The first thousand four hundred 38 chapters are stronger than the dragon soul

“Yun Bufan!” In the white space, Yun Bufan’s silhouette appeared directly, and Yihe saw Yun Bufan’s silhouette as a slightly paused, then opened the mouth and said: “How did you come in? How can you enter? Come on?”

“I want to come in, so I came in. What’s so strange?” Yun Bufan looked at Yihe and whispered, then his eyes flashed: “On Ancient Heaven, you should know the purpose of my coming in?”

“Stop me from the return of Ancient Heaven? You alone, I’m afraid I can’t do it!” In the eyes of Yihe, the cold light flashed, and the golden power of his body was even more awkward. The golden flame burned, Heaven and Earth Cauldron’s cyan Ray Mang has signs of being melted!

Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed in the eyes, and his eyes looked at the black silhouette in the air. Under the siege of the four kings, Meng Junyi had no extra power to stop the righteousness. Behind the Yihe, the ancient immortal people on Ancient Heaven are not in the minority!

“weng!” bursts of colorful rays of light, just as Yun Bufan wants to shoot, a ray of light emerges behind him, and the silly silhouette appears directly behind Yun Bufan. Let Yihe fall into surprise again!

“羲Senior!” Yun Bufan also looked at him with amazement, and Yun Bufan slightly smiled: “I just counted my chance, Yun Bufan, this time I may have to rely on you to breakthrough, in the early days. Is my chance!”

“Yin Bufan suddenly stunned, and then remembered that when he and 羲 just met, he said that he is his noble person, he will breakthrough because of himself, Yun Bufan stopped, watching 羲 slow exhaled, Nodded said solemnly : “As long as the out of the ordinary can do it, it will never be postponed!”

I laughed at nodded, then looked at Heaven and Earth Cauldron, my eyes blurred, and whispered in a low voice: “The Heaven and Earth Cauldron, the lord of God World, has the power of the most powerful yin and yang, and now I want to Breakthrough, what is lacking is the understanding of the yin and yang, perhaps the opportunity for my breakthrough, just above this Heaven and Earth Cauldron!”

“Heaven and Earth Cauldron!” Yun Bufan’s gaze also looked at Heaven and Earth Cauldron. At the moment, Heaven and Earth Cauldron was burning in the golden flame. Cyan ray Mang has some traces of slowly retreating. Bufan whispered opened the mouth and said: “out of the ordinary, we must help Heaven and Earth Cauldron, I feel that its yin and yang is the best help for me!”

“I’m afraid, we don’t want to help it, it’s not easy!” Yun Bufan whispered, behind the righteousness, nine immortals were glare like a tiger watching his prey looking at the two of them, these nine people Although the strength is only the realm of heaven, there is no sacred, and there may not even be a Peak, so in these nine people, Yun Bufan and Yan are feeling a crisis!

“Be careful!” Yun Bufan and the cymbals whispered to each other, both of whom were nodded at the same time, and then smashed directly toward the nine people. On Yun Bufan, the nine rays of light continued to skyrocket, and the nine Divine Artifact appeared in a flash. Behind Yun Bufan, there are nine colors of brilliance!

“What?” When Yihe saw the nine Divine Artifact behind Yun Bufan, his face was also shocked, and the nine immortals were filled with stunned eyes. In their cognition, No one can control such nine Divine Artifacts, Five Great Sage Divine Artifact, a Chaos Divine Artifact, and three pieces are almost all heavenly spirits!

Such Divine Artifact made them feel unbelievable, because no one has ever been able to control so many Divine Artifacts since ancient times, and the quality of these Divine Artifacts is so high that it is unbelievable!

“Be careful!” Yihe whispered to the nine immortals, and the nine immortals also drew up each other and everyone expression. One of the young men dressed in goldenen whispered opened the mouth and said: “You six go Deal with that kid, as for this, let us drag on for three, remember, explore him, be careful!”

The six people were nodded, and there were bursts of rays of light. Then the six people directly surrounded Yun Bufan. Yun Bufan blinked and the expression was cold and whispered: “Wang Dao, the king of the king!”

“bang!” burst into a roaring sound, Yun Bufan’s body suddenly appeared in a hegemonic momentum, Yun Bufan stared straight at the six people, his eyes flashed: “Five Elements Big Source Faith Five Elements Big reincarnation!”

Yun Bufan waved his hand and bursts of five-color rays of light. Jin Lingzhu, Aoki Shino, Water Emperor, Fireball and Earth Shield Five Great Sage Divine Artifact instantly emerged, Yun Bufan stared straight The six silhouettes, the five-color rays of light flashed: “Five Elements big reincarnation!”

“hong long long!” burst into a roaring sound, and Five Elements Divine Artifact immediately formed a five-color reincarnation vortex, which was directly pressed against one of the five people!

“Be careful!” One of them suddenly shouted in a low voice: “We have six people to join hands and try to test how strong this attack is on this Five Elements!”

“Blue Golden Gun!” “Prophet Divine Sword!” “Blood Axe!” A shouted in a low voice continually rang, and the six Divine Artifacts emerged directly from the six people’s within the body. The six Divine Artifacts In the midair, a powerful momentum was emanating, and the six joined forces and directly resisted Yun Bufan’s Five Elements Divine Artifact!

The Divine Artifact of the six of them is nothing but the spirit of the heavenly spirit. The collision between the six pieces of Heavenly Spirit and the five Divine Artifacts is not suspenseful, but the other is after all is the Six Days, and Yun Bufan The strength at this time is only comparable to the primary holy sage!

In the face of the joint efforts of the six Tianzun, Yun Bufan was also very struggling. The six heavenly spirits and the Five Elements Divine Artifact suddenly collided in the air, and the “hong long long!” burst into a roar From then on, the eleven-color rays of light suddenly filled the entire white space!

“en?” The righteousness of the distance is a glimpse: “This child is really the person of God Deity who is called Great Destiny. It seems to be just the strength of the Sky Monarch, but his real Strength, originally thought it was only Tianzun, but the strength that broke out, definitely has the strength of the primary holy deity!”

“The six of them want to beat him, I am afraid it is very difficult!” In the eyes of Yihe, the golden light flashed, and then the golden power of his body continued to skyrocket: “Then I will break the seal of Heaven and Earth Cauldron first. It depends on whether you will defeat my nine sages first, or will I break the seal of Heaven and Earth Cauldron first!”

“Big Five Elements Ring, Break for me! !” Yun Bufan light shouted in a low voice, “weng!” “weng!” Diamond Axe, Aoki God Needle, Water Emperor, Avoid Fireball and Earth Shield at the same time rays of The light slammed into the air, one by one, one by one, the Divine Artifact could not be directly connected together, forming a multicolored rays of light flashing five-color halo!

“Five Elements ring, Break for me! !” Yun Bufan sighed coldly, and the five-color halo suddenly burst into a strong power of Five Element, and the six celestial singers suddenly changed their faces and whispered: Not good, retire!”

“hong long!” burst into flames, and the five-color rays of light instantly skyrocketed. A powerful power of Five Element blew directly. The six celestial beings will be blown out in a flash, and the faces of the six people will suddenly become pale. Yun Bufan is groaned, and the mouth is overflowing with a long bloodshot!

With an enemy of six, two strokes will defeat the six great immortals, that is, Yun Bufan was also shocked and injured by this powerful force, but it defeated the six great immortals in an instant, with the strength of Yun Bufan today, can do This is almost the limit!

Yun Bufan slowly looked up, his body azure light constantly emerged, the wings of the wind and thunder appeared in the back, Force of Wind and Thunder emerged, Yun Bufan looked at the righteousness and whispered: “Set the clock, set the world, give me!”

“weng!” A piece of cyan ray swelled up, and Tianzhong suddenly appeared on the top of Yihe. The six celestial beings will suddenly be shocked and will be surrounded by Yun Bufan again. Yun Bufan is coldly smiled: “Ghost shadow 迷迷步!”

“hu!” “hu!” “hu!” step by step, each and everyone Yun Bufan emerged directly, in the days of the clock, cyan ray mang directly surrounded the righteousness, the golden power behind the righteousness It actually stopped in an instant!

At the same time, the cyan ray halo on Heaven and Earth Cauldron slowly recovered and became more intense. Yihe looked at the scene and suddenly saw a golden flame in his eyes, then directly looked at Yun Bufan. Past: “Yun Bufan !”

Yun Bufan coldly snorted , each and everyone Yun Bufan constantly sighed and bowed, Yihe whispered: “Day the clock, a good day, you can fix my strength, can you hold me?” This seat will kill you first, then break the defense of Heaven and Earth Cauldron!”

“The sun is shining, the fire sea burns the human world, the power of Golden Crow, give me a burn!” The body of the righteousness emerged directly with golden rays of light. Behind him, the flame of the ten goldens suddenly emerged and turned into ten. A huge golden sun, surrounded by Yun Bufan directly!

“hu!” “hu!” golden flame is burning, each and everyone Yun Bufan’s silhouette is burned into nothingness, and the cold light flashes in the eyes of the righteousness: “You are innate talent, but your strength is in the eyes of the Emperor. But it’s just an ant, the body? In my eyes, it’s a joke, broken!”

“Chī! ” “Chī! ” Yun Bufan All the phantoms, under the illumination of this golden rays of light, all turned into smashes, “pu!” One of Yun Bufan’s silhouettes is sprinkled directly by the mouth spurt blood. The whole person was hit by a golden flame, fiercely flew out, and the blood continued to burst out!

“Yun Bufan!” Yihe stared at Yun Bufan, and the flame of goldene became stronger. Yun Bufan was deeply exhaled, and the nine-color halo flowed. Looking at Yihe’s heart was even more stunned: “Good horror The Heavenly Emperor Yihe is stronger than the Dragon Soul!”

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