The first thousand four hundred and ninety two chapter seabed Monster Beast

God World West, Land of Extreme West, the sea of ​​death at this moment has already recovered the blue color, not as black as the original, in the sky above the sea of ​​death, several silhouettes of rapid flying, These silhouettes are awesome, Yun Bufan, Pole, Ice Rain, Chuang, Yi and Zhen and the others!

Yun Bufan looked at this piece of blue Sea Territory, but he couldn’t believe that this piece of blue sea Territory was the so-called sea of ​​death. Yun Bufan turned to the back and the others whispered opened the mouth and said : “Everyone, the entrance to the ancient tomb is inside, let’s go in together!”

“hua la !” Yun Bufan and the others all sneaked into the blue sea of ​​the blue, “hong long!” Just as Yun Bufan just got into the sea, a roar suddenly rang. A fierce breath screamed from his left side towards him!

Yun Bufan suddenly complexion changed, then shoud and the others whispered: “Not good, be careful!”

“weng!” Yun Bufan’s colorful ray of light flashed, and the palm of his hand patted the left side fiercely. “bang!” A hard, iron-like thing suddenly collided with Yun Bufan’s palm, and roared. Constantly rang!

The roar of the roar, the entire Sea Territory blasted directly, a large wave of waves rushed into the sky, the rays of light slammed, Yun Bufan silhouette blew, gazing at the left side fiercely, a huge silhouette appeared In front of his eyes!

“Crab?” Yun Bufan saw a huge red crab. The attack on Yun Bufan was undoubtedly the huge red crab claw, and at the same time, there was a roar of constant noise on the other side. The explosion started!

In the eyes of Yun Bufan, this piece of blue sea Territory suddenly appeared a lot of strange Sea Beast, whales, crabs, even leeches, looking at the various seabed Monster Beast, feel those The horror of Monster Beast is that Yun Bufan is also shocked!

“The sea of ​​death, the sea of ​​death, the sea of ​​death, when are there so many Monster Beast? And the strength of these Monster Beast, even each and everyone is so horrible, so powerful!” Yun Bufan is full of shock The color, the Monster Beast looking at the sea of ​​death, blinking!

“Yun Bufan, what happened to these Monster Beasts?” Extreme and the others were also shocked to see those seabed Monster Beast, Yun Bufan suddenly with a bitter smile: “I don’t know, in the past, the sea of ​​death A Monster Beast can’t be seen, but today, hundreds of thousands of Monster Beasts are gathered here, what is it?”

“The strength of these Monster Beast is not strong, but their innate talent is very weird. Their strength can completely drag us, mainly because of their number, too much, we can’t deal with it!” The group of Monster Beast whispered!

At this moment, the group of Monster Beast is also staring at Yun Bufan, and the eyes are full of vigilance. Yun Bufan is deeply exhaled: “This is troublesome, the entrance is behind this group of Monster Beast. To get in, you have to go through this Monster Beast!”

“With so many Monster Beasts, we can’t get through!” Seeing the group of Monster Beast shook the head: “Even with the power of my Primal Chaos Opening The Heaven, I can only open up five Monster Beasts. This is in the water, after all, not on it, our strength will also be suppressed by this sea of ​​death!”

“Maybe, we can talk to them!” Yun Bufan blinked. In the middle of the group of Monster Beast, a huge black shark swam towards Yun Bufan and the others, and the black light on the black shark kept flashing. Wherever he went, the surrounding Monster Beast was consciously let go!

“I’m afraid that they don’t have any bosses. In this case, we don’t even have the opportunity to communicate. But now they have leaders. We don’t necessarily can’t cooperate!” Yun Bufan looked at the huge black shark and whispered openly. !

“Human!” The huge black shark suddenly stopped outside Yun Bufan and the others five hundred meters, watching Yun Bufan and the others sound low: “What are you going to do with this Sea Territory?”

“So what are you coming to this Sea Territory?” Yun Bufan watched the black shark suddenly sing with a smile, the black shark blinked and watched Yun Bufan scream open the mouth and said :” Humans, this Sea Territory has been under our rule long ago. What are you doing here now?”

“If you can’t give us a reasonable reason, then we will be invading our territory, we will launch a deadly attack on you!” The black shark looked at Yun Bufan and the others and snarled in a low voice. !

Yun Bufan looked at the black shark, suddenly his face was dignified, the black shark eyes were violently flashing, Yun Bufan was deeply exhaled, watching the black shark screaming opened the mouth and said: “We want to pass you, go Behind you!”

“Go behind us?” The black shark eyes suddenly slammed into the killing intent: “It seems that you really came to that place, and all that came for that place must die!”

“hong long long!” burst into a roaring sound, the black shark’s black light skyrocketed, Yun Bufan suddenly complex changed greatly, the black shark’s momentum, it turned out to directly reach the sacred environment, a Monster Beast in the sacred world!

“The sacred world!” Extreme and the others suddenly looked straight at the black shark, his eyes suddenly showed a shocking color, the ice rain and the others were also a glance, the eyes filled with shock, Yu Bufan looked at that The black shark, suddenly smiled: “There should be a door that you can’t open?”

Yun Bufan’s words made the black shark stop and stared straight at Yun Bufan. Yun Bufan smiled and opened the mouth and said: “It seems that you are like us, you want to enter it, there should be something in it. Attract you?”

“Human, what do you want to say?” The black shark stared at Yun Bufan, and said with a word, Yun Bufan slowly exhaled, watching the black shark lightly smiled: “I have to say very simple, Why don’t we make a deal?”

“Transaction?” The black shark’s eyes flashed, and Yun Bufan fainted with a smile: “We will open the door for you, and then everyone will enter it together. You will find what you need. We will find what we need. Everyone has their place. how do you feel?”

“Can you open that door?” The black shark looked at Yun Bufan’s eyes and flashed, Yun Bufan nodded: “Yes, we can definitely open the door, let us go, we open the door, then everyone goes in, then each other Not infringing, how?”

“You humans have always been the most untrustworthy, why do we believe in you?” The black shark eyes were cold and cold, and Yun Bufan fainted with a smile: “Then I ask you, how long have you been here?”

“en? What do you mean?” The black shark’s eyes flashed coldly, and Yun Bufan suddenly smiled: “You can’t enter it for a long time. If you don’t believe us, you can let your people completely surround us. If we lied to you, then with your strength, it’s not easy to kill us at that time?”

“Okay, then I will believe you once!” The huge black shark looked over and looked over. A roar of screaming suddenly, the waves crashed, the seawater separated automatically, and the surrounding Monster Beast spread out. Yun Bufan asked in a low voice: “Yun Bufan, can you trust them?”

“Once you enter their encirclement, what will happen then, but they have the final say, do you think they will keep their promises, will not kill us?” Ice rain is also watching Yun Bufan whisper!

“Don’t worry, they need us to open the door. If I guess well, there must be something in it that attracts them, so they want to enter it more than we do!” Yun Bufan whispered, then went straight to the black shark The direction has gone!

The and the others are a follow-up, but they are followed by, but they are alert, watching the Monster Beast with vigilance. The Monster Beast each and everyone’s eyes are full of fierce colors, and they seem to attack at any time!

The black shark is also blinking. Looking at Yun Bufan seems to be ready to go. Yun Bufan is calm in expression, full of confidence on his face, and smiles toward the black shark. He walks directly toward the door that was originally locked. !

All the way to go, the black shark’s eyes are still full of killing intent, but finally it is a flash of light, followed by Yun Bufan, roaring toward the surrounding Monster Beast: “War around them, if they play tricks, then directly Give me to shred them!”

“Yes!” The roar of the roaring sound continued, and the surrounding Monster Beast suddenly surrounded Yun Bufan and the others. The and the others were complexion slightly changed, and Yun Bufan smiled lightly: “Let’s go, I think we The speed can be a little faster!”

Yun Bufan’s rays of light flashed, not to lie to the time, once again saw the huge azure stone gate, Yun Bufan looked at the azure stone door, his eyes flashed, then whispered: “And the jade dish The door is very similar, but unfortunately not the door to make jade dishes!”

“I don’t know where the entrance to the Hongmeng space is!” Yun Bufan looked at the azure gate in front of him, then secretly secretly exhaled, and at this time, the black shark was cold and opened the mouth and said :” Why? Can’t you open this door?”

“Human, I tell you, if you open this door, then you can still live, if you can’t open it, hey, unless you are the Lord of God World, otherwise, under our encirclement, you will die!”

The black shark’s cold eyes looked at Yun Bufan, and Yun Bufan looked at the azure door and smiled lightly: “You can rest assured that I will not make fun of our lives!”

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