Six hundredth 70 seven chapters to kill the black bear king

“Not good!” Black Bear King saw Yun Bufan grabbed the black long needle and suddenly complex changed greatly: “Bastard, bastard, he is going to, he is going to take my needle, if it is really him Take away, the alliance lord will not light me!”

“Yun Bufan, let go of the gods!” The black bear screamed angrily, and his body burst into black rays of light. Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed cold, said with a sneer: “With the power of your soul, still want Stop me? Joke!”

“bang!” Yun Bufan’s colorful ray of light flashed, the power of the huge soul suddenly poured into the needle, “Hey!” In the needle, the soul seal of the black bear king was suddenly removed. The black bear king suddenly roared!

“Yun Bufan, leaving a pinch!” The Black Bear King angered and snarled, staring at Yun Bufan, his eyes filled with killing intent and madness, Yun Bufan coldly smiled: “Leave a pinch? Black Bear King, today You can’t get it, it’s you, don’t want to leave alive!”

“What?” The black bear king was shocked. At this time, he remembered the horrible strength of Yun Bufan. The light flashed in his eyes. If it was because he burned the power of that many souls, how could Yun Bufan break his sword? The soul mark in the middle!

“Bastard, if the needle is taken away by him, then there is no way for the adults to tell, but in this case, if I don’t escape, I am afraid that it will fall here!” The black bear Wang blinked, but his heart was already Cute retreat!

“Want to run?” Yun Bufan coldly smiled, the nine colorful rays of light skyrocketed, the huge hegemonic momentum directly pressed against the black bear king: “Black Bear King, you want to run now? It is already late, suffer!”

“weng!” The colorful ray of light flashed, the horrible domineering momentum, pressed directly toward the black bear king, an incomparable gigantic’s sword glow skyrocketed, the black bear king suddenly changed his face: “Not good, he wants to kill me , bastard!”

“Hey!” The black bear king gnawed his teeth and drunk, and a black mist filled his body. “hu!” The black bear king suddenly disappeared out of thin air: “Yun Bufan, wait, alliance lord will not let you go, you will die!” ”

After the black bear king burned 70% soul power, it now burns 20% soul power to display martial arts. Today, the black bear king, at most, only one percent of the soul power, can be said to be weak!

Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed, and Tsing Yi couldn’t help but ask: “The Master of Clouds, as far as I know, do you have the ability to arrange an enchantment? Why should he let him go?”

“Tsing Yi, I ask you, do you know where your sages are? The Black Bear King is not the most important, the most important thing is the alliance lord of your sages and Shuntian League!” Yun Bufan looked straight at Tsing Yi, Tsing Yi Suddenly startedled, then smiled: “I really don’t know where the sage is!”

“So, when I took the needle, I also placed a secret prohibition on him. You don’t know, only he knows, kill him, how can I find the alliance lord of Shuntian League, if you respect What happened to the accident, all of this will be turned into a bubble, your spiritual treasure cabinet can not change the fate of being controlled!”

Yun Bufan blinked and shouted. Tsing Yi suddenly thanked me: “It turned out that my eyes were short-sighted. Yunxing Lord, my spiritual treasure cabinet owes you a big favor. Please help us!”

“You don’t need to worry about this, you should pay attention to that Hong Liu!” Yun Bufan is a flash, leaving directly, while Tsing Yi is a gloomy face, gnashing teeth said: “Hong Liu, Hong Liu, this traitor, you Elder, please Speed ​​up to catch the Hongliu, he should go to Nine Heavens now!”

“Yes!” The six Great Elders who were not hurt were respectfully complied, and they retreated. Tsing Yi has already demonstrated his strength, so he will certainly be the guardian of the spiritual treasure, and he will not be able to continue to serve as the first treasure. !

“He Lin, look up the gods and see where the black bear ran!” Yun Bufan in the air, the Immortal Mansion rays of light flashed, directly calling He Lin, he banned the fart, completely Lin’s knowledge can definitely detect the existence of the black bear king, because when he was in the war, He Lin’s power was secretly attached to the black bear king!

“Yes!” He Lin closed his eyes, and the vast gods spread out to the whole Baoxing. For a quarter of an hour, half an hour, until an hour, He Lin opened his eyes, but his face appeared. color!

“What? Can’t you find the black bear king?” Yun Bufan saw He Lin so expression, could not help brows frowned, Shen Sheng asked!

“No! I found it!” He Lin shook the head, then hesitated opened the mouth and said: “Young Master, I also sensed the soul of a powerhouse!”

“The soul of the powerhouse?” Yun Bufan gave a slight glimpse and then asked with amazement: “How strong?”

“God level!” He Lin took a deep breath, Yun Bufan suddenly stared wide-eyed, a face of disbelief, He Lin suddenly with a bitter smile: “God level, true god level breath, and is The soul is not knowing what the real strength of the other party is!”

“God level?” Yun Bufan exhaled, Shen Sheng asked: “He Lin, you said that the other side is only the soul into the god level, or even its own strength has entered the god level?”

“Unsure!” He Lin shook the head, then Shen Sheng opened the mouth and said: “The other party may be under the robbing of the gods, the soul and the flesh escape at the same time, but because the soul passes the tempering of the gods, it is turned into a soul It is also possible that the other party, whether it is the soul or the body, has reached the level of God!”

“Young Master, do you want to see?” He Lin looked at Yun Bufan and asked with a deep voice!

“Go! Go, you are guiding, I think, I should know who the god-level powerhouse is, so that is really not known to us for it fortune or misfortune!” Yun Bufan whispered, Then looked at He Lin, He Lin nodded, flying fast in front!

In less than a moment, they stopped at a huge great hall, but Yun Bufan was stunned: “Spiritual treasure Pavilion great hall? How come here?”

“He Lin, are you sure, is this?” Yun Bufan couldn’t believe it. This is the base of the spiritual treasure cabinet. He Lin is heavily nodded: “I am sure that the other party is in the secret room of 3-Layer. And the entrance to this chamber is very simple, you can break it directly, or you can go in from the entrance!”

“Go in from the entrance!” Yun Bufan was slightly exhaled, and his eyes flashed: “Go, let’s go in and see!”

“Yes!” He Lin respectfully complied, and then lurked in the direction of the entrance directly. What makes Yun Bufan feel weird is that the entire spiritual treasure hall seems to be no one. Yun Bufan can’t help but frown: “This spiritual treasure Why are the people in the pavilion missing?”

“Young Master, be careful, we can see each other right away!” He Lin whispered in front of the sound transmission, Yun Bufan gave a slight glimpse, slightly nodded!

“alliance lord!” Suddenly, a low voice was introduced into Yun Bufan’s ear, and Yun Bufan stopped with He Lin at the same time. This is the voice of the Black Bear King!

“Black bear, are you injured?” A fluttering sound sounded, Yun Bufan’s body shook, this voice, he was too familiar, Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed, his heart whispered: “It really is him!”

“alliance lord, the subordinates are not doing things well, you confessed to the matter, the subordinates have done it!” The black bear king respectfully opened, the voice was low and hoarse, and even some hard work!

“Oh? Burned 90% soul, that Tsing Yi, is it so difficult to deal with?” There was a hint of surprise in the light voice. The black bear smiled and said: “Yes, the strength of Tsing Yi is completely beyond our expectation. Besides, he is also Demi-God!”

“Demi-God?” The alliance lord is faintly opened the mouth and said: “With your strength, your innate talent plus the needle I gave you and Black Iron Rod, how can Tsingyi be your opponent? What?”

“No!” The black bear shook the head, Shen Sheng opened the mouth and said : “alliance lord, we all underestimated Tsing Yi, he has a life summon beast, and this life summon beast is a plant type Divine Beast, and It is also the Divine Beast of Wood Attribute, and his tacit understanding is to achieve the integration of human and animal. The most important thing is that he cultivates the god of the gods, and may even be the god of the gods!”

“God gods? God gods? Plant Divine Beast?” The alliance lord was slightly surprised, then slowly said: “It is indeed possible to force you to make the best, but you have a pumping needle, even if he cultivates vitality. The huge force of wood, and you should also be the bone suffer suffer, he also lost 90% soul power at this time?”

“If you follow the alliance lord’s conjecture, the subordinates will really suffer from his bore suffer, but at the last minute, there is a person who not only took away his subordinates, but also instantly killed his subordinates. Thirteen scabbard devils, under one sword, ten scabbard demons are all killed!”

The black bear king smiled openly, and the alliance lord suddenly surprised: “So strong, I am afraid it is also Demi-God Peak, is there any hidden powerhouse in the spiritual treasure cabinet?”

“alliance lord, that person, he is Yun Bufan!” The black bear king smiled openly, and there was still a trace of disbelief in the voice. The alliance lord suddenly silenced for a while, then whispered: “Black bear, black bear, you are really doing things.” Let me down!”

The black bear king suddenly fell to the ground, his body trembled: “alliance lord, please analyze lord!”

“that’s all, what do you say is also the elite of my demon family. In this Immortal World, I can only use you, you first retreat to one side, my soul communicates with you, the loss is too big, I can’t suppress it. The stubborn guy, you are waiting outside!” The sound of the alliance lord slowly disappeared, and the black bear suddenly breathed and sat on the ground!

However, in an instant, he suddenly had a burst of colorful rays of light, and the black bear king starred wide-eyed, looking at the silhouette in front of him, dare not believe in muttered: “Yun Bufan?”

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