One punch, all four men fell on the ground.

on the limit, nine stars don’t know how many times they’re built.

However, four people were just beaten to lose their strength and were not injured.

Shi Hao started searching and quickly found several Spatial Spirit Tool, all of which was in the bag.

They’re all teeth. Didn’t you just take the bet? Why even Spatial Spirit Tool took it together?

But at this point, they dare to compare with Shi Hao?


power of each other is too strong!

How could it be?

Isn’t this guy Jade Immortal who broke the limit?

What kind of monster is this?

Moreover, this guy is totally not afraid of killing Immortal Venerable, as evidenced by Han Woo, so, since power is far less powerful or honest, it is not necessary to let himself kill himself.

Shi Hao smiled: “Do you have any ideas?”

Four people shake their heads at the same time, a good look.

鈥淣o comment.鈥?Shi Hao nodded, 鈥淚’m the one who prefers to obey people, hate to use brutality, and I hate to force me to use brutality.”


still hate brutality?

Four people spit in their hearts, but their faces are like laughing at flowers.

The more people like this, the more you can’t be angry, or you can become violent in a minute, teach you why flowers are so red.

Drop the four, Shi Hao, get back to the hill.

He came to the top of the hill and looked forward to the cabin, then he slowed towards it.

Just one step forward, he found all around changing the environment, turning into morning hours, while a young man appeared in an empty manner and was firing a small field outside the wooden house.

A beautiful woman walked out of the cabin and smiled with that young man.

One more step forward, the landscape changes, but the two young people in the main corner, took a swing before the cabin and were playing together.

As Shi Hao moves on a continuous basis, the shadow changes, but it’s always for young people, and it’s for Fashi Hao to love Sue.

Until one step crossed, the picture showed only that young man, while the woman did not show up.

After a few further steps, Shi Hao saw a cemetery built behind the wood house, where young men had been sitting, touching the graves with their hands, and a grief was much greater than death in their hearts.

Then the next picture is that young men come back occasionally to see and sit before the cemetery.

Men are also becoming mature in paintings, but the power is stronger than one day.

Until one day, he became Immortal King.

Shi Hao understands that this is the memory of the Immortal King, who, I’m afraid, was the hardest experience in his life.

– Earlier, this Immortal King apparently had little interest in pursuing immortal dao peak, but only wanted to be with a woman in love.

However, his beloved wife had long passed away, allowing him to go only to Road of Cultivation, and his innate talent had also been perfectly displayed, constantly strengthened and eventually achieved Immortal King.

But he’s not happy.

His best time, he’s buried here with his deceased wife.

鈥渃reaking”, Shi Hao pushed the wooden door and walked in.

However, there is no treasure here, just one more ordinary cabin.

The most precious treasure for a person does not mean, for others, that it is worth something different from one person.

In the case of Shi Hao, what he wanted was heavenly materials and earthly treasures that could upgrade cultivation base, and for this Immortal King, it represented the best memory of his life, which was the most precious thing.

Shi Hao sighed, not digging three feet, but dropping out and slipping off the door.

He left, went down the hill, kept everything as usual.

Down the hill, the four of them are still recovering, and seeing Shi Hao down there is all jealous.

This guy, should be getting treasure in the cabin.

Isn’t the spaceship on this guy too?

Shi Hao smiled and pulled a man up and said, 鈥淎sk you something, what’s the Earth’s wheel?”

You don’t even know the wheels?

Those four wanted to laugh, but in the light of Shi Hao’s strong strength, they forcibly suppressed such impulses.

鈥淭he heavens and the earth wheel is a special treasure that nine stars Immortal King can make!鈥?/p>

Shit, isn’t that bullshit?

鈥淪ay, what’s the use!鈥?Shi Hao’s got some trouble.

鈥淭he wheels of the heavens and the earth, which have been shaped by the elite of Immortal King’s lifetime, can both refining into the body, with the prospect of future shocking nine stars, Immortal King, or as a weapon or a shield, and formidable power is amazing.”

Oh, that’s it?

Shi Hao’s goal is to achieve Dili, Nine Stars Immortal King, which must be taken, so he can’t believe that he needs external power to move forward.

鈥淎lso, every single life, and the next nine stars, Immortal King, will be repaired, and the Earth’s wheels will rotate together, and, of course, Immortal King will be well aware of the 6-Layer fairy, and the world will even be able to repair multiple cycles.”

鈥淚t is said that the nine rounds gathered are eligible to hit Immortal Venerable.”

鈥淎nd this, for me, is tantamount to opening a door, and the future is entitled to look at that Immortal Venerable.”

Shi Hao is the most precious of the immortal King’s legacy.

But is this Immortal King unable to enter Immortal Venerable, even far away from Immortal Venerable, so that his spaceship can look at the secrets of Immortal Venerable?

It’s impossible.

But it cannot be denied that this is indeed a precious and precious one.

Shi Hao left these four people alone and continued to explore them.

A few days later, he suddenly smelled the scent.

Immortal Medicine!

He went immediately after the smell, and he saw an immortal Medicine of a surplus, but half of the people were tall, with a olive fruit, dominated by azure, and full of golden silver tracks.

What’s this fairy?

Shi Hao does not know, but it is clear that, in this room, should be the fruit of extracting immortal King’s blood.

Eat such fairies as immortal King’s blood meat?

Shi Hao is busy expelling this idea from his mind. No, no, no, no, it’s just one Immortal King’s body.

Yeah, that’s it.

Shi Hao is leaving, but seeing a daoist silhouette plundering at a surprising rate, the target is to point directly to that Immortal Medicine.

Hey, want seizing food from the tigers mouth?

Shi Hao faintly smiled, wave his fist and hit that daoist silhouette.


The man was beaten out of the house, and he showed the truth.

Shen Jin!

It’s really enemies on a narrow road.

鈥淪hi Hao!鈥?Shen also found out that the hand was Shi Hao, not the champion of anger.

Although he escaped a robbery and was not held hostage to the killing of the other side, it was only for Camera Immortal King to forgive him for the dignity of the Nine Flame lineage.

He, however, had been completely marginalized in the Nine Flame lineage and, with the closure of the training camp, returned to the Ninth Flame lineage, he would also be severely punished.

Everything is because of Shi Hao.

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