The 576th chapter completely faces the black bear king

When the discovery of Yun Bufan disappeared, the Black Bear King felt awkward for a while. Then he remembered Yun Bufan’s personality. This kid has always been known for his insidious swindling. After he and the Black Horse King put together a note, they also turned into the Black Forest. Look!

When the black fog filled the whole black forest, the black bear suddenly felt a ecstasy. It was a sign of the formation of the poisonous bead. The poisonous bead was his treasure, and he could not know its characteristics, just in him. When I was thinking about how to absorb the poisonous beads, I suddenly saw that Yun Bufan actually took He Lin directly to the interior of the Black Forest!

The black bear king under the wrath suddenly roared. If Yun Bufan was allowed to go in, he believed that the poisonous bead would definitely fall into the other hand. If he wanted to get it back, it would be impossible. How could his black bear king allow this? A situation has happened!

“en? This black bear king, how can it know me?” Yun Bufan heard the angry roar of the black bear king, and his heart was completely confused. According to the truth, the black bear king could not know himself, after all, Even if your fame is bigger, you can’t pass the poisonous swamp!

“Death!” The huge roar of the Black Bear King sounded again, “hu!” The god who had attacked the black horse king turned directly and turned to Yun Bufan, but for a moment, he surpassed He Lin and chased him. Yun Bufan !

“Young Master, be careful, this is the figure god of the black bear family. Not only is there a strong poison, but it is comparable to the speed of the black wolf. It definitely surpasses the power of the black bear. This is the variant figure god!” He Lin sees the black bear figure more than I myself, couldn’t help but be shocked, then thought of something like, complexion greatly changed, loudly shouted to Yun Bufan!

“Various map god?” Yun Bufan suddenly became shocked. The black bear figure god is already away from himself, but only 100 meters distance. Yun Bufan bites his teeth, and the dragon Dragon Jade Pendant and Dragon God are also present. The dragon Dragon Jade Pendant is suspended. On top of the head, the dragon god’s scorpion is worn on the body, twelve times the defense bonus, twenty-four times attack bonus!

“He Lin, fast, you have to take the 10,000 poison beads, I will drag the picture god!” Yun Bufan’s voice rang in He Lin’s mind, and the black bear figure god had already banged him down. With absolute violent power!

Yun Bufan complexion changed, the nine colorful rays of light flashed, the king of the road, Tu Divine Sword appeared in the hands, Yun Bufan heart muttered: “Sword is a sword, fist is a fist, even if they can convert each other, but can not change In essence, therefore, this blow should still require the use of the Overlord Sword!”

“weng!” The colorful ray of light, the overbearing momentum and strength, Yun Bufan leaped high, facing the fierce figure of the black bear figure, Yun Bufan also fiercely smashed down, King Sword, he realized The only trick of the Overlord’s Way!

“Bang!” The huge sword glow and the black bear figure God’s small fist crashed into the collision, the entire Black Forest was like a shake, the colorful rays of light and the black rays of light suddenly met, and the black light flashed He Lin walked in from the side and flew straight to the Black Forest!

Yun Bufan flashed a smile in his eyes, his heart was also darkly relaxed, looking at the black bear figure in front of him, loudly shouts, the momentum of the body rose again, the black bear figure suddenly looked up, the eyes flashed, a pair of huge fists black Light flashed, and suddenly pushed forward!

“bang!” Yun Bufan was suddenly pushed out, a black light flashed, Yun Bufan pale, groaned, and backed up for dozens of steps, and secretly shocked: “This black bear is a god, a terrible force!”

“No, you have to stop it. You are a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to stop it. He Lin has the opportunity to take the 10,000 poison beads!” With some complications changed, the ray of light flashed, and there was no change in the face of the black bear. !

“hu!” The huge bear’s paw, once again shot down Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan loudly shouts, Tu Divine Sword banged up, “bang!” “bang!” “bang!” bursts of bombing, “pu!” Yun Bufan slammed out a large mouthful of blood and looked awkward!

Twenty-four times attack bonus, even if he is 24 times attack bonus, isn’t it the enemy of this figure? Yun Bufan Some unbelievable look at the black bear figure god, a punch, a simple punch, just shocked himself?

“Black horse, speed stop, bastard, no more hands, that treasure can be gone by outsiders!” Black bear king dances long knife, bursts of black rays of light constantly flashing, shouted to the black horse king shouted!

“Stop?” The black horse king coldly smiled, turned and looked at Yun Bufan, and later laughed: “Black Bear King, is your thing being obtained by others, what is it about me? My main purpose is to keep you from Get it!”

“What?” The black bear king had a slight cold wind. He didn’t expect the black horse king to be like this. He couldn’t help but suddenly anger: “Bastard, black horse king, I value you, so I will endure three points everywhere, but you are more unable to tell good from Bad, in this case, then don’t blame me for being impolite!”

“hong long long!” violent momentum, thick black fog, black horse king suddenly shocked, the black bear king suddenly changed into a look, still five meters tall, still holding a three-meter knife, but do not know why, black horse king There was a sudden threat in my heart!

The black bear king has no choice. For the sake of the poisonous bead, he must make all efforts. Otherwise, once the poisonous bead falls into the hands of Yun Bufan, he can be said to be a sneak snorted, coldly snorted, killing intent in the eyes, three The long knife slammed directly toward the black horse king!

This knife is still magnificent, but the black horse is smelling dangerous. This knife, he actually feels a fatal danger, although it is exactly the same as the previous blade glow, but the black horse king still saw it. Above a knife, the thick black fog is almost twice as much as the previous blade glow!

The black horse king suddenly broke into the heart, and then complexion greatly changed: “This is, poison? Very fierce poison, this black bear king, how could it have such a fierce poison, it is a bear, it is not a natural poisonous beast, this poison, only I am afraid that it is not necessarily a natural poisonous beast?”

“Black Horse King, this is what you are looking for!” The black bear king’s cold and ruthless voice came over. The black horse suddenly bit his teeth and roared. The one-headed horn continued to greet the blade glow, and he himself was swift. Back, a burst of black fog also surrounded its unicorn!

Surviving in the poisonous swamp, which poisonous animal has no poisonous ability, but compared with the black bear king, the black horse king’s poison is obviously not the opponent of the black bear king!

“Chī!” “Chī!” The three-meter blade glow collided with the black horse king’s unicorn, and there was a strange sound. The two black mists were constantly melting in each other. “bang!” But for a while, The black mist melted into one place, and a horrible explosion suddenly sounded!

“pu!” The black horse king spurted a large black blood, “weng!” “weng!” The black horn of the paint suddenly flew over to him, but the black horn was wrapped around the unicorn, even the unicorn Also suffered some erosion, the black horse king suddenly turned pale with fright!

“Terroric poison!” The black bear king’s poison has eroded his one-horned horn and caused him severe damage. The black horse king directly took the one-corner back into his hand, his body black light flashing, and the black fog above the one-horned horn was slow. The slow little by little was cleared, and the black horse’s face was very dignified and slightly pale!

“Black Horse King, if you still want to start, then you can try!” The black bear Wang cold eyes looked straight, coldly smiled, then flew directly in the direction of Yun Bufan, the black horse king looked at the back of the black bear king , whispered faintly sighed, then turned and left!

Red Spider saw this scene, naturally needless to say, but also quickly retired, leaving the scope of the Black Forest, the battle here naturally caused the attention of a poisonous beast around, but the battle of several big 10-level Xiandi poisonous beasts, It’s not that they can participate, so only look at it from afar!

Seeing that the Black Horse King and the Red Spider retreat, the poisonous beasts around are amazed, and they are also frightened by the terrorist strength of the Black Bear King. They are all looking at each other and returning far away. Obviously, they also know that this treasure is not what they can of!

“bang!” “pu!” Yun Bufan once again hardened with the black bear figure, a large mouth of blood sprayed out, then directly slammed and retreated toward the black forest, and at this time, the black bear king has been fast Grabbing, the eyes are cold!

Yun Bufan’s heart is a condensed, black bear king’s terrorist strength, but he is in his eyes, and at this time, within the Black Forest, a silhouette quickly flew out, and suddenly flashed to Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan Turned and looked at the past, it is He Lin!

He Lin also had an excited expression on his face. After seeing Yun Bufan, he was heavily nodded. He was excited and said: “The poisonous beads are the poisonous beads. It has been formed. I have already got it. I did not expect this. Wan poison beads are still unowned, it is very easy to be included in my death!”

“Can you swallow the poison beads and enhance your strength?” Yun Bufan is a dignified face, and the black bear king is close at hand, and the strength is essential!

“No!” He Lin shook the head, said with a bitter smile: “This poisonous poisonous poison is too horrible. If I devour the power, I am afraid that it will be poisoned, only the soul destroyed! ”

“But, the Black Bear King has already chased it!” Yun Bufan slowly exhaled, watching the black bear king flying in the distance, the eyes flashed!

He Lin also looked in the direction of the Black Bear King. Although the black bear figure did not attack again, it stopped the Yun Bufan and He Lin’s way. Yun Bufan and He Lin could not escape!

“hu!” A silhouette flashed directly, and fell in front of Yun Bufan and He Lin, looking at Yun Bufan and He Lin with a cold face, it was the black bear king, because of the competition for the poisonous beads, Yun Bufan and the black bear king, finally It is the face to face!

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