One second to remember, popular novels are free to read!

    Shi Hao turned over and sat on the dark-skinned leopard, then pointed forward, and the Vicious Beast immediately leaped and swept forward.

    so fast!

    Vicious Beast is not self-cultivating, but it is faster than most of the same-order Martial Artist. This is talent.

    "Give you a name, dark-spotted leopard, dark-skinned leopard, um, it's called a little dark."

    Riding on the dark-skinned leopard of Sanzhanggao, Shi Hao is very windy, but it is not easy to enter the forest. This height will definitely make him hit the branches.

    Fortunately, now it is a canyon, not to mention a horse, but the surrounding plants are mainly grass, vine, and some low bushes, but it does not let Shi Hao frequently hit.

    Under the dark leopard's wind, Shi Hao soon came to the second half of the canyon.


    Shi Hao found that the terrain here has changed significantly.

    The former canyon was covered with rocks, and the heights were undulating, but now it is like a plain, and it is mainly muddy, with few rocks and black ones, as if it were burnt.

    The dark-skinned leopard stopped and made a low-pitched voice, which was obviously taboo.


    "From the perspective of the environment, it is impossible to have such a sharp drop, so this is likely to be a steep change in the terrain, and as a result, the darkness becomes so taboo."

    "Little dark, let's go."

    Shi Hao patted the dark-skinned leopard, and the dark-striped leopard started, heading towards the depths of the canyon.

    It didn't take long before I saw it. I saw a grave bag in front of me!

    This time, Shi Hao can be sure that this area was absolutely non-existent until it suddenly appeared.

    So, where is this area before?

    It is separated by array, so ordinary people can't see it?

    Shi Hao has not come in before, so there is no way to judge.

    The dark-skinned leopard became more arrogant, the front paws kept gripping the ground, glaring at the front, and a pair of fluttering out at any time.

    Shi Hao jumped down and then moved forward.

    But before he took a few steps, he felt that the clothes were tight and he was bitten by the dark-skinned leopard.

    "Why, you still don't trust me?"Shi Hao smiled. "Reassured, I have a number!"

    He patted the head of the dark-skinned leopard, let the other party loosen, and then walked forward again.

    The dark-skinned leopard hesitated, or took a step, followed by Shi Hao.

    Near, near, and near, Shi Hao swept a circle and saw that there were many graves, but none of them stood on the monument. It seemed that they had encountered a natural disaster, and there were too many dead people, and they dug a pit. People are buried.

    However, this view of the past, the number of graves is also said to have tens of thousands, it is too unrealistic to say that the victims are buried.


    Shi Hao went on the first few steps. Behind him, the hair of the dark-skinned leopard suddenly exploded, and the low-lying squats showed strong hostility.


    One hand was actually found out of the grave bag. It can be seen that all the skin has rotted, leaving only the forest bones, mixed with dirt, and it is still a curse.

    When the hand explores a little more, it can be seen clearly, it is actually wearing armor.

    Boom, a loud noise, I saw a "body" wrapped in the armor from the tomb, and a sword was inserted in the waist, under the helmet, revealing a face with only white bones, but the eyes There is a green flame in the hole.


    Shi Hao frowned, and met the ghoul?

    When I was in Ancient Jade City, I met the former prince Mo Du, who was reborn as a ghoul and wanted to cleanse the flesh and blood of these creatures. But this guy miscalculated the strength of the people and ended up with Chen Ling’s rescue. This is the only way to get out.

    Now, here is the ghoul again?

    What exactly is this, how can there be no clue in the memory of the original Cheng Mie?

    This corpse seems to have just woke up, it seems a bit stunned, after a while, this will focus on Shi Hao and dark-leaved leopard, suddenly, the green fire is booming, it seems to be hungry.

    The dark-skinned leopard also squats, as if it were an enemy.

    The dead are standing on the opposite side of the living, it is an absolute death and hatred, and there is no possibility of coexistence.

    Shi Hao Haha Yixiao, take the initiative.

    His eyes glanced, and two beams of light hit, just in the eye of the ghoul.

    Suddenly, the ghoul screamed, and the green fire swayed, and the desire was ruined.

    Hey, let you look at me with the look of food, are you satisfied?

    Being shot like this, the corpse ghost seemed to be badly hurt, but he did not even care about "dining", and he plunged into the grave bag again, as if he were hiding from Shi Hao.

    "Hey, what are you running!"Shi Hao rushed up and struck up with his right hand, and he grabbed the ankle that had not been able to retract him. "Give me out!"

    He pulled hard, and the ghoul seemed to be a little girl who was hooligan, trying to hold the dirt in the grave, and he would not die.

    However, how does it wrestle with Shi Hao?

    Awkwardly, it was pulled out of the "root".

    Seeing this scene, the dark-spotted leopard is shocked.

    Such a Master is too fierce.


    The ghoul seemed to know that it was impossible to hide back. It was clearly against Shi Hao, but his head turned directly to one hundred and eighty degrees and spit out a green fire toward Shi Hao.

    This is a wildfire, it is a flame, but it is very gloomy, even colder than the ice!

    If a living person is burned up like this, the vitality of life will be quickly taken away, and the lifespan will be broken, and the heavy one will be directly screamed.

    Shi Hao faintly Yixiao, bang, the whole person exudes endless brilliance, as if the saint.

    Mom, it’s bright!

    If the ghoul can speak, it will definitely make Shi Hao a bloody head. For the dead, this kind of light element is terrible for their lethality, and it is their most taboo thing.

    Now that Shi Hao is so arrogant, it is like throwing it on the edge of the sun. Isn’t the damage enough?

    Awkwardly, the head of this ghoul was blasted, and suddenly fell apart.

    Hey, why don't you play?

    Shi Hao couldn't help but sigh. He hasn't moved yet.

    "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

    At this moment, the nearby graves did not reveal the white bones, and the head corpse was broken out, all dressed in armor, as if they were soldiers before they were born, even if they died and become ghouls, they still have to war.

    Shi Hao is not polite, the ghoul and the creature are completely opposite, and there is no need to be merciful.

    He was all released with light, striding forward, being illuminated by the light elements, and a head corpse was just thrown out of the wildfire and fell apart.

    After Shi Hao went on for a while, the newly born ghoul was holding the light element, but it was a little painful, and he avoided the head, but did not fall apart.

    The ghoul of Paramita!


    Shi Hao sucked the cold air and saw it in front. There were always graves broken and a head ghoul was drilled.

    At least Paramita!

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