Six hundred twenty three chapters of Yun Bufan’s provocation

“Young Master, the strength of this crab Yedo seems to have increased a lot, but Young Master, I don’t feel the power of the soul of the Lord of the Devil, who seems to have disappeared from the air!” Linbrows frowned, looking straight at Yun Bufan, wondering!

“The soul of the demon Lord has disappeared?” Yun Bufan was also startled, then looked cold, and looked at his crab Yedoly smiled, not paying attention to it, Crab Yedo, he did not put him in the eye now. Even today’s Crab Yedo is the point of the 10th Emperor!

In the eyes of Crab Yedo, the killing intent has skyrocketed. If it is not a safe area, I am afraid that the crab Yedo will directly work with Yun Bufan. The Xiong Wang on the side seems to feel the killing intent of the crab Yedo, not by the browser frowned, indifferently said :” The second child, what kind of grievances, go into the ancient gods and say, this is a safe area!”

“Yes, big brother!” Crazy Yedo was deeply exhaled, and he was very respectful to the bear king, but this title was the attention of everyone: “big brother? second child?”

“haha, the road dust, the days when the ancient gods were opened, I am afraid that it will take a few more days. Otherwise, you will move the position and give us the four vacancies of the brother? This is closer to the ancient gods, but the more Going in early, the greater the chance!” Xiong Wang looked at the dust and laughed, and the eyes flashed!

Everyone was shocked and looked at Xiong Wang with amazement. The meaning of Xiong Wang’s words is undoubtedly a provocation. It is very straightforward to tell the dust: “This ancient god domain is still open for a few days. It is better to play with both of us. !”

In the eyes of the dust, the light flashed in the eyes, and he looked straight at the bear king with a smile: “Xiongwang, the place where my dust is not allowed, let alone the ancient gods, the sooner the better, the better. You know in your heart, if you want to wait here, then feel free to find a place!”

“Oh? Feel free to find a place?” Xiong Wang looked thoughtfully in a circle, then grinned at the dust of the road: “Dust, or you can help me find a place, you are the first to come here, you are Talk about which place is better?”

“Which place?” The dusty eyes turned, said with a smile: “The star star is good for their place, just don’t know if you have the ability to let the cloud star and the others move!”

“Oh? Yunxing Lord?” Xiong Wang couldn’t help but look at Yun Bufan’s direction. Then he had a faint smile on his face and slowly walked over to Yun Bufan and the others. Yun Bufan suddenly stood up. Little Wei, He Lin, Nine Heavens, Bai Xiaosheng and Xianglai Tian also stood up and followed Yun Bufan!

Yun Bufan slowly walked over to the bear king, the bear king eyes shined, just want to speak, Yun Bufan actually bypassed him directly, but walked to the front of the dust, the eyes of the dusty eyes flashed a trace of confusion, Yun Bufan looked at the dust indifferently said: “The road dust, you look at this position, you change places!”

Suddenly, everyone was stunned and looked at Yun Bufan erroneously. Xiong Wang wanted to find trouble. This was the way to find the dust. The dust was cleverly led to Yun Bufan, who was ready to go to Yun. Bufan’s troubles, who knows Yun Bufan actually went straight to the dust!

Everyone was interested in watching Yun Bufan and Tao Chenzi. Even Ye Hongchen and Meng Guxin were like watching a good show. Daozi complexion changed. He was not a fool. He also guessed that he was sure to be owning. Trouble to others, angered Yun Bufan!

Daozi looked straight at Yun Bufan, coldly smiled: “Yun Bufan, you can only see you as a Yunxing master. You don’t have to take a shot. You look at my position? OK, have ability, you let me Leave?”

“The safe area is not allowed to do it!” Yun Bufan silently nodded, and then said to Little Wei and the others: “This place is good, we will barely squeeze with the emperor, come, everyone will sit down, the safe area is not allowed to do it. , nothing!”

Yun Bufan actually sat down on the knees, Little Wei snuggled up beside him, He Lin and the others were laughed, and sat down. Xiong Wang looked at the dust and laughed. “I also like it.” In your place, since you don’t mind the cloud star masters, don’t you care about the four of us coming together to squeeze?”

The eyes of the road are full of anger, burning in anger, watching Yun Bufan, but the rules of the safe area are not set by them, and it is impossible for them to destroy their own rules!

“Yun Bufan, are you provocative?” The voice of the dusty voice was low and hoarse, and the anger of the heart was pressed. Yun Bufan couldn’t help but smile: “How about provocation? You are the emperor in the Taoist field, but here. What is the difference between you and a dog in my eyes?”

“Bastard!” The dust suddenly snarled, and the clothes were windless and automatic. Looking at Yun Bufan’s eyes, his anger was burning. He was a dusty man. As a Taoist, who dared to insult him, not only the dust, Ye Hongchen and The dream is also stunned, and Yun Bufan’s words are undoubtedly the most direct slap in the face!

As the one of the Three Sovereigns, the Dust is a high-ranking person. If you are not angry with such insults, it is really strange. Daozi is staring at Yun Bufan, his teeth cold: “Yun Bufan, If you have the courage, give me a safe area!”

“hu!” The dust of the road swept away and went straight out of the safe area. After the dusty body, there were three white haired old man. The three old men, also advanced, are the ten-level Xiandi strength. Righteously fiercely staring at Yun Bufan!

This ancient god domain, Daohuangshan can also be said to have sent nearly half of the strength, four ten-level Emperor, plus an unknown old man, and the old man is not at all at this time, even followed Ye Hongchen and the dream-hearted middle-aged man are also not here with the demon young men. The three of them seem to have disappeared from the auction floor!

“Yun Bufan, if you have the courage, come out and hide there like a coward, dare to yell in front of me?” Daozi is outside the safe area, staring at Yun Bufan, his eyes are red. Angry, very low-pitched!

“You, don’t deserve to fight with me!” Yun Bufan faintly glanced at the dust, and the voice of the dust suddenly seemed to be mad, and several times he couldn’t help but directly shot, He Lin was laughing heartily at this time. Get up: “Dao Chenzi, you claim to be the emperor, the strength is good, the tenth level of the Emperor of the Emperor, just because of you, not qualified to let my family Young Master!”

“I also want to see, the so-called Dao Huang, what strength is there!” He Lin, a flash, appeared on the opposite side of the road, smiling at the dust: “It is not difficult to think of my family Master Master. I won’t win, and under my Young Master’s hand, my strength can only be ranked third. If you can’t even win, then what qualifications are there to find my family Young Master?”

“Bastard!” The dust suddenly snarled, and Yun Bufan and He Lin’s move was undoubtedly a direct contempt for the dust. The Taozi just wanted to talk. The three old men he brought, one of them. Standing up, flying directly to the Taoist side, respectfully said: “Dao Huang, this person does not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth, let me teach him lessons!”

This person is also a ten-level master of the Emperor of the Emperor, and a level of Taoist, can be in the high position of the Tao, there should be some secret and trump card, the road dust looked at this old man, then Exhaled, nodded: “Don’t keep it!”

He Lin blinked and looked at the dusty voice and said: “Dao Chenzi, you have an Old Tortoise, you have no ability, just look for someone to fool me, this kind of goods are also dare to send out, you can do it. Some waste?”

“Kids, courting death!” The Taozi did not speak, and the sudden appearance of the ten-level Emperor old man was extremely angry, roaring, and the golden light flashed on his body, turned out to be the power of cultivation, a shot, directly He Lin stabbed the past!

The power of the Imperial Immortal Artifact broke out at once. The ten-level Emperor old man was like a golden whirlwind, and swam directly toward He Lin. He Lin’s eyes flashed, laughed: “Good, Death God’s Scythe, Give it to me!”

“hu!”black’s blade glow, directly squatting, “bang!” Both collided, blasted open, golden light instantly regressed, the ten-level Emperor old man even stepped back, shocked to see He Lin: ” Divine Artifact ?”

“Divine Artifact?” Daozizi and the others are also shocked. Yun Bufan has Divine Artifact on them. They have long known that they didn’t expect Yun Bufan to come out personally and even have Divine Artifact, this Yun Bufan On the body, how many Divine Artifact!

If you let them know the magic weapon of Yun Bufan, except for the Immortal Artifact, which is Divine Artifact, it is estimated that it will scare a group of people, He Lin coldly smiled: “Just you, dare to shoot me, since I took you a shot You can also pick me up and try!”

He Lin’s black light glimmers, toward the old man coldly smiled: “Fear of the Blades, the Poison Blade, the Cursed Blade, the Attracting Spirit Seizing soul, Give Me Me!”

He Lin’s body bursts of black light, and the four blade glows suddenly merged together in midair to form an incomparable gigantic black blade glow. However, no one noticed that the bear king and crab at the moment Jeddy is staring at He Lin, his eyes filled with shock and incredible expression!

“Golden Tiger Howler!” The ten-level Emperor old man is also loudly roared, long spear fiercely stabbed, a huge golden giant tiger suddenly lit up from behind the old man, the huge whistling sound suddenly sounded, golden long spear directly He Lin’s huge blade glow greeted him!

“clang!” “bang!” “bang!” bursts of frantic bombing sounds, He Lin’s eyes killing intent flash, cold with said: “courting death!”

“bang!” “pu!” The ten-level emperor old man suddenly spurt blood sprinkled out, directly flew out, pale face, eyes full of shocked expression, He Lin coldly smiled: “On you, strength Still too weak!”

Shocked, everyone was shocked to see He Lin, a knife to repel the ten-level intermediate fairy?

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