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    Xu Guan is extremely scared.

    He has never been so scared in this life. Although the young man in front of him is very young, he is exuding a kind of terror that comes back from hell, making him timid.

    Can't afford it, can he still hide?

    Shi Hao Yixiao, slashing his knife.

    "No!Xu Guan was in a hurry, but the knife was shining, and he was so fast that he could not hide.

    He had to reach out and squat, and he was bleeding, and his right hand suddenly broke.

    The blade was too good. This knife only saw bloody splashes. Xu Guan never even found the pain. Until he stood still, he discovered that his hand had been broken.

    He stared blankly at the broken wrist, his face was an unacceptable expression.

    Wasted, he scrapped a hand.

    He used his right hand, whether it was gambling or fighting, now his right hand is gone, his strength has fallen by at least 90%.

    The old man felt a black front and almost passed out.

    Shi Hao looked at the knife and saw that the blade was like water, and there was no trace of blood.

    "Good knife!"He praised, then slashed the knife and raised his hand to the fisherman. "Thank you."

    The fisherman took it and placed the knife on the table next to it. It was silent and there was no sense of existence.

    In fact, if he had just spoken, no one realized that there was still such a person who was so out of place.

    "Time Shaofeng, it's up to you!"Han Dong stared at his bitter Lord, his face full of revenge.

    "You have to dare to move me a hair, I am at home – fuck!"Shi Shaofeng still wanted to threaten, but when he had not finished speaking, he was stunned by Shi Hao.

    He is just the District Third Step, how can he fight against Shi Hao?

    "Get it done."Shi Hao said to Han Dong.

    "Boss, I love you!"Han Dong said with gratitude.

    "Go, let me say this disgusting thing, I will take you away!"Shi Hao is full of disgust.

    Han Dong is 嘿嘿 Yixiao, the pants of Shao Shaofeng in the past.

    "No! No! NoWhen Shaofeng struggled desperately, his face was flushed and he was about to bleed.

    Under the crowd, he was thrown off his underwear, so how can he see people in the future?

    Even if he doesn't care, can you still afford this face?

    He must be beaten into the cold house, and for many years he would not want to step out of the house.

    Han Dong will pay attention to it. He is excited to take off the clothes of Shao Feng, as if he is an eager ghost.

    Shi Hao patted Shaofeng's face: "You should be lucky, today is Han Dong, not my dog."

    Big Yellow Dog is the lord who bites the butt directly, **!

    How can Shi Shaofeng understand? As the lower body gets colder, he knows that the fate of his bare butt can't be reversed. He simply doesn't struggle. He just stares at Shi Hao with anger. "You are dead, you. Dead, you are dead!"

    I don't know if I am cursing, or telling Shi Hao that I am offended when I am offended.

    "Hahaha!"Han Dong suddenly laughed. This is not the kind of joy after revenge, but it is a funny thing, tears are coming out.

    "Boss, you see, this guy's chicken is as small as a bamboo stick!"

    Little fatty pointed at the legs of Shaofeng, who had already laughed straight.


    Around, many gamblers also saw clearly, and never laughed.

    Really, the words are so small that people with poor eyesight can’t find out.

    "When you are a chicken, I am really sorry."When Han Dong patted Shaofeng's ass, "I knew that you are a wreck, I don't want to bet with you, let your shame let everyone see it." Oh, I am so sorry. ”

    He said that he was sorry, but there was no sorry for his face, and he smiled.

    When Shao Feng’s anger and anger met, the first glimpse, directly fainted in the past.

    The onlookers are excited, and there will be talks after waiting. This matter can be said to be at least three days, making people happy.

    Shi Hao took Shangling Zhuguo and exchanged chips with Han Dong because there was too much money to win. Han Dong alone was not easy to move. Shi Hao simply distributed the money to the poor outside, let He and Han Dong angered a good impression.

    After doing all this, Shi Hao went to the fisherman again and found that it had disappeared.

    No one knows when he left.


    Shi Hao nodded secretly, but he did not pay attention to it. If he had a fate, he would see you again.

    Go Back


    After this incident, Han Dong has been steadfast in Shi Hao and truly regarded him as the boss.

    When the two returned to Hankook, they naturally didn't have to worry about it.

    Maybe they will be targeted by the time, and they will be beaten by some masked guests, but in the Han family, unless they are crazy, they have to fight the Han family. Otherwise, this is absolutely safe. Ground.

    They should eat and drink, and small fatty is still trying to cultivate. He knows it. Even if the gambling wins, if there is not enough strength, people can still rely on it and even take a bite.

    Therefore, winning needs strength to support.

    This kind of power supports that he is a bitter body every day, and he screams every day, but the effect is also obvious, and progress is like flying.

    Of course, his foundation is too bad, and the realm is low. To achieve Shi Hao's "available" standard, it is not a short-term thing.

    Shi Hao is not idle. In addition to his own cultivation, Yue Feifei will often come to him to ask for things on cultivation, and then take Shangling Zhuguo into medicine, and the three days will soon pass.

    This is also the life of Han Liren, who is two hundred years old.

    Even if it is Casting King Hall powerhouse, there are not many life in every hundred years, because the theoretical lifespan is only three hundred years, and the person who cultivates will definitely be injured. Over time, it will also affect the life.

    Therefore, it is really rare for such a Casting King Hall to be able to live up to three hundred years old or even more.

    In this way, this 200-year-old birthday is the last hundred years of life in Han Li.

    Han Liren did not care much about it, but the Han family went up and down but it was very important to it. It was prepared early. Otherwise, it would not be possible to invite Yue Feifei. This is the Qindao everyone, often It’s rare to travel around the world and stay in a city for nearly a month.

    Throughout the day, the Korean government office was very lively and there were so many VIP guests.

    In the evening, even the three giants of Cheng, Zhang and Shi also sent people to congratulate. Of course, the power of Casting King Hall will not be dispatched, but the master of Lokeśvara, which still gives Han family a face.

    After all, everyone is in the same city, and the surface article is still to be done.

    Not long after the dinner began, the juniors of the Han family began to offer their birthdays.

    Looking at the crowd and offering precious gifts, Han Dong couldn't help but eclipse, and said to Shi Hao: "When it's over, the boss, I have been practicing cultivation these days, and even forgot the gifts!"

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