Everyone thinks again, anyway, Shi Hao has offended the double flower sage to death, so how about another plateau?

Yes, it’s absolutely more powerful, but Great Heaven Offering is the same whether it’s absolutely perfect or not. The result is the same, so why bother?

You see, the double flower lord chased Shi Hao for so long, people are not still alive, but they are moisturized to extort a brilliant power.

——In the mirror world, the double flower sage sneezed without a reason, which made him very upset.

To reach the Heavenly Foundation Stairway, it is definitely not a disease, why do you suddenly sneeze?


Shi Hao smiled and held out a finger: “As long as ten strains of seven Star level are other spirit medicine.”

as long as?

Everyone is a tooth decay, you are already a big lion, but also?

The face of the plateau remains the same, but I don’t know what it is like.

Ten plants, why don’t you grab it?

But he is a great power, do you want to bargain with a junior?

You see, there are so many Heavenly Foundation Stairways around, how can he get this face?

“Okay.” He waved his hand and hit a few lights toward Shi Hao.

However, as soon as the Great World’s Mirror World District, these lights stopped, and they fell to the ground, and it turned out to be ten spicy medicines.

Mobile treasure house.

Shi Hao stared at the plateau. It seems that the treasures of Gaojia are all on this guy.

The purple golden rat is also seeing DC water. It is absolutely powerful. The collection must be ten times bigger than the double flower. But unfortunately, can they rob another great power?

“Hey!” Shi Hao sighed.

“Hey!” The Purple Rat also sighed.

Everyone is in vain, you just succeeded in extorting a great power, actually sigh?

If you let them know, Shi Hao and Zijin Mouse actually want to rob the original high, what kind of expression will be on their faces.

Shi Hao took ten spicy medicines and then waved his hands very happily, letting Gao Tianyi go.

Gao Tianyi clenched his hands and jumped on his forehead.

A shameful shame.

How powerful is he?

Among the entire universe, Great Heaven Offering his ninth.

However, he was vulnerable to Shi Hao.

Later, he still has a face to see people?

“No matter, failure is the mother of success. As long as you learn this lesson and use the shame of today as the driving force, it is not difficult to surpass yourself in the future and report this enemy back.” The plateau patted the grandson’s head.

He is still very optimistic about this descendant and has placed too much hope.

In the future, it is not difficult for Gao Tianyi to move into the Heavenly Foundation Stairway, but if you want to be a perfect one, you need a chance, and today’s defeat may not be such an opportunity.

Of course, as a great power, he will naturally not be allowed to be blackmailed by a small Great Heaven Offering. He will definitely kill Shi Hao if he has the chance.

Martial Dao Iron Law, powerhouse is not to be humiliated!

Gao Tianyi nodded, as a genius, it is a basic skill for regulating his own emotions.

One person came out and found that his descendants were kidnapped. Although he was not willing, he had to be blackmailed by Shi Hao and handed over the ransom.

Shi Hao and the Purple Rat are all eyebrows, and they are also the most profitable.

“Asura, let’s put this Venerable granddaughter!” He Haodong came out late and found that the granddaughter was actually kidnapped by Shi Hao, and he was naturally furious when he was tied with a stinky man.

Shi Hao smiled: “As long as the ransom of the seniors satisfied me, I immediately let go!”

Although Hao Haodong was trembling, he had to throw out a few spiral medicines.

Shi Hao puts it in, then swears to Saitama: “Okay, you can go.”

Yan Yuxi looked at Shi Hao and said: “I don’t go, I want to be your follower!”

“Small stone, is this woman being stupid by you?” The purple rat was amazed.

Isn’t that strange?

It was clearly kidnapped by Shi Hao, but now it seems to have adored Shi Hao, and he still has to be his follower.

Not only the purple rat is amazed, but others are also like this.

What is the situation?

And Hao Haodong is going crazy, he is a great man, and the granddaughter actually wants to be a follower of others?

Let him put his old face?

By the way, if Asura dares to promise, he will break the other side.

Shi Hao shook his head quickly. This woman had a bad motivation at first sight. He didn’t need such a man.

“Let’s go.” He pointed to Haodong, you are too Grandfather, let’s go.

Yan Yuxi is very reluctant: “No, I want to follow you!”

“You still have to go.”

“Do not!”

One persuaded, the other was to stay strong, and the scene was very entangled.

This makes those who love the jade and jade want to cry, you see, they do not hesitate to become a prisoner, in order to rescue the jade jade, but it is good, people have no feelings, but like Shi Hao.

This is strength!

“Hey, what do you want to do to my husband?” Weng Nanqing appeared, blocking Shi Hao’s body, a sturdy tigress.

Yu Yuxi suddenly appeared a white face, seems to have suffered a huge blow.

Asura, actually married!

Do not!

She hides her face and rushes toward Hao Haodong.

Shi Hao sighed with relief: “Women, it’s too late for you to come.”

Weng Nanqing is wary of the big heart, Shi Hao this guy is too good-looking, and still so enchanting, Martial Dao talent is invincible, easily sweeping the same level, which woman would not like it?

Therefore, it is still running into the evil spirits of Xingyu. If she does not care a little, she may have how many women will send a gift to Shi Hao.

As the hostages were released, everyone dispersed.

As for Shi Hao?

Oh, dare to blackmail the Heavenly Foundation Stairway, then be prepared to withstand anger.

Shi Hao didn’t move, although the Heavenly Foundation Stairway that he was blackmailed had already left, but who knows if they are coming back halfway, hiding where he is waiting for him, waiting for an opportunity to give him a blow.

He retired into the mirror world, and then entered the immortal mansion with Weng Nanqing, then was carried by the purple golden rat, and swayed out.

Hey, the purple thief sneaked and ran all the way.

Moreover, its body is extremely arrogant, it is the Heavenly Foundation Stairway’s blow may not be able to kill it, so this is the safest way.

After a long time, Shi Hao and Weng Nanqing came out from the immortal mansion.

They are now entering a canyon, the length of the unknown geometry, black stone thorns everywhere, as if there is metal mixed in it, emitting a dark light.

Shi Hao tried it with his hand and gently slid across the surface of the skin, and immediately a bloody mark appeared.

Hey, is this stuff so sharp?

No, it’s just sharp and useless. You let an ordinary person take a ten-star sword to cut Shi Hao, and ensure that 10,000 swords go down, and Shi Hao will not lose its roots.

– Sharp and the strength of passing, this can cause damage.

Therefore, Shi Hao clearly did not use force, but was cut off the skin, which is a bit strange.

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