One second to remember, popular novels are free to read!

    "Wo Cao, the uncle just left for a while, how come there are dead people? Neuropathy, you really are a disaster star! ”Big yellow dog ran back and saw the scene in front of me, suddenly a few hairs on the bald tail were blown up.

    "Yeah?"Han Liren looked at the past and showed amazement.

    This dog is very ordinary, why can you open your mind and become a Spirit Beast?

    God has no long eyes, right?

    "Smelly old man, what do you see?"Big yellow dog, "I haven’t seen a dog who is so windy?"

    “Junior Brother?”Han Liren looked at Shi Hao with a question mark on his face.

    Shi Hao sighed: "This is what I raised."

    I don't admit it, otherwise, Han Liren may have slaughtered the big yellow dog.

    Han Li nodded, but his heart was awkward. It’s really his Junior Brother. The Spirit Beast is so different.

    "Then let's go now."He consulted Shi Hao.


    Two people and one dog set off, out of the mountain forest, all the way across thousands of mountains and waters, to Jiuwu City.

    Han Liren’s home is in Jiuwu City, one of the four giants.

    After Han Liren’s “single flight” in the past, he worked on the Eastern Fire Continent. After spending hundreds of years, he finally settled in Casting King Hall and settled in Jiuwu City. Over the years, the Han family became nine. One of the giants of the city, the branches and leaves, there are many people.

    This time, Han Liren went out to look for "Wan Shouguo", because one of his grandsons was infected with a strange disease, and he was looking for the "four holy Dan" to see if he could cure this love sun.

    As a result, Wan stem fruit was not found, but he accidentally met Shi Hao.

    After listening to Shi Hao, he nodded. "I am going through the Medical Technique. I will show it back after I go back."

    “Thank you for Junior Brother!”Han Li’s glimpse, and then amazed, “Junior Brother also inherited the Lord’s Medical Technique?”

    "Slightly understand some."Shi Hao smiled.

    “Junior Brother is modest.”Han Liren saw Shi Hao's confident expression and knew that the other party was just humble. He couldn't help but sigh. Shi Hao is only 18 years old. He is still quite rumored in the medical field.

    It is no wonder that he will be accepted as a closing discipline by the division, inheriting the clothes.

    Ten days later, they came to Jiuwu City.

    This is a big city. At the Eastern Fire Continent, it is at the top level because there are four families of Casting King Hall that control all the land within a thousand miles and have a superior Spirit Stone vein.

    The four families are Zhang, Cheng, Shi and Han. Among them, the Zhang family is the strongest because they have the power of two Casting King Halls, and the remaining three have only one Casting King Hall.

    Among the three families of Cheng, Shi and Han, Cheng Jia is the strongest, because Cheng Jia’s Casting King Hall is said to be the Seven Kings. However, this is also the information of more than 20 years ago. I don’t know if there is any more. further.

    Next, the Casting King Hall of the time is the six kings. The Korean cultivation base is the weakest, but the five kings.

    In the Zhang family's words, one is the seven kings and the other is a king. It is not long before he enters this realm. As long as it is Casting King Hall, it is a king.

    Shi Hao followed Han Liren into the Han family. Han Li personally arranged for him to live in the most noble room. However, he had a lot of things. After setting up Shi Hao, he let Shi Hao walk around the government office, and he went first. busy.

    After all, many days away from home, some important things must be decided by him.

    Shi Hao couldn't help but took the big yellow dog and turned around in the government office.

    “Young Master Shi !”

    “Young Master Shi !”

    Shi Hao walked all the way, the servants all saluted him, and he looked very respectful.

    Externally, Han Li claimed that Shi Hao was a descendant of his old friend, hiding the "real" identity.


    This is also to protect Shi Hao. Otherwise, some people will think that since Shi Hao and Han Liren are brothers, he must have mastered many Cultural Techniques and martial skills, and tied them to ask questions.

    Also, although the four major families on the surface live in peace, the secret is choppy, who does not want to dominate?

    Therefore, Shi Hao's identity as a "Little Junior Brother" is very easy to lead to bad intentions, and he is taken down to threaten Han Liren.

    Now it is only a descendant of an old friend. The weight of the Hanli people is not heavy, and naturally it will not enter the eyes of some people.

    Immortal fairy, the sound of the sound of the piano came, so that Shi Hao could not help but stop.

    Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.

    Originally, Shi Hao couldn't pass the temperament, but the original Cheng Mie was a versatile. The chess and paintings were all the same, and everything was perfect. Therefore, he immediately showed the extraordinaryness of this singer, which made him feel happy.

    He took another step and followed the sound of the piano.

    After a while, he entered a garden and saw that in a gazebo not far away, there was a green woman sitting on the piano and standing next to her was a small donkey.

    He stood still, closed his eyes and listened to the sound of the piano.

    "Nervous disease, why do you come to listen to people playing cotton?"Big yellow dog There is no half-rooted bones in the whole body, but after listening to it for a while, it can't stand it, and it feels uncomfortable.

    It was so called, the sound of the piano suddenly stopped.

    The woman of Fuqin looked up and looked over in the direction of Shi Hao. She showed a pretty face that was suitable for her, but it was too pale, and she seemed to be pitiful, and people wanted to care for it.

    She didn't talk, but the prostitute was very hot and said: "Who is the ugly player?" My family, Young Lady, is a famous violinist in Jiuwu City. It is difficult for others to get my young lady to play. This time, Han’s father is two hundred years old, and I am pleased to call my young lady, you are Han’s father. Which grandson, grandson, see me, I will not tell you-"

    She said as she walked over to Shi Hao, but the last "character" had not yet been exported, just in front of Shi Hao with a turn.

    A handsome face that seems to make people breathe and stop to appear in front of her eyes, the prostitute suddenly feels numb, and where can I still say it?

    Shi Hao Yan Yan: "This dog doesn't understand the rhythm, I am sorry."

    "Nothing, nothing, nothing…"The prostitute only knows Shi Hao, and there is a voice in her heart: good-looking, good-looking, good-looking…

    "Silver Ling?"The woman of Fuqin said in the distance that because of the lush flowers, she could only see some vague pictures, but she could not see the truth.

    "Young Lady, nothing."The prostitute said, looking at Shi Hao, the ghost made the difference, "The son, can you listen to my young Lady playing recently?"

    Perfect.Shi Hao nodded.

    The prostitute led Shi Hao to the pavilion, and the big yellow dog shook his tail boringly. It didn't make it clear, why is it so ugly that some people want to play it deliberately.

    Human beings are really a low-lying creature.

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