The 624th chapter of the ancient gods open

“Really strong, really strong Soul Attack!” The retired ten-level Emperor old man looked shocked at He Lin, too strong, and the soul of the knife hit, so that he did not have the power to resist, directly put His soul is hurt!

“Duozizi, you still come out by yourself, your hand, don’t use it!” He Lin looked at the dustyly, and the dusty face came out solemnly, watching the ten-level fairy low Sound shouted: “What happened?”

“Soul Attack, Dao, his Soul Attack, too strong!” The tenth-level Emperor suddenly smiled, and the dust was slightly stunned. His eyes flashed a bit of dignity: “Soul Attack is very powerful?”

“Under the Yun Bufan’s hand, how can so many people be different!” Tao Chenzi secretly angry, but his face is quiet, looking straight at He Lin, plain open the mouth and said: “Since you Repel my subordinates, I will give you a chance, let’s do it!”

“hahaha, the road dust, then I will see how strong your so-called king is, how powerful your way!” He Lin laughed, Death God’s Scythe constantly waved, countless black blade glow directly The ray of the road is coming!

Daozi’s face was slightly condensed, and his body suddenly burst into a terrifying momentum. “hu!” “hu!” A Dao Talisman flew up from behind him, forming a huge strip of charm, directly in front of him!

“Ch墨! ” “Ch墨! ” The black blade glow directly hit the symbol, and the whole symbol provoked a burst of rays of light. He Lin鈥檚 eyes flashed, coldly snorted: “Tear me!”

“weng!” In this large blade glow, a long black knife with a black paint suddenly appeared, and it was the Death God’s Scythe, the dusty snorted behind the symbol: “This trick is to lie.” Have you? Give me back!”

“weng!” “weng!” This long-lasting symbol is abruptly golden light flashing, “pa!” “pa!” Constantly strikes He Lin’s Death God’s Scythe, Death God’s Scythe is slowly being shot When I came back, He Lin鈥檚 eyes flashed in the eye: 鈥淲ell, it鈥檚 a good dust, then pick me up again: Death is a ghost, and the offender is broken!鈥?/p>

He Lin whispered, “hu!” The death god shrouded in the black robe suddenly appeared. Once he grasped Death God’s Scythe, he immediately went down to the huge symbol of the dust, with a thick black paint. Fog and terrifying darkness!

The dust complexion changed, the darkness of the face, it is too strong, the dusty loudly shouts, the golden seal of the golden fly from his with the body, this big print is flying out, directly For the blade, spear, sword, halberd, the seven major Immortal Artifact, the seven Immortal Artifact are the Immortal Artifact, and the big print is the Immortal Artifact, the eight are united, the formidable power does not need Divine Artifact weak!

This golden big print and the seven emperor Immortal Artifact are attacking the past with death, and the promise is to try to suppress the death and directly press the god of death, “bang!” “bang!” bursts of frenzied bombing The sound continued to sound, and He Lin could not help but retreat seven steps before he stopped!

The road dust only retired three steps, and the golden seal also flew back to his hands. He Lin鈥檚 black light flashed and the black fog was thicker. At this time, the faint voice of Yun Bufan came over. “He Lin, don’t have to hurt yourself to kill him, you can, come back!”

Yun Bufan can naturally see that He Lin is definitely ready to use the soul of the soul, but when the soul is used, the damage to himself is too great. Yun Bufan does not want to let He Lin have a fight for the dust. Such a big loss, after all, the ancient gods will open!

The left and right of the soul is related to the strength of the person, the strength is weak, He Lin uses the soul to kill the smaller the loss, once the strength is strong, then the loss is greater, so He Lin rarely uses the soul of the soul, unless It will be used when you reach critical moment!

“hu!” He Lin鈥檚 attack suddenly stopped, but the dust was complicated. Later, listening to this meaning, it was obvious that Yun Bufan let He Lin leave his hand, and the dust suddenly looked at Yun Bufan with anger. Sound coldly said: “Yun Bufan, are you ready to do it yourself?”

Yun Bufan gave him a faint look, and his colorful rays of light loomed: “Since you think like this, I will play with you!”

鈥渨eng!鈥?Yun Bufan鈥檚 colorful ray of light flashed, Divine Sword rays of light flashed, and the dust was coldly snorted, and at this time, 鈥渂ang!鈥?the entire Nine-Tower Desert suddenly exploded. Everyone turned from horror, and even Yun Bufan and Tao Chenzi looked at the explosion in the wrong direction!

“hu!” Windstorm, wind and sandstorm actually rushed toward the ninth tower, the road dust is also complexion greatly changed: “windstorm, bastard, how can this windstorm happen to this peace of mind? Windstorm has been will not be assured of this Scratch, what is the windstorm this time?”

“Not good!” Yun Bufan complexion changed, whispered, then flew directly to the side of Little Wei and the others. The voice was said to open the mouth and said: “But remember, if the wind blows over, I will put You earn Immortal Mansion, don’t resist when you arrive!”

Little Wei and the others are nodded, Ye Hongchen and Meng Guxin also stand up at once, Xiong Wang and the others are also looking at the sandstorm, the sandstorm, the most terrifying power of nature, at this moment, everyone Involuntarily united to deal with the sandstorm!

Yun Bufan also stood by the dusty side of the road, looking straight at the windstorm that swept away, his face was dignified, and the dust suddenly said: “Everyone, the wind and sand are coming, I don鈥檛 know if there will be any ancient gods.” What influence, here, my path to the dust, the personal grievances first put aside, to cope with this storm, how do you see?”

“To cope with the sandstorm?” Xiong Wang looked at the sandstorm that had swept through the seventh tower. “Daohuang, you are talking about how we should join hands to resist this sandstorm. I am afraid that you are empathy and are involved.” Among them, it must be dead, no doubt? Are you ready to resist?”

“It is impossible for a person to resist, but if all of us are shot together, then I am afraid it may not be!” Daozi looked at Xiong Wang faintly, slowly said: “I am a mountain lineage, there is a Defending Formation This Defending Formation has a feature that the stronger the power, the stronger the formation array!”

“As long as the formation array is strong enough, it is not impossible to block this sandstorm. It may even block the windstorm, so I hope that when I arrange the formation array, everyone can work together to force the power. Enter it and jointly resist the invasion of sandstorms!”

The road dust looked around and then opened the mouth and said: “I believe that everyone wants to enter the ancient gods, and I don’t want any trouble? I have raised the opinion. As for the promise, I will see you. It!”

The Taozizi no longer spoke, looking straight at the wind and sandstorm that was getting closer and closer. Xiong Wang, Peng Wang, Yu Wang and Crab Yedu looked at each other. The four were nodded, and Xiong Wang Shensheng opened the mouth and said : “If your formation array really resists sandstorms, then we four promise to work with you!”

“Reassured, the formation array is finished, I will block it at the front. If it can’t stop, the one that will be the first to fly out will only be me!” The road dust looked at Xiong Wang with a faint look, and then opened his mouth!

“Okay, this thing, we also agreed!” Ye Hongchen and Meng Lianxin looked at each other, also nodded, Qingdi, Jinyan and Yang Zhengtian three people also suddenly nodded, cold light and Hongliu naturally will not Oppose, now, the powerful group, there is only the Yun Bufan side!

Everyone looked at Yun Bufan, and Yun Bufan smiled indifferently: “I naturally don’t have any opinions. Do you have a speed? You can see the speed of this storm, I don’t know the speed of your deployment. It鈥檚 not coming!鈥?/p>

The road dust is only relaxed, said solemnly: “Since everyone has promised, then I hope that everyone will not cause any changes in the middle. If anyone starts first, then he is the common enemy of all people. As for the time I arranged, Yunxing Please rest assured that the Lord is!”

The road dust suddenly spurred out 81, which is not a fairy stone, but a pure fairy crystal. It contains a direct Power of Immortal Spirit instead of the Qi of Immortal Spirit. There is a strong Power of Immortal Spirit!

The road dust loudly shouts, the golden light flashed, the golden big print flew directly from his with the body, turned into the seven Immortal Artifact, the road dust whispered: “Seven square defense, get up!”

“weng!” “weng!” Seven Immortal Artifact Amazing rays of light flashing, powerful momentum erupted, “Ch墨!” “Ch墨!” A transparent energy light curtain, suddenly appeared in front of the dust, The road dust said: “Put the power into the light curtain. In this case, the light curtain will become stronger and stronger, and it can better resist the sandstorm!”

Everyone is looking at each other in dismay, no one wants to get started first, and the dust is not complicatedion sank: “If you don’t do it anymore, then the sandstorm will come over, we can hide into the sand barrier, but don’t forget the Teleportation. Formation, sandstorm is afraid of sand barrier, but it is not afraid of Teleportation Formation!”

Everyone is shocked. Indeed, sandstorms do not harm the sand barrier. They can hide into the sand barrier. But if they enter the Land of Extreme West’s Teleportation Formation and are destroyed, they can’t enter the ancient gods!

鈥渨eng!鈥?Suddenly, the entire Teleportation Formation suddenly rayed up, 鈥淐h墨!鈥?鈥淐h墨!鈥?A person closer to the Teleportation Formation was swept in and disappeared!

Nine Heavens on the side suddenly rejoiced: “The ancient gods, open!”

Yun Bufan glimpsed, and at this time, a large group of people swept away from the Teleportation Formation of the ancient gods and disappeared directly into the Teleportation Formation. Under this circumstance, the face of the dusty face was dripping with water, wasting eight Do not say eleven fairy crystals, but also wasted so much power!

The ancient gods, actually opened at this time!

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