Six hundredth 70 four chapters turned out to be him

“This black robe messenger is very hostile to me, but who is he? I also felt a bit familiar, but I just can’t remember who he really is!” Yun Bufan looks at this black robe messenger, brows Fraried, my heart secretly meditated!

“The strength of this black robed man is very horrible. I am not his opponent at all. Yun Bufan, you have to be careful. His strength is estimated to be similar to that of the black iron bear. My fairy baby is one by him. An eccentric magic weapon has been sucked in, and you have to pay attention to that magic weapon!” Nine Heavens’s low voice slowly sounded!

“It seems that he really wants to lay out to kill me!” Yun Bufan blinked in his eyes: “Nine Heavens, what about Hong Liu? Where can you know? And, the nobles of your spiritual treasure should be able to Fight off the black robe messenger?”

“Sigher!” Nine Heavens slightly paused, then slowly with a bitter smile: “This is also my strangest place, the spiritual treasure cabinet has changed so, but the sage has not appeared, if I guess it is good It is estimated that the Sayādaw should also be pinned down by a strong existence. Today, among the spiritual treasures, the strongest one should be the black robe messenger!”

“Your spiritual treasure cabinet, is it a Demi-God?” Yun Bufan is incredible. After all, any of the three emperors can have more than one Demi-God. Nine Heavens is slightly addicted, slowly said: “Perhaps, only Tsing Yi Can deal with the black robed man, but Tsing Yi, it is estimated that it is difficult to win!”

“Thangyi Pavilion Lord?” Yun Bufan gave a slight glimpse, then looked at Nine Heavens pondered then said: “Nine Heavens, you stayed here first, I went to the first treasure house in Tsing Yi to see if the other party really had to deal with it. Tsing Yi will definitely go to his house!”

“Then you be careful, I suspect that the strong horror behind the black robe messenger should also be in the spiritual treasure cabinet. It’s only half an hour for Daxian to give you a message. It’s definitely worth it. It’s just you, but you have to pay attention. Nine Heavens looked at Yun Bufan and slowly exhaled!

Yun Bufan is slightly nodded, and then slowly said: “You can rest assured, Daxian, you will stay here with Nine Heavens. If things are resolved, then those who are secretly monitoring you will not have one to live!”

Yun Bufan sneaked away and sneaked away. Nine Heavens whispered: “Hey, I hope Yun Bufan can help me with this spiritual treasure!”

“Master, you can, you can rest assured!” Psychic Daxian eyes filled with a firm expression, fiercely nodded, Nine Heavens stopped, also nodded, but not at all talking, but the heart is secretly sighed: “Is it sure? “Easier said than done!”

“This is the house of Tsing Yi!” Yun Bufan looked at the house that was nearly twice as big as Nine Heavens. He couldn’t help but sigh: “This is only a level difference. This treatment is almost twice the difference!” ”

“en? Strange? How come there is no one? It seems that something is really going wrong!” Yun Bufan sneaked into the mansion and found that there was no one, not even one of the next, and his heart was secretly vigilant!

“The main hall!” Yun Bufan’s gaze was locked on the main hall. There was a strong momentum coming out. There must be a lot of powerhouses, and Yun Bufan secretly lurked in the past: “This main hall Even if no one is guarding it, it is estimated that it is in the inside!”

“xiu!” Yun Bufan turned into a shadow, directly plunged into the beam, and then slowly lurked in the front toward the front, then in the middle of the main hall, could not help but stop: “Sure enough, that Black robe messenger, these people under his hand, it is also weird, each and everyone are shrouded in the black robe?”

“tsk tsk, Tsing Yi, how? Is it clear? I want to inform you of the spiritual treasure cabinet? If it is useless, he will not be able to come out!” The black robe messenger looked at Tsing tsk tsk and laughed. The sound is cold!

Beside Tsing Yi, there are only seven people, it is the Seven Great Elder, and the black robe messenger is surrounded by a whole black robe geek, and each one is powerful, Tsing Yi’s face is gloomy, even very ugly. And he is seven Great Elder on the side, but it is already a wound!

“Seven Elder, is his man so terrible?” Tsing Yi’s face was gloomy and whispered, “Elderly, solemnly: “Tsing Yi, be careful, absolutely more horrible than you think, my emperor Immortal Artifact, even Even the other’s body is not hurt, and the opponent’s attack is too strange, especially their knife, very terrible!”

Tsing Yi complexion slightly changed, Yuan Bufan hidden in the distance is staring at the thirteen brother black robe geek, Yun Bufan brows frowned: “Why, why do you have a familiar feeling? This black robe geek, who is it? ?”

“Why do I have a familiar feeling? Why is this?” Yun Bufan always couldn’t understand, these black robe geeks, where do you feel familiar?

“This black robe messenger, already a little impatient!” Yun Bufan stared at the past, the black robe messenger killing intent flashed: “Tsing Yi, I have given you a chance, since you don’t know how to choose, then I will Help you choose, give it to me!”

“hu!” “hu!” The thirteen brother black robe geeks directly surrounded the seven Great Elder, Tsing Yi complexion changed, he did not expect that the other party actually said that they started, black robe messenger strange with a smile : ” Tsing Yi, when your sages become the soul servants of my Patriarch, you will know how to surrender!”

“What?” Tsing Yi suddenly complexion changed, while the black robe messenger smashed away from Tsing Yi at this time, and took a shot to Tsing Yi, with a crazy terror, thick black fog, turned out to be dark Power, powerful and powerful power!

“Life!” “Wrapped!” Tsing Yi face dignified, shouted in a low voice, bursts of dark green rays of light slamming, countless dark green rays of light directly entangled, black robe messenger coldly smiled, “hong Long long!” The huge palm was shot!

“bang!” “Chī!” Numerous energy exploded, Yun Bufan is complexion greatly changed: “This palm, so familiar, why is it so familiar, he, he feels, it does not seem like human, such a horrible power, what exactly is it?”

“It turns out that you are not human!” The green light shattered, and Tsing Yi looked at the huge black palm indifferently. An azure willow branch suddenly appeared in the hands of Tsing Yi. Tsing Yi swept away and faintly said: “Go back!”

“bang!” The huge palm was directly touched by the willow branch, and it crashed back. The black robe messenger suddenly became amazed, then haha ​​mad with a smile: “hahaha, sure enough, good, pick me up again.” one strike!”

“bang!” A huge black iron rod slammed down, and Yun Bufan flashed a stunned look: “Is this iron stick, at least a few hundred pounds?”

“Do you think you can deal with me? Brutal force, it is ineffective to me, the blue wind willow willow willow open!” Tsing Yi faintly slammed open, countless wickers popped out, directly formed a huge round group, facing the thick The black iron bars greeted them!

“peng!” The black iron rod slammed up, but it was dragged by the dead, Tsing Yi said: “Give me back!”

“bang!” A loud explosion sounded loudly, and the black iron rod was suddenly shaken back. The black robed man’s body shook, and then the eyes flashed: “Well, a good Tsing Yi, your strength, I am afraid Is it enough to fly God World?”

“I didn’t expect you to be not bad!” Tsing Yi looked at the black robe messenger faintly, and there was a glimmer of surprise in his eyes, and at this moment, a fierce bombing sounded, the old seven among the seven Great Elders, the most powerful. The weak one was shaken out by fiercely!

Tsing Yi complexion changed : “seventh elder ?”

“haha, Tsing Yi, you still have to take care of yourself first, your strength, already qualified to let me take out all the strength, Tsing Yi, let it die!” The black robe messenger suddenly surged, a horrible black fog continued to permeate Out, an evil atmosphere suddenly spread throughout the main hall!

“The horrible momentum, his strength, is so terrible?” At this moment, Tsing Yi also looked dull and looked at the seventh elder who had been seriously injured. Tsing Yi suddenly looked anxious, but the black robe messenger kept staring at him. He has no choice but to help!

“bang!” The powerful black air wave erupted, and the black robe messenger shouted: “Remember, don’t kill the killer, give me serious injuries, just be careful of your knife!”

The thirteen silions suddenly trembled, but they didn’t speak. They could attack the other six Great Elders, but they were not as deadly as before. Tsing Yi was secretly relaxed, and the black robe messenger grinned: “Tsing Yi, I give You have a chance to try your best to fight with me. I have to see what your true strength is!”

“Then, come on!” Tsing Yi whispered, stepped out, countless dark green rays of light entangled, black robe messenger suddenly looked at him with interest, Tsing Yi suddenly coldly shouted, countless dark green wicker suddenly The body broke out!

“plant life?” black robe messenger complexion changed, Tsing Yi lightly opened the mouth and said: “Yes, plant life, but also my life summon beast, Wannian willow!”

“weng!” “Chī!” A burst of dark green rays of light flashed, a two-meter-high willow tree suddenly appeared next to Tsing Yi, emitting a horrible power, and it was also a Half-God Level!

“No wonder, no wonder you don’t fly, do you want to wait for it to completely change to the god level? If so, then I have to work hard, Tsing Yi, you are qualified to let me use all the power!” The black robe messenger suddenly fell A drink, black light on the body, the black robe suddenly burst, the whole body suddenly rose to the terrible height of ten meters!

“What? How is it possible? How could it be?” Yun Bufan, who has been in the distance, is stared wide-eyed, and his eyes are full of incredible expression: “Black Bear King, the black bear king of the poisonous swamp?”

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