Chapter 673 chapter spiritual treasure cabinet’s mutation

“Bastard, let him run away!” Seeing that the last blow did not kill Yun Bufan, Ye Hongchen could not help but roar, this time, not only the Spiritcloud Peak was saved by the other party, but also lost 30,000 Legion, General Pegasus and two ten-level Emperor Elder!

“Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan!” Ye Hongchen gnashing teeth, killing intent in the eyes slamming: “Wait, this account, I will count with you sooner or later, ah, my loss, close to one third loss!”

“Bastard, you must die, you must die!” Ye Hongchen snarled wildly, watching more and more people around him, he could not be coldly snorted, the eyes of the rays of light flashed, a flash, disappeared directly!

“It’s amazing, just the man, Yun Bufan?” “Yeah, giant dragon Legion, it’s terrible!” “In the Sword Emperor, the site of the Sword Emperor, killed the Pegasus General and the 30,000 Elder Guards, I was ran away, it was really amazing!” “This Yun Bufan is said to have extinguished the cold light and conquered the cold light star!”

After a battle, the name of Yun Bufan was completely rang in the entire Immortal World. After all, in addition to Yun Bufan, the history has been true. No one else!

“If it weren’t for Old Ancestor, they would sacrifice the tower of the gods, just rely on a Yun Bufan. How could it be so arrogant in my swordsmanship!” Ye Hongchen can naturally hear this voice, but the law does not blame the people, the people say It is a fact, what can you do!

“It seems that I finally ran away!” On a star field, Yun Bufan was slightly exhaled: “This leaf red morning’s Wan Jian locks the array is really horrible, but why did his old swords of the sword star not appear? What?”

The reason why Yun Bufan is so high-profile is that he wants to see the true strength of the Sword Emperor. But the other top masters are not there. This makes Yun Bufan very puzzled. In theory, he made it out. Big movements, they should not appear without it!

“There is definitely something urgent to hold them down!” Yun Bufan thought quietly, and then thanked Mo Qilin: “Ink girl, this time you thank you!”

Mo Qilin, who has returned to Immortal Mansion, is faintly opened the mouth and said: “When you die, this Immortal Mansion will be taken by Ye Hongchen. At that time, we are afraid that we are also dead end, so you don’t need to thank me, just I was surprised. I didn’t expect your growth rate to be so amazing. So soon it is already Demi-God strength!”

“Ink girl’s strength is improved faster!” Yun Bufan shook his head and smiled. Mo Qilin’s strength was indeed beyond his expectations. At this time, Mo Qilin was afraid that he had already surpassed the steel black bear!

“I am in your Immortal Mansion, the year is equal to sixty years, and you are outside, the cultivation speed is sixty times slower than me, no match!” Mo Qilin shook the head, faint opening!

Yun Bufan smiled calmly, and at this moment, a burst of dark green rays of light suddenly appeared, Yun Bufan brows frowned, a green jade slip appeared in the hands, the fairy Buddy, Yong Bufan complexion greatly changed: “It is psychic Daxian, how did he send me a message? The major event is not good? Is there anything wrong with the spiritual treasure?”

“Yes!” Yun Bufan suddenly burst into shock: “Nine Heavens has never contacted me, I haven’t contacted me yet, and I’m guessing what a major event might happen!”

“Would you like to go?” Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed, and Psychic Daxian sent him a message, only a few words: “A major event, come quickly!”

Yun Bufan knows that there must be a major event. Otherwise, Psychic Daxian will not be so anxious. Even when it is subpoenaed, it should be particularly concealed. Even the Psychic Daxian himself is being monitored. Maybe it is possible. This is For Yun Bufan, a bureau!

“A Ye Hongchen, his power has made me feel a lot of pressure. If I add the road and the dream, I am afraid that there is no chance of winning. Therefore, I must have allies and strong allies. This is spiritual. Treasure cabinet is a great choice!”

“If I can help Nine Heavens get the power of the spiritual treasure, then the help for me will be very big, completely able to withstand the attack of the Three Emperors, and there is also a glare like a tiger watching his prey, the Three Emperors also Don’t dare to be too hard!”

Yun Bufan thought of a series of pros and cons, and then she flashed her eyes: “Go and see, I don’t believe, they can clothe me to lead me, even Ye Hongchen’s Wan Sword array didn’t kill me, I I really don’t believe that there is something in the spiritual treasure cabinet that can deal with me!”

Yun Bufan suddenly changed direction and flew directly in the direction of Baoxing. On the way, he sent a message to Yang Zhengtian: “Yang big brother, I have something to do here, maybe I will go back later, cold. Light star will please you!”

“Bao Xing!” Yun Bufan deep took a deep breath, stepped in, and then a flash of light, directly into the crowd, the speed is fast, did not reach the essence of the Emperor realm can not find!

“If Baoxing has been monitored, then I have to be extra careful. There must be some spies hidden in it. First find the Psychic Daxian!” Yun Bufan thought secretly, but his feet were flashing at the foot. Into the most lively crowd!

“Go to the second treasure hall, but you have to sneak into it. If it is just, open and honorable, you must show the VIP order. In this case, the other party knows that I am coming, then I will fall into a passive situation!” Yun Bufan secretly Contemplative, then slowly lurking in the past towards the position of the second treasure hall!

Because Nine Heavens’ status has greatly improved, so the place of residence has also been changed to the second treasure hall, where the area is wider and the place is bigger, Yun Bufan has never been to!

Quietly sneaked into this second treasure hall, Yun Bufan found that it was not normal. The entire second treasure hall seemed to be completely supervised by people. Everyone was guarded everywhere. Yun Bufan thought about it: “There was someone who controlled Nine Heavens and Psychic Great Fairy!”

“hu!” Yun Bufan turned into a residual image, lurking directly into the innermost, with his current strength, unless it is a ten-level emperor, otherwise, no one can find him!

“The main hall, that Nine Heavens and the Psychic Daxian, should be in the main hall. The position of this monitoring is obviously centered on the main hall of monitoring. I will go and see!” Yun Bufan discovered that these people are important to monitor. The location of the surveillance is the central main hall of this house!

“Master, I have already notified Yun Bufan. I don’t know if he received the communication. Fortunately, I and he both left the soul mark of the psychic. Otherwise, I can’t give him a message!” The respectful voice sounded, and the outside Yun Bufan suddenly became a spirit, this is the voice of the Psychic Great Immortal!

Among the great halls, Psychic Daxian looked tired and looked at Nine Heavens in front of her eyes. The eyes were full of pain. Nine Heavens in front of her eyes, white hair and pale face, seemed to die at any time, his voice hoarsely said: “child, You have done stupid things, and now that the treasures, if he comes, he will definitely be discovered. At that time, I am afraid that you will be in danger!”

“Dangerous? Isn’t it dead?” Psychic Daxian smiled awkwardly: “Seeing the Master look like this, the discipline is powerless, but it’s better to die!”

“Noisy!” Nine Heavens angered and yelled: “I have never thought of dying for the teacher to become what I am now, but you, but keep saying that death is dead, like what?”

“Master, disciples got it wrong!” Psychic Daxian lowered his head and his eyes filled with tears. Nine Heavens closed his eyes and slowly sighed: “I don’t know how Tingyi is doing now, hey, and respect. The reason why the sages have not appeared yet, no longer appear, my spiritual treasure cabinet is really finished!”

“What happened in the end?” In the mind of Yun Bufan outside, I couldn’t help thinking about it. Looking at the dialogue between Nine Heavens and Psychic Daxian, it seems that something great happened, but Yun Bufan didn’t know, it happened. whats the matter!

“hu!” Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed into a shadow, suddenly appeared in the main hall, and among the main hall, both commander and Nine Heavens suddenly looked up. When they saw Yun Bufan, they were in the eyes. Suddenly a surprise expression!

Yun Bufan shook the head slightly, and the nine rays of light flashed. Seal heavens engulfed them in the enchantment. At this time, Yun Bufan was startedled. At this moment, he completely understood Nine Heavens. Look, can’t help but open the shocked opened mouth and said : “Nine Heavens, you?”

“Yes, I didn’t expect that I would become this look?” Nine Heavens smiled and shook the head, then sighed: “No, nothing, my strength is gone, how can I keep my appearance?” Well, maybe after a while, I will be the first old ten-level Emperor!”

“What? You, you were abolished?” Yun Bufan looked at Nine Heavens incredulously, and then a force poured into his within the body, then Yun Bufan body for a while, did not dare to channel: “No The fairy is still there, but the power inside Xianying has disappeared. What is going on?”

Yun Bufan was shocked to see Nine Heavens, Nine Heavens shook his head and smiled: “It’s useless, the power of my fairy baby has been drained!”

“Who did it?” Yun Bufan looked gloomy, screaming, killing intent flashing, Nine Heavens, but one of his biggest partners, if you lost Nine Heavens, Yun Bufan would be in great danger!

“It’s Hong Liu!” Nine Heavens faintly sighed, Yun Bufan was shocked: “Hong Liu? He has this ability?”

“It’s Hong Liu who doesn’t know when to make a black robed man from outside. This black robed man is extremely horrible. I didn’t have the power to fight back. He drained all the power of my fairy, but not at all. Maybe, just to lead you over!” Nine Heavens snorted and even showed the image of the black robed man to Yun Bufan!

Yun Bufan is killing intent in the eyes: “Is he? The so-called black robe messenger?”

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