Shi Hao cultivated and cultivated, accidentally. After more than two months, Shi Feng returned with Baihua, and he also repaired the end of the Fourth Festival.

However, the Fourth Festival is the end point of the Great Heaven Offering in the traditional sense. For nearly 10,000 years, there are only a hundred people who can cross it. So, this is a small limit, so Shi Hao decides to prepare a little, then go breakthrough.

Well, breaking the limit is a bit of a ritual.

Even if he walked along with Baihua all the way, Shi Feng was still full of emotion and was in great shock.

Too much like it, it is exactly the same as a deceased wife – except for a little younger.

Shi Hao is amazed, because after so many years, Baihua’s changes are dim, it seems that only twelve or three years old, the growth rate is extremely slow.

“Hey!” Baihua saw Shi Hao as soon as he met the life-saving bodhisattva.

Shi Feng was eager to find out the truth. He did not explain it all the way. He was brought directly after he found the person. Therefore, she has been in a state of panic. Is this guy who looks pretty good, is it a trafficker?

Now I saw Shi Hao, Baihua is naturally a savior.

However, when he heard the call of Baihua, Shi Feng could not help but twitch.

The girl who is like a deceased wife, even calling her son as a beggar, then what is Shi Hao?

Is the generation going to be chaotic?

Shi Hao is also a black face, saying: “Call your brother – no, you don’t call it first, just call me my name!”

“Hey – brother – hey, are you screaming?” Baihua was stunned.

All the way, she did not know how much cognac she recognized. Who might remember who is the name?

Shi Hao is speechless. Is there such a relationship between a guy who only knows what to do?

Destroyed three views.

Shi Feng is also black. In his opinion, Baihua is a replica of his deceased wife except for being too young. However, now that the other party is so open, he feels that this is simply two people.

There is no such thing as a wife.

“Go, take you to a place.” Shi Hao laughed.

Baihua is very alert: “Do you want to sell me? Wow, don’t sell me wow, I will eat a little more!” She cried.

Shi Hao and Shi Feng took a look at each other and decided to ignore them.


They set off with Baihua and headed for the big country.

This time, they must talk face-to-face with the queen, because it is related to the dead mother, Shi Hao also does not hesitate to expose the secret of immortal mansion.

Soon, they came to the place.

“In Xia Shifeng, bring Shi Hao, meet the Queen of the Great Queen!” Shi Feng officially called, shouted, the breath of Ascending Saint Position broke out.

Just for a moment, a group of people appeared in the jungle.

The four Ascending Saint Position powerhouses are also coming from the sky. They have a glance at Shi Feng and have a disdainful color on their faces. What about Ascending Saint Position? This is a big country, need to fear you?

However, when they saw Shi Hao, they did not reveal the color of the forest.

This person is so courageous that he dared to escape from the mine and also killed people.

This is the national power to provoke a big country!

“Get it!” These women did not talk about human feelings at all, and they shot directly to Shi Hao.

Shi Feng smiled: “My son does not need you to help the lesson!”


When the war was triggered, Shi Feng was only Ascending Saint Position, but he reached the Third Step level, and the combat power was even more than five steps. How terrible?

He suppressed the four major ranks with his own power, showing the style of Shi Country’s first genius.

Shi Feng apparently spared no effort. While playing, he was still talking. He said: “The Queen of the Great State is under the stone, and I am looking for it!”

boom! boom! boom!

The four Ascending Saint Position players were beaten by him. If Shi Feng had left his hand, he had already defeated the four.

After a while, the queen couldn’t sit still and said, “Bring people in!”

She did not say please, but said that the belt is full of strength.

“Yes!” The four Ascending Saint Position powerhouses went on strike and became a guide.

The father and son walked side by side, and Baihua was a white gauze and was carried by Shi Hao.

Her cultivation base is low… terrible.

The three entered the “Royal Palace”, and the shabby appearance made Baihua even spit out his tongue.

Can this also be called the palace?

The Queen appeared, she proud of the three people of Shi Hao, said: “In the three interest, if you can not convince me, you will die!”

She will never be allowed to be fooled by anyone!

Shi Hao smiled and pushed Baihua to the front: “Baihua, let Queen Lord see what you look like.”

“Wow, you still have to sell me!” Baihua hugged Shi Hao’s thigh, and wowed, “I promise to eat less later, don’t sell me! Oh, don’t sell me.” It!”

The purple golden rat spread the small claws on Shi Hao’s shoulder, so the rogue made it a bit speechless.

The Queen reveals the color of the land. Where are you in this place, dare to play in front of her?

“Want to die?” she said coldly, murderous.

Shi Hao sighed and pulled the white gauze from Baihua’s face.

In fact, if the powerhouse is willing, you can completely wear a thin layer of white gauze and see the true face of Baihua. However, how proud are people, how can they pay for this?


The Queen looked at Baihua and suddenly showed a shocking color.

This girl… is so much like her.

Baihua has no such conscious feelings, and he is still crying, and it is called a sadness, as if the world is going to collapse.

“Who is this person?” asked the Queen.

She has already scanned Baihua’s Soul, except that she is much weaker than her, and it seems to be from the same origin.

How is this possible?

Under the sun, there are absolutely no two identical people.

“She is called Baihua, and in addition to her, there are still dead wives underneath, and they are exactly the same as her Majesty.” Shi Feng said, “not just the appearance, but also Soul!”

When I heard this, the Queen immediately showed an unpleasant color. Are you taking advantage of me?

“Your Majesty, just telling the truth in the bottom!” Shi Feng Shen Sheng.

An Ascending Saint Position is not so nonsense, and there are examples of Baihua in front of her, she believes more ingredients.

However, this is too ridiculous.

Not only are there two identical flowers under the sun, or even three?

The Queen stood up and walked over to Baihua. She had to personally test Baihua.

“Old devil, what do you want?” Baihua quickly went behind Shi Hao.

However, Shi Hao naturally “selled” her without hesitation, and pushed her out again.

The queen approached, reached out and pressed on Baihua’s forehead.

Suddenly, a strange scene appeared, and the Queen and Baihua glowed at the same time.

At first, the light was very low, but it immediately became brighter and even dazzling!

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