The first thousand four hundred and ninety-one chapter went to the battlefield

“Look!” Outside Divine Paragon Mountain, a sudden look at Yun Bufan and the town were shocked. In the town, the colorful rays of light shrouded. This colorful rays of light are familiar to them. This is The power of the town’s colorful town Tianshi!

What shocked them was not the colorful power of the town, but the thickness of this colorful power. The power of the colorful rays of light flashed, and it was shocked: “the strength of the strong strong, the breakthrough of the town, the strength Is it so powerful?”

“The strength of her strength is the same as the power of creation!” The cockroach looked at the whispering opening, and the eyes flashed, watching the power of the colorful rays of light sighed open the mouth and said: “I feel my The strength should be higher than her, but she is lower than her, and I don’t know why it feels like this!”

“weng!” In the midst of the clock, the cyan ray mans suddenly skyrocketed, and a burst of cyan ray halo continued to permeate. In that day, the azure light flashed, and the two gods directly came from It floated slowly in the middle of the day!

“Yun Bufan!” Looking at these two gods, everyone’s face was very dignified, and Yun Bufan’s knowledge returned to Yun Bufan’s with the body for a moment, and Yun Bufan suddenly 睁Open your eyes, a burst of colorful clouds in your eyes!

Yun Bufan looked straight at the opposite town, his eyes sparkling, the town’s body, now the colorful rays of light linger, the five colors of the sun are shining, Yun Bufan deep exhaled: “town Paragon, will soon breakthrough to the sacred world However, her strength comes from the Hongmeng space. I don’t know what will happen when Hongmeng space arrives!”

“hong long long!” a roar of sound continued to sound, the entire God World sky suddenly fell into a roaring sound, a burst of roaring sounds, in the town, suddenly appeared a five-color vortex, huge The five-color vortex suddenly burst into a strong five-color rays of light!

“Weng!” The five colors of the sun shone down, and under the ray of light of the five colors, the town slowly opened his eyes. In the eyes of the town, it was full of calm colors, bursts of colorful rays of light. The entire God World sky suddenly appeared a color crack!

Color cracks emerged, Hongmeng space suddenly appeared in front of everyone, in the Hongmeng space, the five-color rays of light continued to skyrocket, multi-colored light emerged, and the five forces suddenly poured into the town’s within the body!

The body of the town slowly floated up. With the influx of the five forces, on her body, the colorful town Tianshi floated out, and the colorful rays of light flashed up. A powerful momentum broke out from the colorful town of Tianshi!

“This power!” Yun Bufan’s body trembled, his eyes flashed: “The power in the space of the Moon, the Force of Primordial Chaos, the power of Hongmeng space, this power is weaker than the power of the Senior. But here, it’s at God World!”

“In God World, Hong Meng Space is the master of God World, and the power of Hong Meng Space is naturally stronger in God World than the power of Senior!” Yun Bufan looked at the colorful power in the town, and his eyes burst into the air. The flash of light shines!

“Inheritance imprint of Hongmeng space!” The poles and the others all saw that there were five imprints flying out of the space of the Hongmeng, and they rushed directly toward the town. The inheritance marks of the five Hongmeng spaces, In a moment, it poured into the town’s within the body!

“weng!” in the town’s eyebrows, suddenly flashed a colorful rays of light, colorful rays of light flashing, a five-color imprint was printed on the town’s eyebrows, the town felt the five-color imprint came Powerful, the eyes can not help but bloom a strong five-color divine light!

“hong long long!” bursts of roaring sounds, and around the town, a burst of five-color power surged, directly around the town, the town whispered, the five-color rays of light suddenly Directly immersed in the town’s within the body!

The town Tianshi directly floated on the top of the town, the roaring sounded, and the Hongmeng space disappeared again slowly. Yun Bufan and the others all looked at this scene with sorrow. Then their eyes looked at the town. The town at the moment is bathed in a colorful ray of light!

“Yun Bufan!” The town was deeply exhaled and then said to Yun Bufan: “This time, I owe you a favor. If there is any need in the future, my town will never be the same!”

“This is what I promised you!” Yun Bufan smiled lightly, the sacred world, the strength of the town also entered the sacred position at this moment, the town’s gaze toward the pole and the others scanned the past, watching the extreme and the others Slightly smiled !

“Breakthrough, and finally the breakthrough, my God World side, and once again the strength rose!” Very smiled and said with a smile, the side of the creation and the 羲 is also the town said with a smile: “town, congratulations to you And finally stepped into the sacred world!”

“speaking of which, I am still the latest breakthrough!” Town slightly smiled, shook the head, Yun Bufan is said with a smile: “Whether it is the last one, the first one, the strength between you is no big difference!”

“Yun Bufan, what should we do next?” At this moment, the ice rain on the side suddenly looked up, watching Yun Bufan whisper, Yun Bufan stopped, and then iced with a slight smile: “Ice Rain I mean, you understand, but now that the tomb has disappeared, then we have to find the so-called legacy battlefield, I am afraid it is not so easy!”

“Yun Bufan, are you saying that we can no longer enter the lost battlefield?” The ice rain suddenly complex changed slightly. If it is true as Yun Bufan said, the lost battlefield is in the tomb, I am afraid it is true. Can’t find the lost battlefield anymore!

As we all know, when the Taikoo trolls were born, the whole tomb was turned into a crush, and now it is possible to find the tomb again. The faces of the poles and the others are also very dignified, and the legacy of the battlefield is important to God World. Sex can be imagined!

Yun Bufan looked at the face of the ice and the others, but the heart was darkly nodded, and then said with a smile: “Although the tomb was destroyed, I still have a way to find the so-called legacy battlefield, we must first Arrange the things here and then go to the battlefield!”

“What? The tombs have been destroyed. Do you still have a way to find the lost battlefield?” I looked at Yun Bufan with incredulity, exclaimed, ice rain, creation, and the town also looked at Yun Bufan. Come over, Yun Bufan faintly smiled: “I will explain it slowly with you!”

Yun Bufan was deeply exhaled and looked at the many Deity under the discreet cultivation of Divine Paragon Mountain. Yun Bufan whispered to the side of the pole and the others. “The things here are actually arranged, very Senior, Let’s go to the battlefield, where do you say who is in charge?”

“Yun Bufan, do you have the right person in your heart?” Yuan Bufan asked, and Yun Bufan shook his head and smiled: “Senior, you don’t know, my friends are generally out, not by my side. And they don’t even know about God World. If they manage God World, I’m afraid it’s not good!”

“I think it’s better to find someone who knows God World to manage God World,” would be better!” Yun Bufan looked very smiling, and said, very stopped, towards Yun Bufan nodded, then whispered the mouth And said: “Okay, since that, create, your discipline Bauhinia should be able to manage it!”

“Well, I will call the Bauhinia!” The creation of the polar nodded, followed by a burst of golden rays of light, and a golden rays of light suddenly rushed to the sky, directly rushing toward the God World sky. Go up!

“The Bauhinia should be here for a while!” Chuang Chaoji and the others nodded, then watched Yun Bufan whispered open the mouth and said: “Yun Bufan, now the tomb has been destroyed, you can still go in, Where is this entrance?”

Yun Bufan suddenly smiled: “I don’t know if a few people still remember the sea of ​​death? In the sea of ​​death, there is an entrance to the tomb. The entrance I said is the sea of ​​death. Entrance!”

“The tombs have been destroyed, how can the entrance still be there?” Looking at Yun Bufan with a puzzled look, Yun Bufan suddenly looked at the ice and rain, and the ice rain slowly opened the mouth and said: “No, the tomb is still No destruction, I can feel it, the tomb still exists!”

“Yes!” Yun Bufan said at this time: “There are four ancient tombs, one true and three fake. If I guess well, the suppression of the ancient trolls is a fake tomb, and the true tomb. Is the core of the Lord of God World!”

“Impossible!” Created shook the head, watching Yun Bufan screaming open the mouth and said: “The inheritance of the Lord of God World is in the tomb. How could it be a fake tomb?”

“Inheritance, Taikoo Dragon is all right, but the role of the ancient tomb is not to continue the inheritance of God World, but to place things!” Yun Bufan looked at creating with a slight smile: “And that ancient The greatest value in the tomb is the inheritance of the Lord of God World!”

“I’m sure that among the ancient tombs, it should be the battlefield of God World at the beginning, so the tomb of the entrance to the Dead Sea should probably be the real tomb!” Yun Bufan looked at the relief Explain the opening!

Slightly paused, and at this time, a silhouette spurred from a distance, a purple light flashing, the silhouette of the Bauhinia suddenly appeared in front of everyone: “disciple Bauhinia has seen Master, I have seen you uncle!” ”

“The Bauhinia, for the division to go out this time, in the Divine Paragon Mountain, many of the Deity of cultivation will be supervised by you!” Nodded the Bauhinia, and said with a smile, the Bauhinia suddenly glimpsed, then respectfully said: Yes, Master!”

“Let’s go, we can set off!” Chuangchao Bauhinia nodded, and then slowly and the others slowly said!

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