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    Around a few times, Shi Hao appeared in front of the woman.


    Shi Hao glanced at it and made an evaluation in his heart. The beauty of this woman is no less than Lin Yuyue.

    Seeing that the prostitute had brought a stranger to come over, the woman of the Fuqin was suddenly unhappy, and looked at the prostitute with a blame. She did not know that she did not like to contact strangers.

    However, when her eyes swept over Shi Hao's face, she couldn't help but breathe a little.

    Looks good

    How can there be such a handsome and beautiful man in the world, so that her heart like a stagnant water suddenly jumped up.

    She quickly pressed down and said: "The son can understand the temperament?"

    A little bit?Shi Hao is very modest.

    "That's a slap in the body, and ask the son to taste tasting."The woman of Fuqin put her hands on the strings, and the whole person calmed down immediately. Then, in her heart, only one of the pianos was left, and the hand was lifted. Suddenly, the sound of Xianxian Xianyu rang.

    Shi Hao listened, his eyes fell on the woman of Fuqin.

    He did not look at the beauty of the woman, but found it.

    Before, he saw that the woman's face was particularly pale, but watching it up close, and he used Soul as a tentacle to find out, it was discovered.

    Not suffering from injury, not being born weak, but because she has a special body.

    Nine icy ice bodies.

    This is a very rare Physique. It is estimated that the probability of occurrence will not exceed that of Little Black, but the difference is that the nine icy body must cultivate a special Culture Technique to be able to turn the ice. For their own use, otherwise, cold and invading, will become more and more virtual, and eventually die early.

    Generally speaking, this limit is around 30 years old and up to 35 years old.

    Pulling a little further, at the earliest time, the fate of the nine icy ice bodies died early, until there was a power, his wife was a nine-cold ice body, and it took a long time for her daughter to die. Maheng also put all his heart on his daughter, because her daughter also inherited such Physique.

    This is the power to create nine icy ice, not only to solve the life and death of the love girl, but also, his daughter is also invincible with this special Physique Megatron.

    Since then, the nine icy bodies have been tied to special Physiques such as Sword Body.

    Obviously, this woman of Fuqin did not practice nine icy ice skating, and she did not even know that she was a nine icy body.

    Shi Hao has a heart in mind, can you accept this woman for his own use?

    At that time, Sword Body, nine icy ice body for the right and left hands, that is how to force?

    In the midst of his thoughts, a song ended, secluded and stopped.

    "Dong, what do you think?"Asked the woman of Fuqin.

    Shi Hao Yixiao: "If you can make some changes in these three places, should be better."

    He did not ask for the consent of the other party. He sat directly opposite the woman of the Fuqin and began to play.

    It is hard for a prostitute to suppress the impulse to shoot. If you look so good, you must have been violent.

    However, when Shi Hao got started, the woman in Fuqin showed a shock.

    Although Shi Hao has a slight oyster in the first few days, he can understand it as a connoisseur like them.


    She couldn't help but a little bit of apricot eyes and condensed on Shi Hao's body.

    Shi Hao is more skilled and more skilled, and the sound of the piano is moving.

    He and the Fuqin woman are two very different styles.

    Shi Hao's sound is rough, there is a heavy feeling of vicissitudes of life, and the atmosphere is majestic, as if the wheel of history is running in front of him, leaving endless embarrassment and tragic growth.

    Can not simply say who played better, can only say more distinctive, and the woman also found that Shi Hao did modify three of her songs, and sure enough, a little more twists and turns, more appropriate.

    She couldn't help but be shocked. I didn't expect Shi Hao's piano skills to be so superb.

    Hanfu actually has such a high person!

    Shi Hao reached out and the string immediately stopped beating, but the sound of the piano was not limited, as if it could be wrapped around the beam.

    "The son is brilliant, and Fei Fei is not admired."The woman of Fuqin stood up and blessed Shi Hao.

    Seeing Shi Hao’s slight faint color, the woman added: “It’s called Yue, it’s Feifei.”

    Shi Hao was so stunned, nodded, said: "Yue girl is plagued by chill every night, can't sleep for a long time?"

    Yue Fei is not amazed, how do you know?

    She has never been publicized before, only the physician knows.

    The problem is that Shi Hao didn't know himself before, but how could she specifically investigate through her doctor?

    Is the other party deliberate?

    "How do you know the son?"She asked with vigilance.

    After all, there are too many people in Jiuwu City who want to keep her gold house. If she is not careful, she must have lost her life.

    Shi Hao Yan Yan: "Because I know Medical Technique!"

    A simple answer.

    Yue Feifei is actually speechless, but there are so smart people in the world, not only master the piano skills, but also know the Medical Technique?

    Moreover, Shi Hao can only tell at a glance that she is plagued by chills at night. Such a Medical Technique can be more than just "understanding", but it is the point of reaching a big country.

    "Yes, this has been plaguing Philippine for several years."Yue Fei said with some emotions that every night, she has to bite her handkerchief, and tears are wet pillows.

    She also thought about ending such a life earlier, but she was not willing.

    "I can cure."Shi Hao smiled.

    Yue Feifei was full of surprises. Although she was somewhat suspicious, Shi Hao saw her symptoms at a glance. Maybe Medical Technique is really good.

    "Also ask the son to shoot!"She said earnestly, I really don't know how long I can spend in such pain.

    Shi Hao said: "You are not a disease, but a Physique, called the nine icy ice body. As you grow older, the body's coldness is more and more, but it can't be absorbed and rejected. It can only stay in the body, let you lose your body and body, especially in the middle of the night, the cold is the strongest, it will make you suffer. ”

    Yue Fei couldn't help but widen her eyes. If she thought that she had been told by her doctor that she was troubled by chill at night, then she can be sure that this is absolutely impossible.

    Because, Shi Hao said that the details she had not told any doctor.

    She suddenly had a strong hope, and Shi Hao could really solve her illness.

    "What about that be be?"she asked.

    "You only need to cultivate a Cultural Technique to absorb these colds. Not only will it be harmless, but it can turn into your own strength and make you a master."Shi Hao said.

    "Also ask the son to teach me."

    Shi Hao sighs for a moment: "The law cannot be passed down."

    "This son, my family, Young Lady, has money, how much you need, even if you open your mouth!"Said the little beggar on the side.

    Shi Hao shook his head: "This is not a question of money."

    Not a question of money, what is it?

    Yue Fei did not think of a possibility, and the pretty face suddenly became red.

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