The first thousand four hundred and thirty-seven chapters

“On Ancient Heaven, also born!” Ice rain looked at the golden bead, the voice was bitter, and the poles, creations, shackles and towns on the side were all trembled, and there was a complex expression in the eyes. On the birth of Ancient Heaven, The beginning of the scene, the evolution of that thing is not what they can control!

“Cloud brother, I am sorry for you!” In the endless bloody sea, drunk and ruthlessly watching Yun Bufan’s voice bitter, Yun Bufan is shook the head: “The position is different, each is its master that’s all, you have your choice Road, in fact, no one is sorry, everyone’s road is different!”

“Cloud brother, I am drunk and ruthless, no matter what will happen to Ancient Heaven in the future, I will use my life to protect you and Little Wei brother and sister. This is my promise to you!” Looking at Yun Bufan, I said one word at a time!

Yun Bufan’s heart is slightly warm, at least drunk and ruthless, and will become his own life and death enemies like the sword, and the ruthless heart still has this brother’s feelings, just as he said, the position is different that’s All !

Yun Bufan was drunk and ruthlessly nodded, and then looked at the golden bead in the air. In the golden bead, within a white space, Emperor Yihe’s body suddenly burst out of an intense golden light like never before!

“hahaha, I went to Ancient Heaven, and finally I want to reproduce God World. This time, I can see who can stop it!” Yihe’s body suddenly burst into a strong sun rays of light, and his momentum is constantly rising. And up!

“Yihe, are you still not dying?” A cold coldly snorted sound, a ray of light flashing, an azure giant trip suddenly appeared on the head of Yihe, Yihe suddenly turned and looked at the azure giant tripty sneer It’s up: “Dream Junyi, Qian Cheng is not here, control Heaven and Earth Cauldron with your strength, and still can’t suppress us!”

“And Heaven and Earth Cauldron need to absorb the power of the sun, the moon and the stars to constantly supplement the power of its disappearance, and now the sun, the moon and the stars have dissipated, do you think Heaven and Earth Cauldron can sustain me?” A cold smile, two fiery Fireballs appeared on the hands!

“hu!” “hu!” Yi and his hands waved, the two groups of Fireball directly rushed toward the azure giant Ding on their heads, the two groups of flames continued to burn, the powerful momentum broke out from it!

“clang!” “bang!” The two groups of Fireball and the azure giant trip suddenly collided, a roar of explosions sounded, the azure giant tripod was constantly trembled, and Yihe’s face showed a glimmer of laughter. Meaning: “hahaha, Heaven and Earth Cauldron, you have suppressed me for so many years, now, I will find you back with a profit!”

“Yihe, it seems that you have not suffered enough in that year!” A cold voice came from the Heaven and Earth Cauldron: “Yin and Yang power of Five Element, the word of heaven and earth, suppressing all things in the heavens, righteousness, Have me there, do you think about it?”

Among the Heaven and Earth Cauldron, an azure silhouette slowly emerges. This azure robe old man looks at the righteousness, waving with both hands, and the left hand Force of Yin-Yang is now integrated into a dry word of azure, while the right hand In the middle is the power of Five Element, which is integrated into a Kun character!

The word “Qun Kun” suddenly burst into a strong rays of light, and then directly pressed against the two groups of the sun, “peng!” “peng!” Under the word Qiankun, the two groups of the righteous sun Suddenly crushed into crushing!

In the eyes of Yihe, a burst of cold light flashed, watching the azure robe old man cold with said: “Yu Kun, your way is still so powerful, but unfortunately, you are not the Emperor’s in the heyday. Opponent, let alone now, no money, can you help me how?”

“Golden Crow’s power!” Righteousness and whispering, behind him, each and everyone golden The sun is constantly emerging, ten golden suns appear on the body of the righteousness, bursting out of the ray of the sun, the righteous look Azure robe old man sneer sneered: “There is no money to change, how can your Heaven and Earth Cauldron resist my top ten Golden Crow!”

“Burn it, angry flame!” Yihe laughed happily. The ten golden suns surrounded Heaven and Earth Cauldron all at once, and a golden flame burned. Heaven and Earth Cauldron suddenly fell into golden. In the fire sea!

At this moment, in the Heaven and Earth Cauldron, above the fire red magma, a black silhouette sits cross-legged, and beside her, the phantom of Qiankun slowly condenses, and Qiankun looks at the black silhouette and whispers Dao: “Jun Yi, where is Qian Cheng going? Without him, I can’t deal with this righteousness!”

“Cheng Ge, I don’t know where he is going!” The black clothed woman slowly looked up and revealed a face that fell into the country, but her face had a cold feeling with her body. It is the female master of the first day, the dream of the God of the God of God World!

Meng Junyi slowly stood up. Through Heaven and Earth Cauldron, she saw the incomparable Heavenly Emperor, and Heaven and Earth Cauldron, under the burning of this golden flame, obviously could not support it once, once Heaven and Earth Cauldron can’t support it, and the righteousness will break out!

“Now, it’s only for me to try it!” Meng Junyi’s black rays of light flashed, and then appeared directly on Heaven and Earth Cauldron. Meng Junyi was at the top and looked at Yihe coldly. Yihe smiled a little differently: “Dream Junyi, Qian Cheng? Why don’t you ask him to come out?”

“To deal with you, why do you need Cheng brother to appear, righteousness, and I am there, you can’t think about going out!” Meng Junyi’s body burst into a burst of black paints of light, and Meng Junyi blinked and whispered: ” The way of the devil!”

“hu!””hu!” a path of black rays of light is constantly emerging, black mist is filled, and the meaning of cold and sad is said with a smile: “I really don’t know what your woman thinks, the money has killed your Demon.” The person of Path has destroyed your Demon Path, and you are so deadly to him that it is unreasonable!”

“The four great kings, this dream Junyi will be handed over to you, the emperor wants to break through the seal of Heaven and Earth Cauldron, but there is no time to entangle with her!” Yihe cold shouted in a low voice, in the righteous Behind him, four middle-aged man stepped out in one step and stopped in front of Meng Junyi!

“On Ancient Heaven, the four kings of Meilan Zhuju?” Meng Junyi looked at the four middle-aged men, but his face was very dignified. The four kings were in the position of Ancient Heaven, but second only to the Emperor Yihe. , each and everyone strength is reached the level of the Holy Deity, powerful!

The weapons of the four of them are plum blossoms, orchids, green bamboos and chrysanthemums. They are called the four great gentlemen on the Ancient Heaven. They are bright and upright, but the strength is not to be underestimated. Especially the four are best at the Technique of Combined Assault. These four people joined hands, I am afraid that it is not easy for Heavenly Emperor and himself to win!

“Four great kings!” In the eyes of Meng Junyi, the black light flashed, and the dark magic suddenly shrouded the four kings. On the far left, the middle-aged man holding a plum in his hand whispered : “Into the winter cold plum, snow flies!”

“weng!” The plum blossoms in the hands, the blossoming plums are falling, and then there are countless snowflakes, and the snowflake clips with plum blossoms. Wherever the snow and plums fall, Meng Junyi The magic is directly turned into nothingness!

“A good Meiqu song, it is rumored that Meixianwang’s strongest attack is this Meixiangqu. It really is name is not in vain. In this case, Meixianwang, this girl has a soul-sounding sound, I don’t know if Meixian Wang can enlighten me. “Meng Junyi’s black light flashed, and the red bell in his hand was suddenly amazed!

“Bamboo Green Wengke, Meixue welcomes the wind!” It was a low-pitched voice, and the middle-aged man holding a bamboo sword in his hand looked at Meng Junyi and whispered: “This matter is important, it is related. I am reviving on Ancient Heaven, Meng Junyi, we will not let you play fair with you!”

The wind whistling, the green bamboo flew, and the green bamboo with the plum snow not only possessed the toughness of the toughness, but also a cold killing intent. This is their Technical of Combined Assault, the two joined forces, but the attack was like From the hands of one person!

Under Divine Paragon Mountain, Yun Bufan and the others saw that the golden beads were constantly spinning, and the sound of roaring came from inside, and Yun Bufan and the others appeared on their faces. Amazing color!

“On Ancient Heaven to reproduce, since this ancient Heaven is the first place, then the hostess of this early land is the woman of the Lord of God World, they are going to be born, the hostess of this early land will certainly not agree, which must be What battle has happened!” Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed in the blink of an eye!

“The ruthless big brother!” Yun Bufan looked at the drunken ruthlessly, drunk and ruthlessly stopped, Yun Bufan slowly opened the mouth and said: “You and Yao Yao sister-in-law should have gone all out? I know You have a life-saving method, but you shouldn’t have the power to fight again?”

The drunken gaze flashed, I didn’t know what Yun Bufan was going to say, Yun Bufan just smiled at him, and the colorful rays of light flashed up: “As I said earlier, the position is different, so choose different, you want to Ancient Heaven reappears in the world, and I hope it will seal forever!”

“weng!” The colorful rays of light flashed, Yun Bufan’s silhouette flew over the golden ball, and the little Wei Wei at the moment was loudly shouted: “out of the ordinary !”

Yun Bufan turned slowly and turned to Little Wei nodded. His face was full of gentle colors, and the rays of light flashed. The silhouette of Yun Bufan disappeared directly into the golden bead. Little Wei is also flying towards the golden ball. In the past, it was pulled by a beggar!

“Don’t be impulsive, I have already counted this, because this robbery is not his, but my, little girl, rest assured, he is my noble, this time, it is my chance, you are here Just wait and be fine!”

I watched Little Wei shook the head, and then I said that Little Wei couldn’t understand it. The Force of Yin-Yang was a flash, and it went directly into the golden ball!

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