Although this time there is no sky tree, Shi Hao is full of confidence.

That thing is just a icing on the cake, he is really strong!

come on.

On the altar of the soul sea, Shi Hao once again launched a sacrificial ceremony.

Cut off your own Martial Dao understanding, in exchange for the quenching of strength of Heaven and Earth, further enhance the essence of life.

There is no suspense, this has lasted for ten days, and the strength of Heaven and Earth is constantly tempered, which makes Shi Hao a big improvement.

From the flesh to Soul, this is a qualitative change.

Ten days later, he opened his eyes and his eyes flashed through the amazing gods, but he immediately returned to calm.

He smiled slightly, gently raised his hands and feet, and suddenly there was a terrible power bursting, so that the space was a shudder.

His current strength is already reaching the point where he can shake the stability of the space.

This time, the Purple Rat also achieved a breakthrough, but Weng Nanqing did not.

– The higher the realm, the more obvious the gap between genius.

Weng Nanqing Although the Apex Cloud Star can be called the top genius, but compared with Shi Hao, Zijin mouse, the gap is still very large.

Shi Feng is also a fierce person, he has reached the Third Step of Ascending Saint Position.

The so-called Ascending Saint Position is to establish a holy position in the Temple of the Soul, and the communication between the heavens and the earth is closer.

The cultivation of the entire Ascending Saint Position is the process of constantly rebuilding the holy place to connect with the heavens and the earth. In general, the three reconstructions are the limit, and even most of them can only do this.

However, Shifeng is the super genius after Shi Hao and Shi Zhong. He is naturally not only satisfied with the ordinary level. His goal is to rebuild at least five times, that is, five steps.

In order to break through the limit, Shi Feng decided to go alone on the road, but experienced around the world.

Anyway, as long as you access Void Realm, communication is very convenient.

As for Shi Hao?

Need him to take care of it?

The son is now a four-sacrifice. I believe that in a few years, he can surpass him in realm and strength. Of course, he is only happy.

Shi Feng left, very refreshing, did not tell anything, it seems to just go out for a lap.

Shi Hao also has no mother-in-law, he is on the road, and he has to walk around.

It is one thing to cultivate resources, but if you just retreat and practise, then there is no future in the realm of exchange, and the fighting power is far less than the hard work.

Of course, Shi Hao is not willing to pursue only the realm. He has to go the strongest way.

The two men and the rats constantly traveled and tasted different humanities. Of course, they did disguise, lest they be found to have real identity.

Now, Shi Hao’s life is invaluable.

— Seventy-six ten-star forces jointly announced that anyone who provides the message of Shi Hao’s whereabouts can get a unique Cultural Technique, and whoever can catch Shi Hao will be co-cultivated by these 76 forces. Even the most powerful people will teach themselves and save on the Heavenly Foundation Stairway.

What a big temptation?

And smart people certainly guess that Shi Hao can be so valuable, its value must be even more amazing.

As a result, Xingyu set off a rush to kill Shi Hao.

What kind of risk is it to go to the historic site?

Is it so risky to have a good grasp of Shi Hao?


As long as you catch Shi Hao, you really have to worry about it in this life.

For a time, Shi Hao seemed to be a street mouse, and everyone was shouting and killing.

Of course, about Shi Hao’s looting of the Heavenly Foundation Stairway in the Ding Lingfeng collection, the people have to be impressed, this guy is really daring, and even the Heavenly Foundation Stairway is guilty of death. .

The days of the Double Flower Lord are better than others. After all, he is no longer the only one who has been humiliated by Shi Hao.

But in this way, Shi Hao’s situation is not good.

Although he can change his appearance, Heavenly Foundation Stairway has already recorded his Soul appearance and announced its features. As a result, anyone who has the ability to scan Shi Hao Soul can easily recognize him. come out.

This means that Shi Hao is not safe in front of the Ascending Saint Position, the Sky Road, and the Heavenly Foundation Stairway.

After knowing this, Shi Hao was of course angry.

By the way, he is robbed by his ability, and he has the ability to come to him by himself. What is the reward?

He entered the Void Realm and came to the Great Heaven Offering area, so he went so far.

“Asura is here!”

Suddenly, everyone was on the lookout, but no one dared to go forward.

At the level of Great Heaven Offering, Shi Hao is invincible, and the only one who can resist him is Shi Zhong.

Now Shi Zhong does not come out, who can stop him?

“Double flowers, old monsters, high old monsters, Xiaoye is coming, don’t you want to catch me, come!” Shi Hao laughed and said that the 76 forces had come out one by one. I.

“How, dare to reward the young master, is it now to install the grandson?”

Shi Hao sneered: “I thought this way, I will have no way for you?”

“Everyone listens, limit you to the forces of the old Wang who I named in one day, as long as someone is in Void Realm, send specific information to my hand.”

“I didn’t receive complete information in one day, so from today, the area where Void Realm started from Great Heaven Offering is closed. Whoever dares to come in, I see one kill!”

When this was said, it suddenly caused public outrage.

“Asura, Void Realm belongs to Martial Artist, you can’t be so overbearing!” Someone jumped out and cried.


Shi Hao swung out and punched the man into shattered light.

Suddenly, no one snorted again.

In the special place of Void Realm, Shi Hao is absolutely invincible.

– As long as he does not die in the area of ​​Ascending Saint Position, Sky Road and Heavenly Foundation Stairway, no one can suppress him.

One day later, Shi Hao reconnected to Void Realm, and suddenly he received countless materials.

He began to look for it based on these materials.

“You are the grandson of Ziling’s sage?”


“You are the disciple of the fire lord? Two hundred years old, or Great Heaven Offering, are you ashamed?”


“you are……”


Shi Hao swept all the way, cleared the Great Heaven Offering area, and then entered the Spirit Mending Temple area, which also carried out a major cleansing.

Then, it is the Casting King Hall area and the Guanzi District, all the way down to the Nuturing Soul Realm.

And everyone sadly found that Shi Hao is not only the Great Heaven Offering, the Spirit Mending Temple is invincible, in any realm, sweeping by one’s own power, there is no opponent.

Such a monster, if you continue to enhance the realm, is it not to be Ascending Saint Position invincible, invincible, and finally invincible to Heavenly Foundation Stairway?

Shi Hao cleaned back and forth, you made me want everyone to get fat, then I will let you remove the name in Void Realm, see you disgusting and not disgusting.

This is the second time to go for three days, and also successfully angered the seventy-six ten-star forces.

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