Six hundredth 70 six chapters to win the treasure

“Yun Bufan!” Tsing Yi was also amazed, and then a relaxed smile appeared on his face. Yun Bufan killed the other party a black robe geek, apparently his own helper, not the enemy!

“Bastard, it’s you, it’s you!” Black Bear King looked at Yun Bufan and roared angrily. Every time, almost every good thing was destroyed by Yun Bufan. Even Xiong Wang and Crab Yedo died in his hand. On, the crab Yedo, the black bear king did not care, but Xiong Wang is his clansman, but his descendants!

“Black bear king, long time no see, can you still remember that poisonous bead?” Yun Bufan lightly said with a smile, the poisonous pearl, was taken by Mo Qilin, said that it was cultivated bamboo leaves, and did not know What method did Mo Qilin use to cultivate, and Zhu Yeqing has not yet awakened until now!

“Wan poison beads!” The black bear king suddenly became more angry, and Tsing Yi suddenly smiled: “It seems that this Yun Bufan and the black bear king have had a holiday, so better, so better!”

“Tinglin Pavilion Lord, it seems that your spiritual treasure is not good now. I helped the spiritual treasure cabinet. I don’t know how to repay the spiritual treasure.” Yun Bufan suddenly turned and smiled at Tsing Yi. Ask!

“en?” Tsing Yi complexion changed, then looked at Yun Bufan solemnly opened the mouth and said: “The help of Yunxing Master, my spiritual treasure cabinet is in my heart, I also know the meaning of the Yunxing Lord, if it is the main star of Yunxing My spiritual treasure has survived this crisis, then my spiritual treasure cabinet will be the Life and Death Alliance of the Cloud Star!”

“Okay, very good!” Yun Bufan smiled, then looked at the other twelve black robe geeks, and said with a smile: “Black Bear King, the demon Lord seems to have a method, even the scabbard demon The king can save thirteen, but he does not know the scabbard demon in the abyss of hell. How many more did he save?”

“How do you know?” The face of the black bear has changed, the scabbard demon and the abyss of hell can be top secret, Yun Bufan faint with a smile: “Nothing is what I don’t know, and I also know that this scabbard demon The weakness is in the red dot of the chest!”

“xiu!” “bang!” A sword stabbed, and a black robe geek crashed, Yun Bufan haha ​​laughed: “hahaha, hide what, scabbard demon, is it afraid that others know your weaknesses? Also, You have almost no weaknesses, impervious to sword or spear, Divine Artifact can’t hurt, but your weaknesses are also the most obvious and deadly!”

“Just give me a blast!” Yun Bufan snorted, a burst of colorful rays of light flashed, eleven black robe burst into tears, revealing eleven scabbard demons, the other six Great Elder saw When the scabbard demon looks like, it is also a surprise!

“The monster in the Secret Realm!” Tsing Yi is also brows frowned, Yun Bufan laughed: “Remember, attack their weaknesses, the red dot on the chest, one hit, they will die, Tsing Yi, the black bear king can I have given it to you, these scabbard demons, let me solve it!”

“bang!” Yun Bufan broke out with a powerful momentum. Tsing Yi was a happy one and was loudly shouted: “Good!”

“Black Bear King, now I have to see what other methods you have, Qing Yan, give me a draw, pump!” Tsing Yi body dark green rays of light skyrocketing, the black bear king suddenly madly roared: “Yun Bufan, alliance Lord will kill you!”

“weng!” A burst of black rays of light flashed, a long black needle appeared in the hands of the black bear king, black bear princess said with a malicious smile: “take my strength? Then see who is who of!”

“weng!” The black long needle suddenly pierced the dark green long needles in Tsing Yi. The black light and the dark green rays of light suddenly flashed. The Yin Bufan’s eyes flashed in the blink of an eye: “The black needle should It’s just taking the power of Nine Heavens, you have to grab it and see if it can help Nine Heavens restore strength, it’s naturally the best!”

Yun Bufan knows that once Tsing Yi’s strength is exposed, I am afraid that I will not be able to continue to be the first lord. The owner of this first treasure hall, Nine Heavens, naturally has the greatest chance, but only if he has to restore his original strength!

“No wonder, it is no wonder that this Tsing Yi has always been the head of the first treasure hall. No one can shake anything anyway!” Yun Bufan finally understood, can the big interest be greater than a Half-God Level other superpowerhouse? This is a real protector!

“bang!” A sword crossed, a scabbard demon directly smashed, with Yun Bufan’s current strength, they can destroy these scabbard demons, but he is not in a hurry, he has to wait, wait for a chance to seize The black long needle of the black bear king!

“bang!” “bang!” green rays of light and black rays of light exploded at the same time, Tsing Yi and Black Bear King are also complexion changed, Qingying eyes in the killing intent flash: “Good, very good, really is a baby, actually able to Resist the power of my Qingyan !!”

“Well, a good Qingyan, Tsing Yi, if I guess it is correct, are you a cultivation technique of a certain god? Is it even a cultivation technique?” Looking at Tsing Yi, I screamed!

Tsing Yi complexion changed, then faintly opened the mouth and said: “Black Bear King, do you want to inquire about my details? Do you think I might tell you?”

“You can’t guess if you don’t say it?” The black bear smiled and then coldly said: “Your Qingyan has no effect on me. I have to see what other methods you have!”

“weng!” Black Bear King’s black long needle suddenly rushed toward Tsing Yi, and the black bear king cold said with a sneer: “Tsing Yi, since I blocked your extraction, then you also receive my one move!”

“Chī!” For a moment, the long black needle pierced the mask of Tsing Yi, and the Tsing Yi complexion changed, whispered: “Qing Yan Yan’s Wanmu Body!”

“It’s useless, even if it’s huge vitality, I can still extract it!” Black bear king coldly smiled: “Tsing Yi, you should be honored, this is a godsick, it is an alkali lord carefully refined, and spent a lot of effort, It’s my strength and I don’t dare to use it because the cost is too big!”

“But, if you can pump your strength, the reward of the alkali lord can definitely restore me to the state of Peak, and maybe even breakthrough, and then make a breakthrough, and fly with the alliance lord to God World!” The eyes of the Black Bear King are full of excitement. The blood continually sheds from his mouth, and he seems to have no feeling at all!

“Crazy, this black bear king is completely a madman!” Tsing Yi’s heart was secretly anxious. The power of this black long needle suppressed him, but Tsing Yi knew that the longer it was supported, the more the black bear king lost. Now, the black bear king is really backlash by this black, and it is also seriously injured!

“Not good!” Tsing Yi suddenly complex changed greatly changed: “This, what exactly is this Divine Artifact? How could it be so horrible?”

“Hey!” A strange sound sounded, and a dark hole in Tsing Yi’s dark green mask suddenly appeared, and this small hole was the small hole drilled by the black long needle. Tingyi gritted his teeth and whispered: Willow King, one person and one Liu, one endless cure!”

“weng! ” “weng! ” dark green rays of light skyrocketed, the small hole in the green mask slowly healed, “pu!” The black bear spurt blood came out, but the eyes were full of madness The expression, the black bear king madly roared: “Tsing Yi, you are resisting, but also in vain, the soul burns!”

The black bear king roared wildly, and a small flame suddenly appeared on the top of his head. The soul burned and turned out to be a burning soul. The black long needle’s formidable power suddenly rose by three points and continued to drill into it!

“This black bear king is already desperate, and actually burns the soul!” Yun Bufan blinked: “It is not the time, it is not the time. At this time, when the black bear king is the most Peak, if you rush to snatch it, it will be The black bear king’s counterattack is hurting!”

“What? Burning the soul?” Tsing Yi is complexion greatly changed: “this bastard, it seems that I am really prepared to put me to death!”

“Bastard, you can burn the soul, can’t I?” Tsing Yi crazy roar, his body dark green rays of light skyrocketing, the same flame appeared on his head: “Black Bear King, you cultivate is the power of darkness, I cultivated It’s the power of wood, and the huge vitality is enough to make me recover faster than you!”

“What?” The black bear king startedled, then snarled wildly: “Good, fight, then fight, see who fights who!”

“bang!” “bang!” The two Demi-God powerhouses actually put together the power of the soul to ignite spontaneously. The Yun Bufan on the side is secretly excited: “Pick it, fight it, the more you fight, the more I will The more chance!”

“Bastard, you give me death!” The black bear king screamed wildly. He found out, as Tsing Yi said, Tsing Yi is a wood force, and his enormous vitality is faster than he recovers. If he goes on, the black bear king It feels that even if your soul is burned out, the other party will consume 70% soul at most, and the other party can recover, and you are soul destroyed!

The black bear king suddenly increased the burning speed, a loud explosion, the horrible explosion sounded suddenly, Yun Bufan eyes shined, “Chī!” The black long needle broke through the green mask of Tsing Yi, Tsing Yi is also loudly shouts A burst of dark green rays of light skyrocketed and exploded!

The black long needle was suddenly shaken out, alongside Yun Bufan eyes shined: “This is the time!”

“Death, give me to die!” Yun Bufan’s nine colorful rays of light skyrocketed, roaring, the speed of the wind and thigh wings played to Peak, turned into a residual image, quickly in the remaining ten scabbards The devil has traveled through the past!

“bang!” “bang!” “bang!” A sound of explosions continued to sound, ten scabbard demons exploded for a moment, turned into smashing, and Yun Bufan took the opportunity to smash and directly grab the black long needle. past!

“What?” “How is it possible?” “His strength?” Everyone was shocked to see Yun Bufan, but Yun Bufan grabbed the black long needle!

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