One second to remember, popular novels are free to read!

    If Han Dong forgot to prepare a gift because of gambling, then Shi Hao would not look at him more.

    What kind of person does this kind of thing do?

    But because of the relationship of cultivation, Shi Hao nodded and said, "I will prepare one for you."

    "Boss, you are my savior, I have been following you in my life!"Little fatty is busy with loyalty.

    He turned to think: "Boss, time is so tight, where can you help me get a gift?"

    Shi Hao Yixiao: "Don't worry, it's very fast."

    He took the pen and paper from the black ring, which he used to make Talisman Soldier, but now, let's take a look.

    Han Dong is stunned, boss, are you going to perform calligraphy?

    Can you use the animal skin?

    In his dark vomit, Shi Hao began to write.

    Of course, he did not want to make a Talisman Soldier to Han Li, but wrote a sentence.

    After writing, he rolled up the hide and handed it to Han Dong, and did not let the other party see what was written on it.

    "Boss, are you sure this is a gift?"Han Dong smiled bitterly. If this is what Shi Hao gave, he must fly the other party directly.

    Shi Hao Yixiao: "You don't believe me?"

    Han Dong just hesitated, and immediately said: "I definitely believe in the boss!"

    He couldn't help but look forward to it. What did Shi Hao write?

    There are certainly not a few words. Although he did not see it, he can be sure that there are only a few.


    When the ceremony came to an end, Han Feihuo debuted.

    He hugged the Han Li people and said: "The grandson performed a set of martial skills to his grandfather, and wished his grandfather Fu as the East China Sea and Shoubi Nanshan."

    He stepped back, there was an open space here, and he stood in the middle and began to practice.

    "Hong!" "Hong!" "Hong!"

    The two opposite attributes of flame and frost appear on the same person. On one side is the burning of the sky, and on the other side is the world of ice and snow, which is the power of terror.

    Han Liren is old and bright, and his favorite is this grandson, who regards it as the successor of the future. Now Han Feihuo not only blames the disease, but also awakens the Fire Spirit Root. The future is boundless, can not let Is he happy?

    However, all this should be grateful to the head of the Junior Brother!

    Han Li people looked at Shi Hao and cast a grateful look, but did not say anything.

    This is naturally also to protect Shi Hao, after all, the head of the Junior Brother is now only the cultivation base of the island of Paramita.

    The performance of Han Feihuo also came to an end. He screamed and patted a large Boss Shi. The big Boss Shi was immediately frozen, and then the flames hit him. Hey, Boss Shi collapsed and turned into countless pieces.

    This shows that everyone is a tongue.

    Breaking the big Boss Shi, this can be done by most people, but to seal the Boss Shi, the water root with the ice can do it, but want to make a big Boss Shi It’s hard to crush, all of them are broken.

    This is the power of the water and fire double Spirit Root, the destructive power is terrible!

    Lokeśvara, who came to congratulate Cheng, Zhang and Shi, all showed a dignified color.

    In Jiuwu City, Cheng Yang of Cheng Jia, Zhang Santian of Zhang family, Tai Yan of the time family, and Han Feihuo of Han family, and said that the four great genius of Jiuwu City, the four genius have some gaps in the realm, but in the sky It is almost the same.

    But now, Han Feihuo wakes up the Fire Spirit Root, will he ride the dust in the future, and the other three genius are behind?

    For the other three, Han Fei’s fire is so enchanting, it’s not really good news.

    "Alright!"Han Liren nodded and looked very happy. "This is the most happy gift the old man received today!"

    "Thank you grandfather!"Han Fei was overjoyed and respectfully bowed to Han Liren.

    He is the most understanding of Han Liren, the other is Casting King Hall powerhouse, what treasure is his rare?


    Or, the treasures he needs are not what the juniors can get, and what is the most concerned about the father?

    The Han family has been followed.

    Therefore, he casts his own good, shows his own strength and potential, and naturally makes his father feel happy.

    Han Feihuo did not retreat, but looked at Han Dong and said: "Dongtang, I don't know what gift you are going to offer to Grandpa?"

    Hey, okay!

    The old man just received a gift of the most satisfaction, and no matter which descendant, the effect will be very bad. And if the gift itself is still very bad, it will even annoy the old man!

    Therefore, Han Feihuo is deliberately pushing Han Dong to the fire pit.

    Hey, it is reasonable to say that on the same day, Han Dong led Shi Hao to "treat him". Why is he not grateful at all, but will Han fire hate it?

    I can only say that he is too small.

    – You came to see me at the joke, now I am back to peak, I can still look down on you.

    Han Dong was awkward. He didn't know what Shi Hao had written, but now he has been put on the fire. It won't work.

    He stood up and walked toward Han Li.

    "Dong Tang, I see what gift you have prepared?"Han Fei fire intercepted.

    This is unruly, but who makes him the most loved grandson of Han Liren?

    "Haha, a hide?"Han Fei's firecracker grabbed the animal skin in the hands of Han Dong and couldn't help laughing. He thought that this would definitely make Grandpa unhappy. He added two more sentences. It is not impossible to drive Han Dong out of the Han family.

    Just because of you, dare to see my jokes when I am in trouble?

    He doesn't think that his "illness" is Shi Hao's optimism and awakens the second Spirit Root. This is his talent. God has rewarded him. Who has anything to do with him?

    So thank you Shi Hao, Han Dong? Huh.

    He raised his hand and threw the hide to Han Dong.

    Han Dong is holding a hide, and there is a flame in his eyes.

    For this cousin, he has always been very respectful, because this is the future hope of the Han family, and it can protect the Han family from the wind. He is naturally grateful as a young Master.

    But now, he doesn't think so.

    For the second time in his life, he is extremely eager for strength.

    If he can be as strong as Shi Hao, does Han Feihuo dare to humiliate him?

    Power Power Power

    Han Dong walked numbly to the Han Li people and then offered the animal skin.

    Han Li’s brow wrinkles. Although he doesn’t know what his grandchildren are, he can live two hundred years old. You only send a piece of animal skin. This is really unreasonable.

    He took the animal skin and unfolded it, only to see a line of words on it.

    "The founder accepts Han Li as the official disciple, Shi Hao!"

    It was very short, and it was clear when I swept it, and Han Li immediately became very excited.

    For him, it was just the name of Cheng Mie's signature, which is what he always regrets, how much he is eager to become the official disc of the original Cheng Mie.

    Unfortunately, after a long time, he never saw the original Cheng Mie.

    Now, Shi Hao's agent has accepted him as a formal discipline, which naturally makes up for his regret.

    Head of the Junior Brother, of course, can make such a decision.

    The old man was excited and suddenly flushed.

    "Han Dong, are you going to suffocate Grandpa?"When Han Feijian saw it, he thought that Han Li was mad and immediately shouted loudly.

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