The first thousand four hundred and thirty-three chapters of the star Baohe powerful

“Xingchen Baohe!” Silver Moon whispered, and a burst of silver white rays of light began to flash, and Silver Moon stared straight into the burning world. Behind the Silver Moon, a large white rays of light emerged. Rays of light flashing, there is also a silver white river behind the silver moon!

“weng!” “weng!” In the silver white river, a piece of Heavenly God Artifact is constantly shining with various colors of light, a path of strong momentum constantly erupted from it, burning the world watching silver The star of the month, Baohe, also showed a shocking color: “Star Baohe?”

“hundred thousand Heavenly God Artifact, Angel suit!” In the eyes of the burning world, the bursts of brilliance began to rise, then looked at Yun Bufan and opened the mouth and said: “Yun Bufan, I did not expect you to have won the thousand thousand Heavenly God Artifact, In the battle of the killing, you are the biggest beneficiary!”

“The biggest beneficiary!” Yun Bufan like a smile yet not a smile looks at the burning world: “This is also a big thanks to the Lord. They can only say that there are too many Heavenly God Artifacts among the Angels of the Lord, so these Heavenly God Artifact, thank you Jehovah!”

“Yahweh!” Stopped by the burning, followed by nodded, watching Yun Bufan faintly opened the mouth and said: “Yun Bufan, your nine pieces of Divine Artifact, plus a variant Silver Moon King and its Star Baohe, no wonder You are so confident that you can stop me!”

“But, these are not enough for me, you are not enough to stop me!” The world looked at Yun Bufan, and the purple light flashed in the eyes, the purple glow filled, and the burning body suddenly burst into bursts. Strong momentum!

“Not enough?” Yun Bufan blinked and saw Yun Bufan whispering: “I know that you have learned the Sky Monarch and even combined the Sky Monarch. The formidable power is comparable to the heavenly spirit. Then, do you know that there is a Divine Technique on top of the gods?”

“Divine Technique?” Yun Bufan did not hear it. There is such a holy book on the spirit of this day, and the purple light on the burning world is constantly flashing: “Since you don’t know, then I will Let you see what is the so-called Divine Technique!”

“Yun Bufan, your innate talent can be said to be any cultivation technique. It’s all about learning. Let me see today. For this Divine Technique, are you also learning this way!” Flash, wave your hands, a path of purple light keeps on!

“Double Dragon Dance!” The world burned and snorted, and the hands were suddenly filled with purple mist. The purple mist emerged and gathered together to form two purple dragons. The two purple dragons suddenly flew up, and the two purple dragons continued to hover. Then it has grown bigger!

“weng!” “weng!” purple rays of light flashed, the two purple little dragon bodies emerged instantly, the purple dragon appeared in the body of two pure dragon soul, the purple dragon soul turned out to be alive, even Just like a real soul!

“You see it too? Divine Technique, as the name implies, there is a real soul in this Divine Technique, so this is called the Divine Technique!” The burning eyes glanced at Yun Bufan. A touch of opening!

At the moment when the potterly bell was barely fell, the two purple dragons suddenly flew toward Yun Bufan and the silver moon. The two purple dragons suddenly rose, the powerful momentum, the powerful Longwei, Suddenly, Yun Bufan and Silver Moon felt a huge pressure!

“Divine Technique!” Yun Bufan looked at the world with amazement. The Divid Technique’s formidable power was beyond his expectations. The Divine Technique is too powerful and powerful. Bufan has a feeling of fear from the bottom of my heart!

“Silver Moon, Star Baohe!” Yun Bufan whispered to Silver Moon, Yun Bufan himself also appeared in the colorful rays of light, nine Divine Artifacts emerged, and nine Divine Artifact suspended in Yun Bufan Behind him, a ray of light continues to flash!

The sound of the wolf howling in Silver Moon is equally sound. In the back of the silver moon, among the stars in the Baohe River, the hundred thousand heavenly God Artifact ray at the same time, the silver moon looks at the burning world, a roar, the star treasure The river directly attacked one of the purple dragons!

“The way of the overlord!” Yun Bufan whispered, the nine Divine Artifact direct rays of light skyrocketed, one after another rushed toward the first purple dragon, the nine Divine Artifact all at once and the purple dragon suddenly collision!

“hong long long!” The sound of the roaring explosion continued to rise. The nine Divine Artifacts continually collided with the Purple Dragon. The purple dragon suddenly rose and the eyes burned, whispered, and the Diamond Axe suddenly went straight. Was flying out!

The purple halo is filled, the world is deeply exhaled, and the purple mist of the body is constantly pouring into the purple dragon. The purple dragon suddenly rises in the purple light, and the burning of the world slowly opens the mouth and said: The absolute gap, you can’t make up for it anyway!”

“Broken!” The burning light of the world flashed, whispered, among the purple dragons, the purple rays of light instantly surged, and a roaring explosion suddenly sounded, and the world’s palms were shot, and Yun Bufan’s other Divine Artifact was suddenly shaken all the time!

“pu!” Yun Bufan The whole person suddenly vomited blood and flew out. Yun Bufan’s entire body was blown up. Yun Bufan looked straight into the world, burning purple rays of light in the eyes, watching Yun Bufan coldly smiled Step by step, the whole person suddenly came to Yun Bufan!

“Times are long, time is slowing down!” Yun Bufan saw this scene, his eyes flickered and whispered, and a silver white rays of light skyrocketed behind him. A silver white time suddenly emerged, and the world burned in the past!

“weng!” white light shrouded, burning in the moment appeared in the long river of time, time and light ray of light flashing, burning eyes stunned: “Time is long, you know how to seize the opportunity, but the time slows down And I can’t break my attack like this!”

“In the long river of time, you can never catch up with me, time is accelerating!” Yun Bufan whispered, Yun Bufan’s silhouette suddenly turned into a path of nine-colored silhouette, smashed out around, and then appeared a path directly Of nine color silhouette!

The colorful rays of light flashed, the nine-colored silhouette emerged, the silhouette emerged, and the direct burning of the world was directly surrounded. The burning world stared straight at Yun Bufan, and the burning silhouette directly exploded, falling in the purple dragon. On, quietly watching Yun Bufan!

At the same time, the silver moon’s star Baohe also collided with another purple Divine Dragon, among the stars in the Baohe River, the hunting thousand heavenly God Artifact and the rays of light flashed, the star Baohe, and the purple dragon also Crashly hit together!

“weng!” white light slams, the star Baohe suddenly burst into a powerful terror, although there are hundreds of thousands of Heavenly God Artifact in the Star River, but the Silver Moon can really use tens of thousands of Heavenly God Artifact Power only!

“Give me a burst!” Silver Moon whispered, “hong long long!” A burst of roaring sounds suddenly rang, and the Star Baohe and Purple Dragons confronted each other, and the Purple Dragon suddenly burst into flames and burned. Shi suddenly turned around and looked at the silver moon!

“The mutated silver moon dragon!” The eyes of the burning world shimmered, the cold light flashed in the eyes of the silver moon, and the white rays of light flashed from the body, staring at the burning world, and a strong murderous aura continued from the silver moon. Emerge!

“You dare to deal with my father, Break for me!, shattered!” Silver Moon whispered, behind the silver moon, the stars Baohe rays of light instantly skyrocketed, among the stars Baohe,hundred thousand Heavenly God Artifact power The front is close to 10,000 Heavenly God Artifact and the rays of light are flashing!

“hong long!” is another roaring sound. And the silver moon’s star Baohe and the purple dragon collided, and the purple dragon suddenly trembled. The eyes of the burning world suddenly showed amazement: “Xingchen Baohe, a good star.” Baohe, really worthy of it is one of the most terrifying attack weapons of Taikoo!”

“Stars Baohe!” The world was deeply exhaled, the purple light flashed in the eyes, and the dragon ball was trapped by the Azure Dragon. In the hands, there was no more Divine Artifact, and the world looked up and looked at the arrogant. Shook the head : “Azure Dragon, is it true that the offspring of Dragon Race are really better suited to Dragon Race?”

“Hong Meng Purple Qi!” The eyes of the ray of light flashed, whispered, and a burst of purple mist spread out and spread directly to the surrounding, and then the purple dragon with the opposite side of the silver moon. The body !

“weng! ” “weng! “purple rays of light flashed, the power of a piece of Hong Qi Purple Qi broke out instantly, the body of the Purple Dragon continued to swell up, and the silver moon flashed, watching the ever-expanding purple Xiaolong, Silver Moon whispered: “Star Baohe, Divine Artifact blast!”

“bang!” “bang!” “bang!” There were dozens of Heavenly God Artifacts that suddenly flew out of the stars and then surrounded the purple Divine Dragon, under the low moon of Silver Moon. , a piece of Heavenly God Artifact suddenly exploded!

Dozens of Heavenly God Artifact’s self-destruction suddenly caused the purple dragon to slam directly, and the silver moon eyes were full of fierce colors: “The comet is falling, give me away!”

“weng!” white rays of light gleam, in the midair, silver white power constantly emerges, in the air, strength of Star is also a gathering of a comet, the momentum is extremely powerful, white comet, in an instant Falling down to the purple dragon fiercely!

“Come back!” Seeing the comet of Silver Moon, the purple light flashed in the eyes of the burning world, watching the silver moon whisper, before the silver moon, the purple dragon was directly burned to the scene and called back, those purple dragons instantly Into the body of the burning world!

Silver Moon discovered that the Purple Dragon disappeared, and he couldn’t help but look at it in the direction of burning the world. His eyes were full of fierce colors. Silver Moon suddenly snarled and the white comet gathered at the top of Silver Moon was directly burned. Direction fiercely fell!

“The good coming, the variation of the silver moon Sirius, it is really extraordinary!” The burning world turned out to be a little excited!

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