called Wanhua Tiangong.”

“What is Wanhua Tiangong?”

“It is to divide your own Soul into thousands of ways, each of which can be turned into a single individual, walk in the world, experience the wonders of the heavens and the earth, and if there are thousands of themselves practicing at the same time.”

“If a soul of Soul is killed, whether it is killed by someone or naturally died, he will return to the subject and bring the experience of the world back to the subject.”

Shi Hao and Shi Feng look at each other, and they all reveal the color of enlightenment.

The Queen, Baihua even wished Yulan the same thing?

“So, is the queen of the big country the main body?” Shi Hao asked.

The purple golden rat shook his head: “Should be not, my grandfather looked at you, the queen was very upset before, but after she met with Baihua, she had a little bit of understanding, and the main body, for each Soul that was separated, had absolute Control and induction.”

Shi Feng could not help but raise hope. Although his wife died, all his memories will return to the subject with Soul. That is to say, the subject will also have all the memories of his deceased wife.

So, does this mean that the deceased wife is still alive in the main body?

Then he… Shi Feng suddenly became excited.

“Let’s make things embarrassing,” Shi Hao said. “First of all, some years ago, someone cultivated Wanhua Tiangong, and then divided the Soul into a world, walking around the world, and understanding the heavens and the earth.”

“Whether it’s the Queen here, or the Baihua on the Apex Cloud Star, and… the mother, it’s just a sneak of this person.”

“Baihua and the Queen met, because they are all from one person, Soul, so they merged after the contact.”

“Even, the Queen’s cultivation base achieved a breakthrough.”

Why is the Queen’s integration of Baihua, not Baihua’s integration of the Queen, the reason should be very simple, that is, the Queen’s cultivation base is higher.

Why is Baihua not growing up?

I am afraid that it has already been set up well, so that she has been borrowing the world as an orphan.

Every Soul is realizing different life.

“Probably this is the case.” The Purple Rat nodded.

In fact, as long as you say Wanhua Tiangong, everything can be derived from the truth.

“That is to say, the subject is in this awkward star!” Shi Feng murmured, “Well, I must find you!”

Love your wife, should be living in the memory of the subject. If he finds the subject, he will certainly wake up.

Shi Hao and the Purple Rat looked at each other and did not speak.

The situation should be not so optimistic.

Zhu Yulan is only a Soul that divides the subject. It only accounts for a small part of the memory. It may be one in ten thousand. Can it be shaken to the character of the subject?

almost impossible!

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