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    A soul island emerged in the body of Han Feihuo, with infinite pressure, rushing toward Shi Hao.

    This is a pure Soul-level attack, either to motivate Elemental Power, or to fight against Soul's power.

    And Soul's collision is the most dangerous and direct, whoever is weak will be damaged.

    Therefore, only the weaker side will sacrifice the soul island to fight the beast.

    Is it better than the soul island?

    Shi Hao Yixiao also released his two soul islands.

    In the bitter sea, the size of the Soul Island does not have an intuitive impression, but once it is released, there is a sharp contrast.

    Han Fei fires stunnedly. Although Shi Hao has only two soul islands, the big one can only match at least four.


    How come there is such a monster?

    The size of the soul island directly determines the strength of Martial Artist in this realm. Therefore, the bigger the soul island, the stronger the strength of the same level of war.

    Two, actually only two!

    Han Feihu suddenly realized that Shi Hao would not be just the cultivation base of Erdao?

    The idea was soaring, and he could not help but tremble.

    The second island of the district can actually suppress him, the seven islands genius. So, what is the state of Shi Hao’s leapfrog fighting ability?

    Although he has an advantage in the number of soul islands, if he really wants to hit Shi Hao, he might only make himself smashed.

    He suddenly hesitated and did not dare to attack again.

    Shi Hao ignored it, and put Soul Seed little person out, sitting on the big soul island, driving the soul island and bombarding Han Fei.

    Nine color Soul Seed!

    Han Feihuo couldn't help but widen his eyes and couldn't believe his eyes.

    At the Nurturing Soul Realm, Soul Seed was invisible until Paramita, the Soul Island was visible, and Soul Seed was also visible to the naked eye.

    But, nine colored Soul Seed?

    I have seen this individually, but I have never heard of it.

    Han Feihuo instinctively sensed that when Shi Hao's Soul Seed came out, his Soul was suppressed, just as the mortal saw the emperor, which was a kind of suppression.

    Is this the power of the nine-color Soul Seed?

    Boom, the nine-color Soul Seed has been hit by the soul island, this is Soul level, the speed is naturally amazing.

    Awkwardly, the soul islands of the two men collided together.

    Han Feihuo’s seven soul islands have not been repulsed, showing that he is not losing on the level of soul power. However, there are cracks on the seven soul islands, although not obvious, but it is real. Really.

    In contrast, Shi Hao’s Soul Island is also unrelenting and unharmed!

    This shows what?

    Shi Hao's Soul quality is much higher than Han Feihuo!

    Han Feihuo did not have any luck, he quickly picked up the soul island, this last fight is no use, he has only one way to go.


    He turned and lifted his body to the extreme and left quickly.

    Shi Hao chased it up. With the speed of Penetrating Cloud Step, how could Han Feihuo run?

    He quickly caught up, and the nine-color Soul Seed continued to drive the soul island and crashed toward Han Fei.

    "Hong!" "Hong!" "Hong!"

    One, two, three…Han Feihuo is crying. He seems to have nothing to do on the surface, but the seven soul islands are in danger of collapsing. Once the soul island collapses, his Soul Seed has nowhere to send, and can only fall into the sea of ​​bitterness. That will be a huge injury.

    Then his life is equal to ruin, the cultivation base will fall to the Nurturing Soul, and even the Reaching Limit.

    Cross Paramita, unsuccessful, then Chengren!

    "No!Han Feihuo screams, as a genius, he is even more unable to accept the fate of becoming a mediocrity.

    However, what is the use of him again?

    After several impacts, his soul island suddenly broke.

    ——It’s useless in the bitter sea. His element shield was broken by Shi Hao. The nine-color Soul Seed slammed into the bitter sea directly in the soul island, and where can I hide?

    Suddenly, his breath began to drop rapidly.

    Shi Hao stopped, and his hands fell behind him: "Roll!"

    Han Fei fire stared at Shi Hao with hateful eyes, but he did not say anything, turned and ran.

    He wants to complain to Han Liren and abandon his most beloved grandson. I believe that this is what the descendants of the ancestors are, and the old man will avenge him.

    Shi Hao just showed a faint smile.


    Let Han Li know the truth and only personally give Han Feihuo the Fa-rectification.

    ——Make the head of the Junior Brother, what a big deal?

    At that time, Han Feihuo will know what is called real despair.

    Shi Hao never deny that he is a very revengeful person. Therefore, it is obvious that he can directly kill Han Fei, but he puts the other side.

    He turned and looked at the dark-skinned leopard.

    This Vicious Beast has never shot, nor does it know that it is waiting for a good time, or else.

    Shi Hao Yixiao: "You didn't shoot, this is a very sensible choice. Now, I will give you a chance to follow me. I will help you further open up your wisdom and let you get rid of the shackles of blood and move to a higher level. ”

    The dark-skinned leopard did not respond, nor did it know if it was not understood or was thinking.

    Shi Hao exudes his own ideas with Soul, which can span language, express good thoughts or be malicious.

    The dark-skinned leopard immediately fangs and looks fierce.

    Shi Hao performed at his fingertips, and the endless Elemental Power flowed in his hands. At the same time, the sword was steadfast and pressed toward the dark-spotted leopard.

    For Vicious Beast, you must be able to convince you.

    Just now, Shi Hao released a goodwill. Now, he wants to show his strong side, let the dark leopard know that he is not good, and give him loyalty.

    The dark-skinned leopard continues to squat, and as Vicious Beast, it is naturally unruly.

    In fact, most of the Vicious Beast in the world is unacceptable.

    Not Yet

    Shi Hao sacrificed the nine-color Soul Seed. On the Soul level, this pressure is terrible.

    Sure enough, the nine-color Soul Seed came out, the dark-skinned leopard immediately showed the color of fear, and the low-pitchedness became slightly.

    Shi Hao's eyes were angry, and Soul Seed little person also made a glare, and the power surged.

    The dark-skinned leopard suddenly lowered his head and made a groaning sound.

    That's it.

    Shi Hao smiled, and the beast was also a learning. The original Cheng Mie had a sect, called the beast, and it was specially tamed by Vicious Beast. Therefore, he also had some taming. skill.

    He walked over to the dark-skinned leopard, and this Vicious Beast immediately took his head and licked his heel, making him extremely docile.

    Shi Hao screams lucky, wants Vicious Beast to tame, but it is not the Vicious Beast. The weaker the strength, the easier it is. On the contrary, the higher the blood, the more intelligent, the decision will be made. The ordinary Vicious Beast will only die. war.

    However, the highly intelligent Vicious Beast is also very proud. If you want to tame it, you have to come up with something that makes you feel convinced.

    Shi Hao and the dark-spotted leopard coincide with these two points.

    – Ordinary dark-striped leopards don't have such high intelligence.

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