The first thousand four hundred and twenty chapters of true inheritance

“Inheritance great hall, it seems that the three of you should be the inheritors of God World’s choice!” Li Taibai, who saw the in the inheritance great hall, Zhang Sanfeng also has a mysterious silhouette, the eyes can not help A burst of purple rays of light, whispered opened the mouth and said!

“weng!” “weng!” Li Taibai and Zhang Sanfeng’s eyes were bursts of ray of light, and the two powerful forces erupted from them. There was a faint glimpse of Li Taibai and Zhang Sanfeng. Golden halo!

In this golden glow, they all feel the power of God World, the same power as Divine Paragon Mountain, the world is not so solemn, and everything that is related to God World is absolutely Nothing is ordinary, even if the other person’s body is only the atmosphere of the owner of God World, it must not be taken lightly!

Both Li Taibai and Zhang Sanfeng looked at the world and the others calmly. When they saw Yun Bufan, they were both laughing and nodded, especially the poles and the two of them. A master and disciple fate!

“Master!” Zhang Sanfeng and Li Taibai were both pilgrimage and very respectful. They were very pleased with nodded. They said very slowly: “Can you stop them now, but you can see them!”

“Dragon Soul, I think the three of them are the owners of God World and finally stayed to stop your method. You can break through the three blockades. Then I think no one can stop you!” Looked at the faint slogan and said!

Zhang Sanfeng and Li Taibai looked at the world at the same time, and Yun Bufan stared straight at the illusory silhouette in the middle. This silhouette didn’t know why Yun Bufan always had a familiar feeling, as if he had seen it before. !

Yun Bufan has an unforgettable ability. The whole person has absolutely had contact with him. He is sure that it is only a long time. He has contacted more people, but he does not know who this person is. Yun Bufan can’t help but bow down. It’s up!

“Yahweh, Satan, the sword is lifeless. It is useless for your master to create you. At this time, I still want to hide it. Even the seals are not completely solved. What are you waiting for? Your master is here in the inheritance great hall. Behind the scenes, do you want to save him, just see if you are willing to untie the seal!”

Burning the world and watching Zhang Sanfeng and Li Taibai expression dignified, the world is most clear, how horrible the cultivation base is to the head of God World, so he believes that the back hand of God World is absolutely amazing!

It’s clear to the world that the left hand of God World’s Lord is certainly not that simple, so if the Lord does not do their best, it’s hard to save the Taiko trolls, and the purple glow of the burning world will burn up. The world looked at Li Taibai and Zhang Sanfeng coldly, and there was a strong momentum in the body!

“Yahweh, Satan, the seal of the two of you should be the time to understand, the sword is lifeless, when do you want to hide the strength? Saving the Taiko Troll can be your responsibility, and it has nothing to do with me!” Burning the silhouette of a flash, just smashed toward Zhang Sanfeng and Li Taibai!

“We stopped the Lord!” In an instant, I made a decision. One flashing toward the Lord, Satan and the sword were born, and the three of them rushed over, and one less was burned. Their pressure can be said to be greatly cut back!

“Tai Chisheng two instruments, two instruments and four images!” At the moment when the world was burned into the palace of inspiration, Zhang Sanfeng’s hands formed a ray of light of two colors, black and white two colors of rays of light Turned into Force of Yin-Yang, and it is constantly spinning in the hands of Zhang Sanfeng!

“The sword is thundering, and the drape is clear!” Li Taibai is also light shouted in a low voice, a burst of roaring sounds, white light flashing, and Li Taibai’s hand also has an azure long sword. The white light is flashing, and the azure long sword is also a faint cyan ray halo!

“Force of Yin-Yang?” looked at Zhang Sanfeng with amazement, and then watched Li Taibai’s eyes flash: “What power is this? It contains extremely powerful ice power, and there is such a weird sharp!”

“Dragon roar broken!” The world whispered, the left and right hands purple light skyrocketed, two purple dragons suddenly emerged, the world waved a hand, the two purple dragons suddenly rushed over to Li Taibai and Zhang Sanfeng, purple The glow is constantly filling!

“A thousand pounds, I don’t move, it’s Tai Chi!” Zhang Sanfeng whispered softly, his hands waved, a path of fist shadows constantly emerged, the action was extremely slow but extremely fast, the fists were waving, and the hands were fiercely caught the purple Xiaolong’s body, smiled lightly, and launched a punch!

“peng!” The purple dragon that slammed into Zhang Sanfeng was shocked by this fist fiercely. Zhang Sanfeng’s mouth twitched with a faint smile. He looked at the dragon who continued to rush, and he was still anxious. Push!

“hong long!” a roar of sound, the purple dragon was suddenly flew out of the fiercely, and then directly into the smash in the air, and Li Taibai is more simple, pull the sword, sword, blue Two colors’s word glow, the purple Divine Dragon is disappeared under this sword!

“en?” Li Taibai and Zhang Sanfeng’s strength made the world completely amazed, and the eyes of the burning world flashed, watching them slowly open the mouth and said: “I didn’t expect that God God’s Lord actually left you like this. The benefits, his inheritance, even if you don’t have complete inheritance, is it part of inheritance?”

“Heaven and Earth Cauldron’s yin and yang, the other divine object of God World, is really the owner of God World, even if it just leaves some inheritance, it will let you reach this level, Paragon Powerhouse, really horrible!”

The eyes of the burning world flashed, in the hands of Zhang Sanfeng, the Eight Trigrams Diagram above the burning world can see the faint shadow of the glory, and in the hands of Li Taibai, the cyan ray flashing long sword It is inlaid with a white bead, emitting a faint chill!

Zhang Sanfeng and Li Taibai looked at each other. The two were also surprised at the fact that they burned the world and saw the number of the two men. The score was deeply exhaled, and the eyes flashed in the blink of an eye: “Okay, that’s it, then I will see how strong your strength is!”

“Dragon Ball!” The world burned and whispered, and the purple light instantly rose to the sky. The momentum of the Peak of the Peak broke out. The Purple Dragon Ball suddenly appeared, hovering in front of the burning world, constantly rotating up, purple light Keep blinking!

“hong long long!” The roar of the roaring sound continued, the eyes of the burning world flashed, watching Li Taibai and Zhang Sanfeng whispered: “Dragon Heaven!”

“hu!”purple Dragon Ball, flying directly in the direction of Zhang Sanfeng and Li Taibai, in the mid-air, the purple light flashed into a huge purple Divine Dragon, the dragon head bites Zhang Sanfeng, while the dragon tail It was fiercely to the past in Li Taibai!

“Satan, the sword is lifeless, let’s go all out, the left hand behind God World’s Lord is not so easy to break, save the Master, or rely on ourselves!” Jehovah saw this scene, then turned to Satan and the sword without life. A faint opening, the Lord’s own body is suddenly a powerful horror!

“weng!” “weng!” The white white glow began to rise. The Lord looked straight at the pole, and the white light flashed. The Lord pointed at his eyebrows and then whispered: “Seal, release, Give me a solution!”

“hong long long!” The roar of the roaring sound continued, and the momentum of the Lord suddenly rose up. It was even more horrible than before. The momentum broke out from the Lord. The Lord stared straight at the white light. Flashed: “Very, you can’t stop me at all!”

“If you add it?” There was a chilly color in the eyes of the eyes, looking at the Lord coldly, and beside the pole, a flash of light appeared on the side of the pole, and the Lord’s eyes flashed: “Create? ”

“Yuhe Town prevents the sword from being born, and Satan, there is Yun Bufan. They, the Lord, have lost the Dragon Soul. Even if you unblock the seals, it is absolutely impossible to break through our blockade!” Staring at the Lord with death, with the golden rays of light of the creation, the Lord is also dignified!

“bang!” “bang!” And at this time, two roaring explosions came directly from the palace of independence. Everyone turned and looked over. At the door of the entrance hall, the purple light of the burning body flashed. That powerful momentum is constantly erupting!

Opposite the burning world, under the strikes of the purple giant dragon, Li Taibai and Zhang Sanfeng were defeated, and they were able to withstand the attacks of the burning world, but everyone can see that the momentum of the burning world is constantly rising. However, the resistance of Li Taibai and Zhang Sanfeng is getting weaker and weaker!

“They have to resist!” Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed, and at this time, the sharp light flashed in the eyes of the burning world, then whispered: “Break!”

“hong long! “purple Divine Dragon purple light slammed, a group of purple power blasted directly in the air, Li Taibai and Zhang Sanfeng suddenly flew out fiercely, the eyes of the burning world flashed, the Purple Divine Dragon suddenly became The appearance of the Dragon Ball, and then divided into two, respectively, fell to Li Taibai and Zhang Sanfeng!

“Not good!” Yun Bufan and the others are complexion greatly changed. They can all see that Li Taibai and Zhang Sanfeng have lost, and the killing of this world is enough to kill their lives!

“peng!” Just when Yun Bufan and the others were anxious, the unreal silhouette that had been without any movement moved, stepped out and turned into two silhouettes, appearing directly in front of Li Taibai and Zhang Sanfeng, hands goldenen The light flashed and the two purple dragon beads were held!

“You really are the true inheritance of God World!” The world saw this scene, and the purple rays of light suddenly rose and whispered!

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