
enemies meet each other, and the eyes are red.

Shen has had enough reason to hate Shi Hao, and for Shi Hao, he must have killed Shen.

As in the training camps, there are no low heads, and they meet at a mission point, which is inevitable.

“I’ll cut you off in an inch!” Shen said so.

In his view, Shi Hao’s power is the same, so he’s naturally full of underweight air.

Shi Hao lightly smiled, nothing to say.

“Dead!” Shen, after killing me, is full of furious fire.

He was killed in a Shi Hao pit, killing his own side, although the sword Immortal King was obstructing the colour of the Nine Flame lineage, which was bullshit, and left it out, his position was also 1,000 zhang in the Ninth Flame lineage.

After this training camp, he went back to the master’s office and was even tried again!

It’s all Shi Hao’s fault.

So if he’s going to suffer all this, Shi Hao, you’re going to die too.

Now, of course, he’s not afraid of anything, even if he kills Shi Hao, and he’s afraid of the retribution of Ray lineage?

No, if he could really kill Shi Hao, maybe the sword tiger Immortal King would look at him, and he wouldn’t have to be reused.

Kill! Kill! Kill!

He did his best to release, and he was going to kill Shi Hao all the time.

Shi Hao, who stretched his hand at once, was taken by him.


Shen Yin was totally unacceptable, and it seemed that he had deliberately sent himself to Shi Hao’s control.

How could it be?

How can there be such a disparity in the fighting power of both people?

However, he still has one.


He immediately made the last big move, but when Soul hit into the souls of Shi Hao, he was completely desperate.

Oh, God!

Is this really a Jade Immortal Soul?

If Soul’s size is quantified, Shen is now a normal human being, and Shi Hao is a tall giant without comparability.

No, how could it be?

Shen was staring at Soul of Shi Hao, who spread a terrible breath on the other side, which was a layer of pressure.

Immortal King level!

God, Shi Hao’s Soul’s strength reached Immortal King’s level, so what else would he play?

Attacking others with Soul can only cause destruction if it has ten times the strength of strength, otherwise it will render you powerless.

Except for Immortal Venerable lineage, the Soul attack developed by Immortal Venerable was naturally different.

Thus, even Soul’s intensity, the heavy attacks on Shen ‘an can still cause harm.

However, Shi Hao’s Soul intensity is not just as heavy as Shen, but more than 100 times or even a thousand times!

This motherfucker, his Soul attack is gonna work out.


With egg stones?

Shen ‘an, after a harsh cliff, would certainly not have shot it out. Otherwise, he would have let himself break his head into a bloodshed, and that was where Soul attacked badly, a double-edged sword that could not hurt his enemies, and that would only hurt him.

Stay there and watch Shi Hao, Shen is stupid, and your battles are strong enough to hold me, and in Soul’s strengths, even to Immortal King’s?

So I’m still playing shit?

“desperate?” Shi Hao indifferently asked.

“Why?” Why is Shi Hao so strong, and why does he have magical means, such as standing in front of him and not being able to see?

Are you the son of God?

“Some people, you’re destined to only look forward.” Shi Hao said with a smile, “well, last time you got away from the robbery, it won’t happen again.”

“Shi Hao, I’m not going to let you go!” Shen is strictly gnashing teeth.

Shi Hao has nothing to do with shoulders, and Soul will enter Asura as soon as he dies, in a sense still alive, but such Soul is a blank and a whole new presence.

So, dead is dead.

“Okay, if you can still wake up the memory of this world, you may come to me with the Asura army, but then you may be even more desperate.” Shi Hao said with a smile.

Because he also kept a breath of a great power in Asura, and in a qualitative way, he called it the King’s hegemony in Asura, your little soul.

Forget it, don’t hit you.

Shi Hao bombed dao force, and instantly destroyed Shen ‘an’s rigorous engine.

He took it from him, and Shen had no chance of running the Immortal Venerable treasure.

This is the bull of war pressure, and there is no chance of using the Immortal Venerable treasure unless Shen takes care of it.

Shi Hao left Shen ‘an’s body on his own and appeared to be somewhat excited.

Shen was so harsh that his opponent would not have been able to be his opponent, just to get hit by him, and that would have been done.

Not even Immortal Venerable has a rival.

Shi Hao sighed, without a strong opponent, how can he be inspired to move forward?

Why is everyone so weak?

He’s feeling, and if someone knew, how would he have to be forced?

But that’s the truth.

Shi Hao took the fairies off, not for the first time, but for the continued search.

Find it, but never find the spaceship.

Man, it’s getting more and more.

It’s all here, like Joon, the Fleet, the Moon, the Vision, and so on, but although there are many people, no one found the heavens and the earth wheel.

On the one hand, this place is too big.

While the heavens and the earth are unable to find them, there are still many opportunities here.

Nine stars Immortal King, who belong to a few centuries of existence, can naturally be translated into lots of treasures once the tunnel has been melted.

Let’s just say Immortal Venerable lineage. How many more nine stars, Immortal King?

“Brother Shi!” When I saw him, Yeon as cold as ice and frost’s pretty face immediately showed a fascinating smile and offered to come up, “Oh, you breakthrough two stars?”

Now Shi Hao didn’t cover the breath anymore, and she could naturally see it.

Shi Hao nodded: “Yeah.”

And after Joon, he followed a young man who showed a clear resentment in his face.

Well, this man is very stranger, and Shi Hao never saw it in the camp.

“Since my introduction, my name is Toyoko, my Grandfather is” Astronomical Immortal Venerable! ”The young people are proud to say that when the four words of the Astronomical Immortal Venerable came out, there were countless starlight at the time of the sky, falling and forming a daoist silhouette.

This silhouette, the power is infinite, terrifying!

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