The first thousand four hundred and twenty-one chapter is her

“The real inheritance of Lord God’s Lord?” Yun Bufan, the pole and the others are all momentarily stopped, all looking at the illusory silhouette, each and everyone’s eyes are full of surprise colors, and the illusory silhouette is slow Slowly floated up and watched the burning of the mouth and said: “Dragon soul, you should not come here!”

The sound of the unreal silhouette is empty and full of Spiritual Qi, which makes people feel a sense of calm in the heart, burning the world and looking at the illusory silhouette, the eyes flashing in the blink of an eye: “According to your meaning, I should always be nestled 4th-layer?”

“Taigu Dragon’s pulse is your root, dragon soul, have you forgotten, there is no you without the ancient dragon, you come here, but if the Taikoo dragon is destroyed, what will you become?” The sound is to make the killing intent in the eyes of the burning world!

The weakness of the burning world, or his death point, can be said that no one knows it, and no one can think of it. But now, this illusory silhouette, or the true inheritance of God World’s Lord, is actually a word. Her own deadly acupoints, which made the burning of the world have to force a strong killing intent!

“You want to kill me?” On the illusory silhouette, a layer of golden halo emerged, and a golden light skyrocketed. The power of the Lord of God World suddenly broke out: “Unfortunately, you I can’t kill me at all!”

“That’s not necessarily!” The eyes of the burning world were cold, and one step was taken out. A piece of purple rays of light blazed, and the eyes of the burning world were extremely cold. They stared straight at the unreal silhouette and took a shot. It is a purple rays of light flashing, a purple Divine Dragon emerges instantly, with a powerful momentum rushing toward the illusory silhouette!

“You are such a temptation, the power is too weak!” The illusory silhouette lightly opened, pointing out, a large piece of golden rays of light skyrocketed, a golden finger pointed out, and the golden finger pointed to the purple Divine Dragon fiercely clicked!

“bang!” golden rays of light and purple Divine Dragon slammed into the air, and a burst of roaring sounded, and the golden silhouette was bursting with golden light, shouted in a low voice, golden finger Underneath, the silhouette of the Purple Divine Dragon is slowly shattered!

“Broken!” The imaginary silhouette light shouted in a low voice, a burst of golden light slammed, the world’s purple Divine Dragon instantly exploded, turned into a crush, burned the world staring straight at the illusory silhouette, eyes bursting The brilliance shines: “The power of the Lord of God World!”

“Since you know that I have the true inheritance of God World, you should know that I can inherit some of his power!” Unreal silhouette calmly watching the burning of the world, the purple light flashed in the eyes, by the golden Silhouette The captured Dragon Ball suddenly trembles!

“Give me!” Unreal silhouette Looking at the two identical purple dragon beads, watching the two purple dragon beads continually beating, not to whisper, a piece of golden rays of light slamming, in the illusory silhouette In the hands, there was a burst of golden rays of light!

In the golden halo skyrocketing, the palm of the illusory silhouette became extremely strong. In his hands, the two purple dragon beads could not be charged ahead, the eyes of the burning world flashed, watching the illusory silhouette faint opened the mouth and Said : “Dragon Ball is my life Divine Artifact, also belongs to my Divine Artifact, you can’t suppress it!”

“Break for me! Open!” The world whispered, the two purple dragon beads purple light skyrocketed, and a roar of roaring sounded, and the two purple dragons swept away and burned. The world waved: “Dragon Ball, Fusion!”

“weng!” “weng!” bursts of purple light emerged from the hands of the burning world, and the two purple dragons in the midair rushed over, and the two purple dragon beads slowly merged in the air. , turned into a huge purple dragon ball!

“Hong Kong Divine Artifact?” Unreal silhouette looked at the Dragon Ball eyes revealing a strange expression: “The Lord of God World suffered the pressure of Ancient Heaven, the most powerful force is the so-called strength of Primal Chaos, and that day Yihe, the cultivation is Chaos Strength of Supreme Yang!”

“When the Lord of God World comprehended the change of the world and reached the realm of heaven and earth, it was with Heaven and Earth Cauldron that suppressed Ancient Heaven, then opened up God World, and then the power of God World’s master, but It is called the power of creation!”

Unreal silhouette looked at the eyes of the burning world and flashed a glimpse of surprise: “But what I did not expect is that under these two forces, you can actually create the power of Hongqi Purple Qi with the body of Taikoo Dragon. Created the so-called Divine Artifact, Dragon Soul, your innate talent can indeed be said to be out of the ordinary, but unfortunately, you are just a dragon soul!”

“But now, I am a Deity!” The purple rays of light flashed in the eyes of the burning world, and a burst of purple mist appeared on the body, burning the world and looking straight at the unreal silhouette: “I know that you have learned the Lord of God World.” The way of the sacred, and inherited the power of his sacred God World, let me see how powerful your control of God World is!”

“Flying dragon in the sky!” Burning light shouted in a low voice, the whole person’s purple light flashed, and then instantly merged into the dragon ball, the huge dragon ball suddenly broke out a strong purple rays of light, purple In the light flash, the Dragon Ball suddenly turned into an inexpensive Divine Dragon of incomparable gigantic!

Purple Divine Dragon looks straight at the illusory silhouette: “The inheritance of Lord God’s Lord, just let me see the power of God’s Lord and the power of Paragon, Purple Dragon!”

“ao!” The dragon roar sounded constantly, and the purple Divine Dragon’s roaring, behind it, suddenly appeared a purple sun, this purple sun rays of light ten thousand zhang, magnificent, most importantly, This purple sun is completely composed of the power of Hongqi Purple Qi!

Under the roar of the burning world, the purple sun was gripped with a powerful momentum, and it was directly pressed against the illusory silhouette. The illusory silhouette was calm, and the strange gesture was in the hand, and the mouth was softly whispered. Road: “Yin and Yang Qiankun, Shanggan Xia Kun, Yin Yang Qiankun Road!”

“Dry!” The unreal silhouette is just a low-pitched opening. An incomparable gigantic’s golden “dry” word appears on the top of the Purple Divine Dragon. The unreal silhouette looks at the Purple Divine Dragon and then whispers again: “Kun!”

“weng! ”purple light flashed, and under the purple Divine Dragon, there was also an incomparable gigantic golden “kun” word. The unreal silhouette flashed in the eyes, light shouted in a low voice: Xia Kun, the way of Qiankun, give me sleep!”

“hong long long !” roaring sounds constantly, under the gaze of everyone, the “dry” word on the top of the Purple Divine Dragon and the “Kun” under the Purple Divine Dragon are all purple light flashes Then they pressed over to the Purple Divine Dragon!

In the shocked eyes of the Purple Divine Dragon, these two huge gold characters suddenly golden light ten thousand zhang, the unreal silhouette calmly looked at the Purple Divine Dragon: “Dragon Soul, the Lord of God World has long expected that you will definitely I have come to help the Taiko Trolls, so this leaves inheritance, the purpose is to stop you!”

“And now it seems that the Angels and the Devils who have lost yours will not break our blockade, let alone rescue the Taiko Trolls!” Unreal silhouette looks straight at the Purple Divine Dragon, then toward the Lord and the Others took a look, the heart was darkly relaxed, slowly said!

“乾坤阴阳great array!” Purple Divine Dragon sounded the sound of burning the world, burning the world to see the huge words, the eyes suddenly purple light flashed: “a good yin yin and yang yin great array, rumored God World The Lord is relying on this great yin and yang yin and great array to trap the Emperor’s righteousness!”

“I didn’t expect that the so-called inheritance that he left is actually this great array of yin and yang, and the use of this great array is actually to trap me!” The eyes of the burning world flashed a strange color, watching the unreal silhouette slowly Said the opening!

“乾坤阴阳great array, I did not expect you to know this formation array, yes, the inheritance of God World’s Lord, one of them is this great yin and yang yin and great array, the purpose is to trap you, Dragon Soul, back 4th- Let’s go, the Lord of God World counts everything, he doesn’t want the Taiko Trolls to come out, you can’t save him!”

The unreal silhouette looked at the burning of the opening, whispering, burning the eyes, and then staring at the illusory silhouette: “What is the inheritance cultivation technique left by Lord God World?” Say, what is the attacking path you understand? I don’t think it’s going to be the Lord of God World!”

“You are very interested in my attack?” The unreal silhouette looked at the burning world, and opened the door with amazement. The burning world slowly smiled: “If your attack can’t stop me, then it is doomed that this ancient troll will definitely I was rescued!”

“en?” Unreal silhouette glimmering, burning the world whispered: “You will never know how powerful the Divine Artifact is, just as you do not know, the power of Hongqi Purple Qi can burst out! ”

“Dragon battle in the wild, Break for me! Off!” The world whispered, the entire Purple Divine Dragon suddenly turned, the layer of purple rays of light flashed, the purple light flashed, a group of purple The power suddenly emerged, and a powerful momentum broke out!

“Bang!” The fierce bombing sounded abruptly, and the golden word of gold in the purple rays of light turned out to be directly shattered, a purple flash of light flashed, and the illusory silhouette suddenly trembled, then the whole person directly Fly back to the back!

“en?” purple rays of light flashing, the layer of fog around the unreal silhouette was directly smashed, from which a slender silhouette appeared, watching this slender silhouette, burning the world is brows frowned, eyes have A trace of confusion!

“Is she?” At the entrance of the inheritance great hall, Yun Bufan saw the silhouette, and his body fiercely trembled, and an unbelievable expression suddenly appeared in his eyes!

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