Chapter 1 414 is about to breakthrough

“bang!” “bang!” Among the 3rd-layers of the ancient tomb, Satan, the town and the three people continually collided, and the roar of the roar was constantly screaming. Satan stared straight at the town and the pan. There was a burst of cold light: “Hey, town, are you really going to courting death?”

“To kill us, I am afraid that your strength is not enough!” In the blink of an eye, a glimmer of light flashed, watching Satan appear a burst of black white light mans, the yin and yang of the road emerged, the mysterious celestial celestial surface with a burst of halo I watched Satan whisper: “The way of yin and yang!”

“hong long!” Among the ancient tombs, the roar of the roaring sounds, the entire tomb 3rd-layer suddenly trembled, slammed with a hand, Xuan Tianqin bursts of black and white two colors of rays of light The power of the black and white two colors is coming directly to Satan!

Satan’s eyes flashed, and at the same time, the town with a dull face was light shouted in a low voice: “Golden hand seal, give me the town!”

“weng!” “weng!” bursts of colorful rays of light, the colorful rays of light continually flashing, the town of Tianshi directly from the town’s body, the town of Tianshi is a touch of multi- Colored light, the town waved, the town of Tianshi suddenly suspended in the top of the skull!

“Devil Beads!” Satan coldly smiled, the demon beads emerged instantly, a burst of black rays of light flashed, the power of the devil’s yin and yang dynasty slammed away, with a powerful horror, in the air In the middle, the yin and yang of Harmony suddenly slammed together!

“bang!” Devil’s bead black light flashed, the roaring explosion suddenly sounded, under the devil’s beads, the yin and yang of the cockroach was directly blown up by the demon beads, the demon beads are directly toward the town of the town of heaven great Hand seal The past, there is a burst of black paints of light!

In the eyes of the town, the colorful rays of light flashed, and the colorful power of the body rushed into the colorful great hand seal. The great hand seal of the town became more solidified, and the devil beads also slammed up at the same time. Day great hand seal suddenly collide!

“hong long long !” The entire town of the great hand seal was suddenly shrouded in a large black ray of light, the black power of the black light halo, and the palm of the town’s great hand seal appeared a circle The round black hole, in the round black hole, has a multi-colored light spilling out of it!

“Zhentianshi, Zhentian!” The town whispered, in the town’s great hand seal, the black hole in the hand suddenly appeared a multi-colored light, multi-colored light flashing, the town Tianshi suddenly from the town Floating out of the great hand seal!

Satan’s demon beads directly collide with the town’s colorful town Tianshi. The black light on the demon beads is constantly flashing, and the multicolored lights are also multi-colored light, demon beads and colorful towns. At the same time, the rays of light flashed, and there was a burst of intense rays of light!

“bang!” “bang!” Demon beads constantly smashed the town of Tianshi, but the town of Tianshi is completely motionless, Satan’s eyes suddenly glimmered: “Impossible, your town is not at all complete How can you fight against my demon beads!”

“Satan, you don’t do your best, don’t solve the seal on you, you don’t want to break through our blockade!” The town looked at Satan coldly, Satan’s eyes flashed, staring straight at the town and then low. As soon as I heard the sound, my body burst into black rays of light!

“weng!” “weng!” black light flashed, Satan stared straight at the town and then whispered: “Seal, release, intermediate sage, give me now!”

“hong long long!” On Satan’s body, there was a burst of black rays of light. In the black rays of light, a powerful momentum suddenly erupted from Satan’s body, the thick black mist, directly It poured into the demon beads!

The strength of the middle-aged sage, the thick black mist poured into the devil’s beads, the black light flashed up on the devil’s bead, and the devil’s jewels continued to rotate. The black light flashed in Satan’s eyes, and the match was with a smile. : “Break for me!”

The black light slammed, and there was a strong momentum in the devil’s bead. A strong roar sounded and suddenly rang, and the colorful town Tianshi was finally directly shaken out!

“Too Extreme Yin Yang, Jiugong Gossip, the soul of the soul, Xuanzhi and Xuan!” A snoring sound suddenly sounded, a sound of the sound of the sound came out, the yin and yang of the road, the power of black and white continued to spread out, a mysterious force, directly Spread out to Satan!

“Xuan Tianqin!” Satan suddenly turned, his eyes flashed, and looked at the killing intent in the blink of an eye: “Xuan Tianqin, a mysterious Tianqin, I didn’t expect the two of you to join hands, I was able to force me to make an intermediate. If the strength of the Holy Spirit, plus another creation, then I will not solve the final seal, it may not be your opponent!”

“But now, you are just two people!” Satan’s eyes flashed in the cold: “With both of you, I don’t need to unpack the 3rd-layer seal, give me a roll!”

“hong long!” A roaring explosion suddenly sounded, above the demon beads, the powerful force and even the power of the flail was also fried together, and the whole person was shocked and flew out, pale!

“We can’t stop him!” The town flew over and looked at the whispering opening. The cold light flashed in the blink of an eye. He looked at the town and whispered open the mouth and said: “The town, if you and I do our best Can you resist his last attack?”

“His strength has reached the strength of the intermediate sage, we are difficult to deal with him, we may not even be his opponent at all!” The town shook the head, Satan’s strength at the moment, really is not what they can resist, Satan at the moment It is really too powerful!

The sly face could not help but become ugly, and at this moment, a roaring explosion suddenly sounded, the entrance of the tomb 3rd-layer, a silhouette directly from the tomb 2nd floor!

“Yahweh!” He and the town looked at the white silhouette at the same time. Both of them had a stunned color in their eyes. The Lord appeared here. Isn’t the defeat of the Lord against the Lord defeated?

“Yahweh, where are you going!” Just as the town and Satan were equally astonished, the shouting loudly sounded abruptly, another silhouette suddenly emerged, a path of blue blade glow flashing, and the extreme silhouette suddenly appeared!

“Pole!” The Lord turned and looked at the past. There was a burst of white rays of light on his body. “I don’t want to fight with you. It doesn’t mean I am afraid of you. Extremely, if you are entangled, I and Satan and the two of them will join hands and let you have no chance to shoot in this battle of the annihilation. Are you believing or not?”

“Yahweh, you can try it!” In the eyes, the blue light flashed, and the blue long knife went straight to the Lord and fiercely smashed down: “I don’t know why you want to retain strength, but I know that the more you cost you. Power, then the faster you lose!”

“Satan, you go down first, and the town and the town can’t stop you!” The Lord turned and snorted in Satan. The Lord’s body suddenly burst into a burst of white halo, then turned and looked at the past, bursting into his eyes. Icy color!

“Okay, then you can do it yourself!” Satan looked at the Lord and then looked directly at the town and looked at him: “Hey, the town, you two can’t stop me!”

“hu!” Satan’s eyes flashed. Among the 3rd-layers, the channel leading to the dragon vein suddenly appeared. When Satan flashed, he slammed directly toward the passage leading to the dragon vein, and whispered to the town and the town. : “Do your best, don’t be desperate!”

Both the town and the town were a glimpse. Both of them had a fascinating color in their eyes. Then they chased it down, “hong long!” and when the town was just chasing it, it was another roaring explosion. It sounded loudly, and the Lord and the Lord turned at the same time and looked at the past!

“pu!” A silhouette was completely blown down, and the blood was sprayed continuously. Around the silhouette of the silhouette, a burst of gray sword glow was flashing, and the eyes of the eyes suddenly flashed, but the Lord I suddenly looked at the other side!

“Creation?” The eyes of the Lord are full of shock. In the golden rays of light, it is a huge golden body that is nearly three meters. At this moment, it is created in the golden light group. The momentum on the body is constantly rising!

“Creating strength?” In the eyes, there is also a hint of surprise. After the serious injury of the sword, his strength turned out to be a breakthrough. His eyes flashed: “I didn’t expect it to be a lifeless sword.” In the first battle, the strength of the creation was found to have a breakthrough mouth!”

“No, you must stop him!” The white rays of light in the eyes of the Lord flashed, and the Bible slowly floated up. Behind the Lord, the sound of the sword was suddenly chilled: “Lord, let me come!” ”

“You?” The Lord looked at the sword strangely, and the sword screamed in the cold eyes: “In any case, I will kill him today, he must die, even if he really breaks through to the Holy Land, He must also die, not to mention that he has not broken through now!”

“hong long!” The sword has no life, suddenly bursting out an unprecedented horror murderous aura, this murderous aura climbed to Peak, it turned out to be a feeling of heartfelt fear, this is Rakshasa’s Slaughter Kendo!

“En?” The eyes of the Lord were filled with surprises, and at this time, the gaze of the creation suddenly looked at the sword, and stared straight at the sword, and there was a burst of golden rays of light. On top of Splitting Heaven Ax, suddenly a powerful golden axe broke out!

“Sword is lifeless, you are destined to be my stepping stone!” Step by step, the golden light of the body skyrocketed, it can be said that the real rays of light ten thousand zhang, Splitting Heaven Ax no life, just one The axe fiercely smashed down, and the momentum of the stock went forward!

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