Shi Hao launched the source and carefully stared at the stone thorn, and he immediately became stunned.


This stone thorn is actually equipped with rules, and it is still a very high level of rules, so it will hurt Shi Hao’s body without the support of power.

The means of Ding Lingfeng is really amazing.

Such a stone thorn is simply invincible.

Shi Hao wants to fold it down, but finds that there is no way, this thing is very strong.

Really stingy.

Shi Hao spits in his heart. Since you have left the so-called gods, you will be a little bit more happy. The one who gives away will give away, so stingy.

Both Shi Hao and Weng Nanqing are cautious, like thin ice.

This place is very dangerous. If you slip, you will definitely have a big deal when you hit these stone spurs. If there is a fight, it will be even more dangerous.

Because he had offended too many powerhouses, Shi Hao had to keep a low profile and changed his appearance, and Weng Nanqing had to disguise him with his identity.

Not only that, even the Purple Rat has become a small milk dog, and is determined to draw a line with the previous self.

This canyon is not only long, but also full of roads. Sometimes there are only two, sometimes as many as seven or eight. There is no law at all, so that Shi Hao and the purple rat are incapable, and can only do it at will.

It is also true that it is impossible for those Heavenly Foundation Stairway to want to attack Shi Hao.

Besides, now everyone’s focus is to get Ding Lingfeng’s gods. By contrast, anything can be put down temporarily.


Shi Hao walked for a while and slammed down.

“What did you find?” Zijin Mouse asked immediately.

On the one hand, Weng Nanqing resisted the urge to take a kick. She was the wife of Shi Hao, but the purple rat was always robbing her. If she didn’t know that Shi Hao’s orientation was normal, she would not engage in any demon love. I have to worry about Shi Hao and the Purple Rat.

Shi Hao pointed to a stone seam: “Look.”

Weng Nanqing and the Purple Rat were all looking at the past, only to see a golden mushroom in the crack.

Not high, it is half a foot long, and very thin, only a quarter of chopsticks.

“Hey, this is something, even the Lord has not seen it.” Purple Rat is very strange.

To say that Immortal World has something that it has not seen, this is normal, because Immortal World is too big, but there is something in the real world that it has not seen before?

It’s incredible!

Shi Hao nodded: “Old Ding lived IX, obviously not wasting his life.”

“You are careful, the old Ding is not dead, but the Immortal World is well mixed.” The Purple Rat pointed around. “How do you know that Lao Ding has not laid the means here, can you hear your words?”

If you are remembered by the big enchanting like Ding Lingfeng, it is definitely a terrible thing.

Shi Hao smiled and said: “Daddy should be not so busy?”

“It’s definitely not so busy, but now his gods are opened, he will definitely have a sense, so, do you know if he will peek?” The purple rat spread his paws.


Shi Hao didn’t go to the spit, but tried to pick this golden mushroom.

This is nothing to do with it. If you can’t get it, it doesn’t matter if it has amazing value or is worthless.

However, the golden mushroom is born in the crack of the stone, surrounded by stone thorns, how to get it?

Not to mention Shi Hao, it is a purple rat that can be stolen.

They tried to use weapons to smash, but as soon as they touched the stone thorn, whether you are a Spirit Tool or a treasure, it is easy to break you, and it is awkward.

Finally, Shi Hao came up with a stupid way.

Nine Revolutions Plundering Heaven Scripture !

He sits on the edge of the golden mushroom and runs the Culture Technique to plunder the energy of the world.

As soon as he turned around, Shi Hao found that he had captured a vast amount of energy, which instantly made him shine straight into the skin, and there was a golden energy in his mouth and nose.

This time, too much energy was absorbed, so that Shi Hao could not be fully incorporated into the body, and a lot of energy was spilled out.

The purple rat screamed and quickly extended his small claws to stuff the golden energy into his mouth.

“Stupid girl, what are you doing?” It cried to Weng Nanqing. “This golden energy is extremely high. If you absorb it into the body, the benefits are so big that you can’t imagine it!”

Weng Nanqing can also guess, but she is a woman after all. In this outdoor place, she likes a hungry wild dog, sniffing and sucking around Shi Hao?

Only this mole has no bottom line to get it.

However, as soon as she gritted her teeth, she began to absorb it.

Shi Hao is too enchanting, and the cultivation base does not seem to have a bottleneck. Therefore, if she wants to follow Shi Hao’s pace, she must seize every opportunity to improve herself.

Shi Hao also consciously released some energy to Weng Nanqing and the Purple Rat, but Nine Revolutions Plundering Heaven Scripture is not for the benefit of others, so most of the golden energy remains in his body.

And what about the golden mushroom?

Directly withered, turned into mud.

However, the two men did not care about it, and quickly entered the immortal mansion, refining the golden energy in the body.

Rao Shi Hao has deliberately released some energy, but the golden energy level is too high, still let him spurt the golden light, the whole person is full of excitement, can not help but dance, as if the body has endless strength.

After a long time, he felt a lot better, and he was able to sit down and concentrate on refining these energies.

After a little while, the golden energy was finally digested by Shi Hao.

overall enhancement!

Shi Hao found that he has made great progress in strength, spirit and physical fitness. The only thing that has not been promoted is the perception of heaven and earth.

There is no way, even if you have given you a great medicine, it can only help you understand the rules of the road.

Shi Hao took out the intercepted Tianshu, and refining it with his own spiritual power, and completely integrated with himself. In this case, when the sacrifice was made, the heavens and the earth would think that it was Shi Hao’s contribution.

At this time, Weng Nanqing and the Purple Rat also completed the refining of the golden energy. They were much faster. After all, they only got some from Shi Hao.

“The mouse, what is the so-called high-level energy?” Shi Hao asked.

I didn’t care about it before.

The purple golden rat sighed and said: “Actually, high-level energy can only come into contact after entering the fairyland.”

“Well, you guys are enchanting, and the day you step into Wonderland will not be too far away. He will talk to you.”

“At Immortal World, there are a total of six high-level energies, and these six energies also have different grades. If they are manifested, the colors are different.”

“The golden energy we just got, from low to high, ranked third.”

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