Shi Hao’s own comprehension is superb, and after practicing the original source, he has a deeper understanding of the nature of heaven and earth than others.

And no words?

To some extent, it has touched the essence of heaven and earth!

Ding Lingfeng did not cultivate the original source. He lived through the world for a lifetime. In his death, he discovered the mystery of life. In his life, he inspected the true knowledge of death. In this way, he realized the origin of heaven and earth.

If you can really master the origin of heaven and earth, what is different from heaven and earth?

It can be said that even if Immortal World comes, it can be easily suppressed!

I am heaven and earth, naturally invincible.

Pushing it up again, you can master the origin of Immortal World, that is Immortal World is invincible.

Is this the unmanned avenue ontology?

What is the avenue, so far no one can understand, because the avenue is protected by layers of rules, even if it is Xianzun, it is only “peeled” to the sixth floor, and after the sixth layer, is it the essence of the avenue, or more There is a seventh-level rule, no one knows!

Shi Hao is reminiscent of him. He formed a Small Universe. He can observe the nature of the world by observing himself. Because the Small Universe is his own, the world will not let him see the magic of operation, but the Small Universe is not simple?

Of course, his current Small Universe is far from being comparable to the real world, so this is a long-term task.

It’s no wonder that Heaven and Earth always want him to sacrifice the Small Universe, and the value of the future is too great.

Far away.

Ding Lingfeng is also the genius in genius, even if it is not comparable to the superb person who created the original source, it is very close to the essence of heaven and earth.

No word is based on the origin of heaven and earth.

If you want to change someone, you may not be able to master the wordless for fifty or even one hundred years. But Shi Hao is different. He first learned the origin and has a shallow understanding of the nature of heaven and earth. So, learn again. It’s easy to have no words.

However, after a month, Shi Hao had mastered the wordless and had the ability to display.

The time is almost the same.

He came out of the immortal mansion, and sure enough, there was nothing to sweep over.

Heavenly Foundation Stairway Even if it’s strong, it’s impossible to cover Soul’s force on the entire star at all times.

Besides, there is no such horrible mental power to cover such a large area.

Shi Hao runs without words, and suddenly, the endless energy gathers and piles up in his hands.

If you change someone’s words, you will have to explode so much energy. However, you have no words, because you can understand the essence of the world to a certain extent, but you can accommodate more energy.

Shi Hao believes that he is stronger than Ding Lingfeng and the creator of the wordless in the same world, because he has also cultivated the origin.

Under the same realm, Shi Hao’s perception of the nature of heaven and earth definitely exceeds that of Ding Lingfeng, so he can achieve blueness and blue.


He launched the attack, but did not target the ground, but blasted into the air.

If he is afraid of hitting the ground, it will make the earth sink a large piece of land and form a new sea.

So, let’s blast to the sky. He doesn’t want to make a living because he just tests the power of no words.

Oh, the endless brilliance condenses, turns into a “nothing” word, and blasts into the sky.

This blows straight into the sky.

Shi Hao nodded, and the power of the wordlessness forced the Overturning Heaven Seal. In contrast, the shortcomings of exhaustion without a single blow can be repeated several times in succession, and the practicality is greatly improved.

Moreover, with Shi Hao’s mastery of the nature of heaven and earth, the power of no word can be further improved.

“This Overturning Heaven Seal is where Old Man Gu got it?” Shi Hao is curious, Old Man Gu is also a very big person, such as Yue Ying is what he got, but he didn’t let the other person recognize the Lord.

“After going back, you have to ask Old Man Gu.”

He took the lead in mastering the wordless, and the words of the Purple Rat and Weng Nanqing took longer.

Especially Weng Nanqing, she didn’t have a source of cultivation, and when she could use the wordless, it might have been a hundred years later.

Is this slow?

Not at all, because this is what Ding Lingfeng had built in the world. If Weng Nanqing can be completed in a hundred years, it can be said that it is very fast.

In the case of Shi Hao, when he practiced the source of the original, it took a lot of time, and naturally it could not be put together.

Shi Hao crossed the star and soon came to the white leopard star. He made an appointment with Shifeng. Once he was separated in the middle, he reunited here.

Sure enough, on a hilltop, he saw Shi Feng.

The father and son exchanged a bit, and when Shi Feng learned that Shi Zhong is likely to deprive others of Physique, and there is no limit, he can continue to increase the number of Physique, so that he is moving.

Aside from this special ability, Shi Zhong’s own Martial Dao talent is incredibly amazing, coupled with the trait of endless Physique, which makes him more powerful enough to compete with Shi Hao.

“This is still in the world, and once the other party enters Immortal World -” Shi Feng is cool, and Immortal World’s super Physique is more. Once Shi Zhong is completely deprived, how will the opponent be strong?

Therefore, the final battle between Shi Hao and Shi Zhong must be carried out in the real world.

Shi Hao is not afraid of how strong Shi Zhong is in the future, but his enmity with the other party is too great, but he does not want to drag on for too long.

He wanted to pass the wordless to Shi Feng, but found no way.

Ding Lingfeng is taught in a spiritual way. There is no such thing as a secret. Therefore, unless Shi Hao fully masters the road of Martini Dao of Ding Lingfeng, he can transfer the Cultural Technique.

This is obviously impossible, and Shi Hao has his own way to go.

Therefore, Shi Hao had to divide a lot of resources to Laozi. Before that, his harvest was too big and his family was so thick.

Shi Feng was staying. I didn’t expect Shi Hao to be so daring, not only robbed the Heavenly Foundation Stairway, but also so many.

This time, Shi Hao should be enemies all over the world, and all of them belong to the kind that Shi Hao has to run at the present stage.

Silent, this son is too miserable.

But think again, Shi Hao can unplug the tiger, how amazing is this heroic?

Moreover, Shi Hao and immortal mansion, as long as you are careful not to die, it will not be a problem.

“You are careful,” he said.

Shi Hao nodded, of course, he is now enchanting, but he can sweep the Great Heaven Offering, even the weakest Ascending Saint Position can only barely resist, how can it really be with Heavenly Foundation Stairway?

They temporarily crouched and continued to practice.

A lot of resources are going down, and the cultivation base of the three-and-one mouse has started to improve.

Three months later, Shi Hao went into a state of nowhere to enter.

Can attack the four sacrifices.

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